Author Topic: Head of Religion Titles in All Signatures  (Read 30917 times)

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Re: title in message.
« Reply #15: May 21, 2011, 06:19:49 PM »
I wonder whether it would be strange for a CEO of a serious Fortune 500 company to sign a legal document with one of his other titles like "President of Cute Anime Babes Admirers International Fanclub" rather than "CEO of Serious Inc."

We're talking nobles here, the same ones who are supposedly uptight enough about proper decorum to kill over breaches in proper behavior, including address. As the message system is, it automatically sorts for when you're talking to a guild, whereby your guild title is used, religion, or political.

In case it's still not clear, let's give a more modern example. I assume we're mostly more lax in our rules about titles, but even with our liberal treatment of them, for the most part, do we call ourselves stuff like "Chairman of Otaku Heaven" to our boss? Coworkers? Friends who aren't part of that club?

Yes, we do recognize stuff like "Doctor", and "Reverend", etc. But for those I'd argue the BM equivalent sticks no matter what channel you message. Ever notice that council positions and region lordships, even "Ambassador of X" sticks to each and every message you send? There's your "Dr."

Regarding religion, has it ever occurred that there are not at all that  religions influential enough in BM to make people care what religious tutle you have? Same with guilds. At least "Priest of Y" appears in the absence of higher priority titles, so be glad of that.