Author Topic: Down with the peace keepers!  (Read 35234 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Down with the peace keepers!
« Reply #60: May 06, 2011, 04:00:25 PM »
Ziode did relatively well when the nature of Kindara was considered. I'm kind of surprised it held together for as long as it did. I regret that the war had to be Arcaea v GA. About any other, and Alpha would be all to happy to go to war. I was hoping the next conflict would be one that would be easier to enter.

That pretty much sums up Kindara's problem ^^;

So many people are still loyal to their old realms, and hold the same grudges as their old realms, and on top of that, they're all different realms, which leads to us doing a whole lot of nothing. Well, Min has her (very strong, over-voiced) opinions on what that means/why that is, but as a player I just don't see how it's actually fun to play that way? We're bored and losing nobles, we get a perfectly legitimate RP reason to go to war, half the people don't want to mess with their old friends, we end up doing nothing, and then go back to saying we're bored again. And we wonder why? ~sigh~ It's hard on the characters who were "born" in Kindara. All we see are bunch of loyalists who should just go home if their only function is to be a roadblock to Kindara's Future Greatness™
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 04:07:27 PM by Hyral »