Author Topic: Fronen: The unluckiest realm ever.  (Read 43127 times)


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Re: Fronen: The unluckiest realm ever.
« Reply #30: August 18, 2012, 04:54:31 PM »
Squall discussed things with Diana in great detail, I had a secondary plan in place but Diana assured me that it was safe for Wudenkin and other regions to join Fronen, and she would handle explaining the situation to the other realms. To hold Squall accountable for Diana not speaking to the other rulers and preparing properly like she said she was is just wrong. If Squall had any inclination that things would go the way they did then the secondary plan would have been put into action instead. Plus these posts obviously have a lot of 20/20 hindsight lol, if I could go back I would have made a different choice, esp knowing how poorly Diana handled the whole thing.

Oh, I don't blame Squall at all. I blame Diana. I was against letting Wudenkin join us at the time though, even if I hadn't yet predicted exactly what was going to happen. The way I saw it, we were transforming a solid ally on our flank into a power vacuum that we would have no choice but to try to fill. We failed, and ended up with an enemy sitting where an ally used to be.