Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 560866 times)


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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #570: November 19, 2012, 01:15:03 AM »
Because both IC-wise and OOC-wise the Dukes of Asylon belive that once we split up in our seperate kingdoms, Astrum or Kabrinskia(well not anymore) will come marching in and start forcing us to worship their stars. At the moment we will remain united.

There are plenty of reasons other than a will to spread theocracies that could push Asylon's neighbors to attack you. I'd say most of them are of your own doing. Glaumring managed to turn friendly neighbourly relations into hostile ones with all of his neighbors in a very short amount of time. Terran and D'Hara used to view Asylon very favorably, especially D'Hara. I hope you can imagine how supporting Florence and constantly sending priests to our realm has permanently ruined your relations with the 'moot.

If other realms have hostile intents with Asylon, it really is not in any way due to a desire to spread astroism.

Also, smaller realms mean more taxes, closer recruitment centres. If you broke up into a federation of realms, you wouldn't really be all that much more vulnerable. That is, as long as you trust each other.

People say Asylon is a big realm but they never take into account we are apart of no federations or organizations. SA is one giant realm, SA will never fight SA. The Moot is one large realm they will never fight eachother. Asylon allies according to situations, we feel no need to have everyone on the map love us.

Asylon chose to say a nice big "FU" to all of their neighbors, but had a nice number of friends before. D'Hara even tried to have the charter of the 'moot modified at one point to integrate Asylon as a semi-member. Nobody forced diplomatic isolation onto Asylon.

And you are wrong. One day, SA will fight SA. And though we do our best to keep the 'moot united, I would never say never. All alliances need nurturing.

And let me add there's quite a difference between limiting one's alliances to prevent diplomatic gridlock and punctual alliances and friendships that are broken as convenient to do so.

Right... but supporting that realm is a really big reason to think Asylon is buddies with Aurvandil. There doesn't need be other reasons. When you are supporting a realm conquering the heart of their enemy and setting up new colonies there, its a pretty good indication that you support that realm. In fact, it doesn't get much more supportive than that.

Indeed. Asylon supports the usurpers. The usurpers are a puppet of Aurvandil. Ipso facto, Asylon supports Aurvandil.
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