Author Topic: [Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage  (Read 84135 times)

Barek (jerm)

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Re: [Forum Game] Werewolf III: A Perilous Voyage
« Reply #255: September 01, 2012, 07:01:04 PM »
Day 4 / Night 4

Lefanis - Ross(240), Perth (241), Fury(252), D'Espana(261)
Perth - Lefanis(243)

not voted: Velax, Penchant/Ehndras

Deciding that there is nothing to be done aside from continuing to kill themselves off, and hoping to get lucky before simply running out of sailors to kill (or enough to keep the ship sailing), they decide to lynch Lefanis.   They toss a rope over the lower horizontal beam on the main mast.  A noose is made in one end and placed around Lefanis' neck, and then the sailors pull the other end.  Up he goes, kicking his feet and making the most awful of noise as he strangles to death at the end of the rope.

Night falls, and it seems as though the storm might break, though still wind and rains lash the ship.  The sailors have settled in to sleep when there is a bloodcurdling scream!  They leap up and rush to see, and find Velax wiping blood from the blade of his cutlass, standing over the body of Ross!  Velax carefully explains his case, and tells everyone to go back to their bunks.  Which they do.

And they sleep like babies.  No one (else) is murdered this night.

Lefanis the unattached Sleeper is hung from the mast until dead.
Ross the Spiritually Attuned Mutineer is killed by Velax (Hunter).
You should take everything I say with a grain of salt.  But I'm not a werewolf.  Really.