Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 560788 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #855: December 14, 2012, 11:53:22 AM »
So you wanted to have them do something so you could say you dealt with it, to your realm. Made that a bit more obvious and we wouldn't be in this situation though it is a fun one.

I did make it obvious, I said in clear terms do something, anything, just show that you're doing something about it and I'll be satisfied the corruption isn't going to be a future issue for Aurvandil. I also hinted strongly that I wanted judicial trials but Barca dismissed that as a waste of time.

It means "Royalist Campagne of the Army". Which, imo, means nothing. It's best to consider it as mock-French. Pretty much all of the "French" they use doesn't mean a thing, and even google translate would probably yield better French.

Yes. It means countryside. However, as countryside, it's a noun, not an adjective. Royalist means the same in English as in French. And as such, it makes no sense here.

Yes well Orvandeaux (The language of Aurvandil) is mock French, as put above it's to give you a taster for roleplay purposes, not to be specifically accurate. I would thank you to not be so critical of our efforts.

If you're interested:

Cour Impériale De La Noblesse De Chevalerie -> More or less grammatical, although it's a weird construction.
Assemblée de Royal Sovereign l'armée du Haut -> Assemblée Royale Souveraine de l'Armée du Haut
Royaliste Campagne de L'armée -> Armée de Campagne Royaliste
Rois Propriétaire Gardes Impériaux -> I assume you mean "King's household"? The it would be Gardes Impériaux de la Chancellerie
Orvandeaux Battaillon Etrangere -> Bataillon Etranger d'Orvandeaux
Caraque de la sang -> Caraque du Sang or Caraque de Sang

Thank you for the clarification, naturally the French would order their grammar differently to the English.

For Rois Proprietaire, I got that of Wikipedia I think (Reputable as ever) and I think it's meant to be "King's Imperial Household Guard".