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Grand Duchy of Fissoa thread

Started by Cren, August 25, 2012, 09:49:03 AM

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Quote from: Phellan on June 15, 2013, 03:45:37 AM
As far as I remember this is correct.

I believe the bounty was collected in the battle for Madina City.  As I didn't see any messages about judges executing people.

Somebody stabbed him.


Quote from: Wolfsong on June 16, 2013, 04:39:26 AM
Somebody stabbed him.

Should rewards be handed out for "Nice Try's?" I don't think so.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


If you're proposing bounties only be paid out on death, good luck. I'd support that if Dwilight allowed death for all characters, regardless of class, but that's an idea that has been shot down so many times before that it makes Duck Hunt look hard. It's too hard to kill people now as it is. Serious wounds are alright for the type of game BM is, but I wouldn't support death unless anyone could die.


Quote from: JeVondair on June 16, 2013, 03:41:50 PM
Should rewards be handed out for "Nice Try's?" I don't think so.
Yeah the bounty system would become pointless without counting serious wounds with how the game currently works. Almost always the only people who would ever get them would be judges which would be unlikely since people like that usually are having a large unit either in some city or with a powerful army. So then the bounty system just becomes useless. That and if the there was a decent sized bounty on someone and they got captured, the reasoning behind the bounties would likely result in the gold not be needed for them to decide to execute so the bounty system really becomes useless.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Wolfsong on June 17, 2013, 04:21:01 AM
If you're proposing bounties only be paid out on death, good luck. I'd support that if Dwilight allowed death for all characters, regardless of class, but that's an idea that has been shot down so many times before that it makes Duck Hunt look hard. It's too hard to kill people now as it is. Serious wounds are alright for the type of game BM is, but I wouldn't support death unless anyone could die.
Wow that'd be awesome.


In all seriousness, and at risk of derailing the Fissoa thread further - I always thought it would be awesome. If you want a truly SMA/RP environment, you need to allow death for anyone, regardless of class. It makes all things - war, assassinations, challenging people in coups and rebellions, etc. - more risky.

That said, though, rah rah go Fissoa yay.


It would also sort of resolve the stagnation that ensues with realms filled with extremely old people if they died at 75 or so.


Quote from: Wolfang on June 18, 2013, 02:45:16 PM
It would also sort of resolve the stagnation that ensues with realms filled with extremely old people if they died at 75 or so.

In the middle ages, you'd be very lucky to make it to 60.


Maybe a guaranteed old age of 60, after which every turn there is a rising % of chance you die?


Quote from: egamma on June 18, 2013, 04:41:42 PM
In the middle ages, you'd be very lucky to make it to 60.

Yes and no. The reason the average lifespan of the peasant was so low in the medieval ages was due to infant morality skewing the numbers. (At least in part.) If someone survived to adulthood, chances are they'd easily survive to 60 or so as well.

Edit: Below is stuff to prove the above.

For example, if you survived to the age of 21, it was expected you would likely live to around 64 or so before dying. (As a peasant.)

For nobility:

1200-1300 C.E.: 43 years (to age 64)
1300-1400 C.E.: 34 years (to age 55) (due to the impact of the Black Death)
1400-1500 C.E.: 48 years (to age 69)
1500-1550 C.E.: 50 years (to age 71).

The 43, 34, 48, 50, etc., is how many years you'd typically get after reaching age 21.

(Thanks, wikipedia!)

So most nobles on BM would probably survive to around 68-70 years of age.


The Grand Duchy of Fissoa...

...soon to be four duchies big.

What's a better name for Fissoa, that fits the larger realm better than 'Grand Duchy'?


Quote from: Wolfsong on July 16, 2013, 09:12:06 AM
The Grand Duchy of Fissoa...

...soon to be four duchies big.

What's a better name for Fissoa, that fits the larger realm better than 'Grand Duchy'?

Grand Duchies of Fissoa?

But really, it's not needed. "Grand Duke" is a proper historical rank which is separate and higher than the rank of Duke.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


I'm always partial to renaming it a Kingdom, I mean all those duchies make the Grand Duke a proper ruler over Dukes, rather than just above one Duke or two Duke's.


Kingdom sounds good to me.


Fissoa (nothin else)
Fissoan Imperium
Kingdom of Greater Fissoa
Ducal Union of Madina
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


How about "The somewhat larger then before grand duchy of Fissoa"?  :)