Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 560677 times)

Glaumring the Fox

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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #1020: December 21, 2012, 09:58:03 PM »
Pre-War Asylon was turning into an economic powerhouse, with thriving population and farming. Since the war if you were to visit Asylon you would see massive endemic poverty in the once glorious cities you would see ruins and you would see a nobility not much better off than the people they rule. There is no real education system, there is little safety net. Asylon has become a very dark and hopeless place in many ways. Yet, it is forged in the ideal of almost rabid independence and individualism. Not matter how bad it gets many people will always say 'At least it is not Barca' lol... I'm joking...

When Glaumring deals with Aurvandiil it is like the most uncouth, uncivilized kingdom dealing with a much richer and perhaps more enlightened kingdom. Glaumring is constantly surprised by their wealth and their differences. Its the same for all the kingdoms Asylon deals with , Terran is an old kingdom, its reflected in their architecture and their culture, yet if you travelled northward near the border with Farronite you would still probably see massive poverty and signs of the ravages of war. Farronite is probably much the same, their lands from Mech alb to Demansyk are probably wretched places to live since the wars there. 

Barca was built upon the ashes of two previous civilizations, the Ordenstaat and Silverfall? Its an ancient forested area probably littered with old buildings in the jungles, there is probably signs of poverty and different cultures of villages throughout the area, Barca probably has 2 or 3 native languages, the people are forest inclined and probably are a bit isolationist being so far from the major powers. The Barcans are an invasion outsider race, very few of them were actually born there, so they probably brought pieces of culture from their previous homeland in the eastlands, much like Asylon. Perhaps the peasantry dislike their alien rulers, or adore them? I don't know but Barca has a lot of potential to create a very interesting RP for its kingdom just because it is so messed up and diverse. You should be proud of your backwater mishmash melting pot. I am proud of Asylons diversity and backwardness, its much more fun to RP imperfection.
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