Author Topic: [Forum Game] Werewolf VIII: The Menace Within + Expansion Pack  (Read 29865 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Especial End "To Hell We All Are Going"

How to get it:
And Then There Were None
This is the most Epic and hardest ending possible, i almost got scared because was about to happens. Example: If Penchant and Fury voted for D'espana there would be double incineration, leaving Fury and Zakilevo which has the gun, then he would kill Fury. So close Yet too far!

Song for this Ending: Listen(runs for cover)

Only a scientist remains alive, but he is infected, there is no hope for him anymore, he sits quietly in the conference room, thinking in what to do, no more time for research, he wouldn’t survive another day.

Everyone else is dead, including the Mad Scientist, worried that anyone else is coming to the facility he goes to the Generator Room.

Scientist: dam I can’t let anyone else come here and continue with the research, the only thing to do is blow this place up and leave no trace.

He sits in the main computer, and starts to program the “Self Destruct Sequence” in 5 minutes the place will blow up, he sits and takes the Mad Scientist Diary and starts to read it:

Mad Scientist Diary
These are the records of my research I have been working on for years, my name is Doctor Morbius and I have been trying to years on finding a way to erase human existence from this world.

It all began fifteen years ago when my Daughter Carmella contracted ALD (adrenoleukodystrophy) I tried everything on my reach to cure her, but I couldn’t find a cure and I was fired from the laboratory where I was working, they told me I couldn’t use their resources to find a cure, later my poor little girl died.

I had preserved some of her blood and started to work at home, while working with drug dealers as a chemical for them while using their funds to work at home for ten years, I wanted Revenge!

But the drug dealers started to demand more production which required more time of my research, I had no choice…..i had to kill all of them, my virus was almost set, it was deadly but inconsistent, only work by direct contact, I need a way to make it airborne and find a cure for it as well.

Later I found the opportunity to work for Acme Labs, an old acquaintance told me they were working in a secret investigation, during my years working with the Drug Dealers I learned to change my identity, and my new name was Penchant.
The research will take many years of work and I had to live with them, I got lucky, they told me I could take my things with me, since there wasn’t contact with the outside world I should fell as comfortable as I could.

Fools, I hurried and was the first to take my things in, I brought all my research with me, but I had to construct a secret room from my bedroom, so I could research in secret, while using their resources. I have to be careful, the other scientists are as good as I am, but my goal is far greater.

Years have passed, and as I thought the scientist on this complex are brilliant, if they wish they could surpass me on my research, the time has come to test the product we were working on, we were supposed to find a way to increase human’s life spawn, and we got it, such team can accomplish anything, even ruling the world.

They needed a test subject, I told them I will find it, since the vaccine had to work on human who were still growing, a teen child would be perfect, I went outside and picked up a hooker in the extreed, for $200 she would do anything, but she was adult it wasn’t good for my experiment, that’s when I woke her up, I woke up Carmella.

I was making a clone of my daughter with the sample of her blood I keep, for years I have been growing her, the data of the life spawn experiment help me give her the last push needed so she could walk, the other scientist didn’t knew that she had already the life spawn serum, but as well she had my disease within her. She will be my weapon for human extinction.

Everyone on the facility liked Carmella, the other woman acted as her guarding mother, since underage kids need a representing parent, everyone was happy, since it was a secret research no one bothered on verify, and as before, I am good on identity falsification.

A week have passed, is time to put my plans in motion I need to take over the research facility to mass product my disease, I need to kill everyone else, so is time to put my years of plans in motion.

I need to create panic and sow distrust between the scientist, I gave Carmella an overdose of my disease so she could die fast, I am sorry Carmella, but don’t worry, papa will create you again, I know that the scientist are smart and if they work together they could find a cure to my disease, on this complex is possible, because I have it.

I need to create an explosion to destroy the Research centers and laboratories; I worked all night hoping to have success, during the experiment the explosion took effect, but I didn’t success entirely one of the Research Room and a Lab were intact, Carmella died but the disease didn’t became airborne and killed the rest the life spawn serum is powerful indeed need to get rid of it.

