Author Topic: The Marrocidenian war  (Read 560684 times)


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Re: The Marrocidenian war
« Reply #900: December 16, 2012, 06:47:06 PM »
mmm... I think when you said just, you mean good? It's true Individuals are not by definition unable to be more just and moral than a group... but if you are trying to 'organize' the living of a group, it's only just they decide their own destiny... maybe not every time the better choice, but THEIR choice.

All democracies have problems, (as everything made by humans) but they can be solved by pacific ways. A dictator only can be 'solved' by his death... the fast way usually cost too much blood and the slow way too much sufferings and years.

In a democracy, people can be fooled to elect the 'wrong' guy? Give them education! The more educated the people are, the less able to be fooled, they will.
Someone can abuse of his position? Make efficient 'control' procedures. A good democratic government system is the one who every power is controlled by another.

In the democracies, the government election is not only the 'just way', It's the 'main' system of control. The people have the right and the duty to try to chose the better government possible for their country. If the people don't want (or can't) to do this, the democracy will crumble and an eager 'patriot/saviour' will take control.

But all of this is OOT... or we are discussing Aurvandill government?


But still. Give them education? Who chooses to? And when the trend is to make higher education more and more expensive and inaccessible to the lower and middle classes? When the people who decide what is taught are the ones with the most interests in lowering standards? To claim that problems in democracies can always be solved by pacific means and that problems in dictatorships can only be solved in a leader's death is a false dichotomy. Disregarding the fact that what sets one aside from the other is usually pretty arbitrary, dictators have passed down power without dying and democratically-elected leaders have used their armies against their own citizen.

I do wish for a society where everyone is better educated and officials fully accountable. Sadly, all you need to do is follow the opinion polls, the political news, and follow election campaigns and it's pretty clear that marketing has long replaced political science and philosophy and that most peoples votes will remain the same no matter what.
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