Such a bad luck, at least they think that Carmella was infected by the explosion, she si now on her room and found out about the disease, but they didn’t know it was my disease, I have to lay down for now and plan accordingly, since is now me alone against 7 brilliant scientist.

I can’t sleep is 2 am and i Heard something like hammering sounds, doesn’t matter I have to think on what to do, I need to find an accomplice, need to find for someone Evil enough to join me. Later in the morning there were quarrels after Carmella’s incident, it seems she had sleep with some of the researchers, Lefanis, how he dare to put their hands on my little girl you will be the first, seems too that her mother did it as well, but she is not here anymore.

Carmella died before morning, my poor child, I will avenge you, I swear. While everyone was crying for Carmella I decide to check on D’espana, saw nothing of interest on him, he can’t join me, he must die.

There was a Reunion on the Conference Room, they found out about the explosion was caused by someone, dammit no one was supposed to survive, and they wanted to vote to kill for whoever we thought was the assassin. Also we had to work  on either annualizing the suspect, since the disease leave trace on those who were close to it, or research a cure.

Both options were bad for me, but I had to take them away from researching a cure, I hurry up and vote for the Laboratory maybe everyone else follow me on this. The majority suspected Indirik and Lefanis, good for me Indirik was chosen at last, almost there was a double execution but Slapstick come late to the Conference Room.

Good so I can get rid of Lefanis with my own hands, I have a syringe on my pocket to infect him I need a distraction, I cut the power cord of the computer that Lefanis uses. He goes to storage room to find a replacement.

After he left I tell everyone that I will help him, I follow Lefanis but I notice that the kitchen is besides the storage room, so I decide to put some coffee and put my serum on it so everyone who drinks coffee will be infected.

I go back to the Conference Room, Slapstick was complaining why we didn’t killed Lefanis as well, but he was told he got late, and in that same moment Lefanis comes with a replacement power cord and of course a cup of coffee, Bingo.

The power cord trick worked like a charm, the Research was delayed from 33% to 30% and I got my vengeance on Lefanis, he is now infected.

Another night without sleep, these noises, i am sure they come from the Storage Room what’s going on there? Still Is too dangerous to work alone, the others have started to suspect of me for proposing to use Laboratory, I must act fast.

I went up to the central computer, and reprogramed the fire sprinklers to shower automatically just by the time everyone was on the Research Room with luck it will damage the computers, also I put large quantities of my disease on the Sprinkler water tank.

I have to choose Research to avoid more suspicion, I should act as more good possible, so I will vote on those who I have infected is a double edge sword, now I must find a partner so I will check on another colleague, Fury is the choice.

Excellent, he have that look in the eyes that tell me he have some enjoyment for the dark science, with my influence and knowledge he can be a good accomplice. I talked to Fury about my plans and he agreed, now we have to get rid of the rest.

Is time to vote in the conference room, Lefanis died by the disease, but what a shock, he had Evil intentions as well, such a waste of talent, but he…Carmella..o well. This time I was a prime suspect I hope to get out of this.

Lucky shot, Slapstick carelessness took away the suspicion from me, I voted for him as well, and the fool of Lefanis pointed him in the morning just before dying, Slapstick stole some samples of the life spawn maybe to sell it to another enterprise, hah is funny there were other scientists with dark plans like me, he could retardate the disease effect with it.

The research room was sabotaged, I instructed Fury to no drink the water of the sprinklers, and now we have got Ketchum, sadly the equipment was not damaged and only we got 1 of them, another day have been won.

 DAY 3
I can’t  fix the mistake i di don day 1, i am the main suspect, I have instructed Fury on how to use the disease, if no cure is found he can still destroy humanity, but before that I had to get rid of Sakilevo, he have been on me from the beginning so I decide to put my last tramp on him, I went into the Research Room and made a small hole on his chair, then introduced a dark filled with disease on it, if I am going to die, I will take him with me at least.

These are my last words for whoever read this diary:
I Curse the Humanity, I Curse all who let my dear Carmella die, and I will see you all in the bottom of hell itself!!!!!!

10 seconds for the explosion remains, he throws the diary around, grab a cigar and light it, after taking a big inhalation of smoke he smile and says.

Scientist: you know what…..!@#$ THIS !@#$!
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 03:29:18 AM by Sonya »