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The Marrocidenian war

Started by Lanyon, October 07, 2012, 10:31:07 PM

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Quote from: Glaumring on December 21, 2012, 09:58:03 PM
Barca was built upon the ashes of two previous civilizations, the Ordenstaat and Silverfall? Its an ancient forested area probably littered with old buildings in the jungles, there is probably signs of poverty and different cultures of villages throughout the area, Barca probably has 2 or 3 native languages, the people are forest inclined and probably are a bit isolationist being so far from the major powers. The Barcans are an invasion outsider race, very few of them were actually born there, so they probably brought pieces of culture from their previous homeland in the eastlands, much like Asylon. Perhaps the peasantry dislike their alien rulers, or adore them? I don't know but Barca has a lot of potential to create a very interesting RP for its kingdom just because it is so messed up and diverse. You should be proud of your backwater mishmash melting pot. I am proud of Asylons diversity and backwardness, its much more fun to RP imperfection.

Quote from: Chénier on December 21, 2012, 10:30:24 PM
I tend to imagine Barca as having barely tamed wild lands, with pockets of agriculture here and there, a large number of very tiny isolated towns, but pestigious public institutions in the urban cores, with most cultural products (and products in general) being imports from Terran and D'Hara.

As for agricultural products, what I'd imagine would be: game (deer, elk), boar, yak, maple syrup, honey (from D'Haran-imported bees), mushrooms, beets, and cabbage.

I've found these descriptions much more useful to have an idea of the Barcan background than some others previously seen here. At least it doesn't seem slanted, which is nice.

I agree with Unwin referring to personal opinions from certain characters who come from a rather chauvinistic and pompous background, with all the luxury and overspend of the court of an absolutist monarchy. It's not weird to hear a pejorative opinion IC from a rich noble when visiting a modest realm. The smelling... well, we all know that Aurvandilian Troop Leaders can't leave their tents before having a bath in Eau de Rochas.  ;)

Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on December 21, 2012, 09:46:59 PM
There is a world of difference between talking on the forum and roleplaying in game.

You have admitted that you don't make any distinction when writing in this forum very often. In fact, I'd say doubtless that you roleplay constantly in this forum, that's something I think everyone could agree with. It's not the same that roleplaying in game indeed, as the range of your words here is probably wider, but it comes to be your character's opinion as well.


Quote from: Lychaon on December 22, 2012, 12:05:54 AM

You have admitted that you don't make any distinction when writing in this forum very often. In fact, I'd say doubtless that you roleplay constantly in this forum, that's something I think everyone could agree with. It's not the same that roleplaying in game indeed, as the range of your words here is probably wider, but it comes to be your character's opinion as well.

I make plenty of distinction between in character and out of character remarks on a forum.

My opinion on here is exactly that, my own, it isn't Mendicant's by a long shot. Half of what I talk about and comment upon Mendicant wouldn't even deign to note much less care about. That's why I go on the forums, it means I can have all the discussions, all the debates and all the petty tit for tat exchanges I can't have in  character without breaching Mendicant's established character and personality.

At best I don't make the distinction between Mendicant's opinion and my own opinion apparent enough, but you cannot say with any certainty that anything I put on this forum is straight from Mendicant unless I specicifically say it is.


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on December 14, 2012, 02:00:09 AM
Just to clarify to you, Mendicant has referred to Barca as a "most servile people" whilst I the player have called them a third world country (As you said I never really make myself clear on the distinction sometimes)  but to answer your point, there was a time when Aurvandil believed Barca was worth saving and defending, and that was before they drew on the benevolence and protection of Haktoo, and it is then that Mendicant declared them a rogue non-state and a most servile people undeserving of the treatment of a genuine, legitimate realm.

It's true I can't state with no doubt that all you say is from Mendicant, but I think you've fed quite a bunch of times that perception. That was something that confused me sometimes, because some of your opinions were expressed in what for me was a rather crude way that I attributed to the character.


Quote from: Lychaon on December 22, 2012, 12:22:33 AM

I am aware of what I said, funnily enough.

And it's what I just said in my previous post, sometimes I don't make the distinction clear whether I am talking through Mendicant's mouth or my own, but that is by no means a reason to assume most of what I say is from Mendicant's mouth. Because in truth, Mendicant doesn't care about Barca, they are wholly below notice. He wouldn't waste his own time calling them uncivilised, or making scything comments about the quality of life they have in Barca. Mendicant's reply to Brackern summarises that, it took Brackern two messages to get a reply out of Mendicant and he basically said "Yeah cool, whatever".

Whereas I take the time to comment and talk about Barca where Mendicant wouldn't even bother to think about them or consider them worthy of conversation.


Barca's context is similar to New France, imo. Dwilight was a newly discovered continent with no native kingdom, populated by colonists from the old worlds. Barca was in one of the last edges of civilization, close to the only native nation and with shaky relations with them. A lot of woods. Small cities at most. Sponsored by more stable states.

It would be reasonnable to assume that the Barcan colonists (the general population at least, if not the nobles) would have adopted some aspects of Zuma culture, be it tools, food, clothing, or folklore. As the French did in America, especially with the «courreurs des bois».

That's also part of what inspired me for agricultural products. With all these untamed woodlands, there must be a lot of game. Hunting must be important. I imagine there being a lot of white-tail deer, possibly elk. And with all these forests, there must also be a lot of mushrooms. And with these winters, why not maple sap to turn into syrup? As for livestock, I'd figure that all of  these untamed woods and Zuma lands must have a lot of predators in them. As such, it's much more likely to have large livestock, like cattle or yak, than smaller animals like sheep. I also imagine a more livestock-focused agriculture than vegetable-growing, as it needs less work to move cattle through the prairies than to plow lands that had never been cultivated. D'Haran honeybees would likely have been imported to be able to produce some sugar, and the bees would likely collect wildflower nectar from the prairies.

Now, I don't recall any actual Barcan RP about what they look like, but given all of the context, that's the general picture I give myself of Barca.
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That's something I've heard before, it's not the first time you expose that attitude of Mendicant. And it's fine, 'cause if there's nothing of worth to say, silence is much better  :P We all say too much sometimes.


Thanks Chénier, copied. You've got to have an interesting cultural mixture in Québec.

And regarding to the native peoples in Dwilight, some time ago I read that according to the "Dwilightean calendar" it's been about twenty years that the first colonists arrived. Truth is even oldest realms wouldn't be but government structures placed on which should be a still strong native culture, and all that maybe mixed with some colonist civil population.


Quote from: Lychaon on December 22, 2012, 12:47:24 AM
Thanks Chénier, copied. You've got to have an interesting cultural mixture in Québec.

And regarding to the native peoples in Dwilight, some time ago I read that according to the "Dwilightean calendar" it's been about twenty years that the first colonists arrived. Truth is even oldest realms wouldn't be but government structures placed on which should be a still strong native culture, and all that maybe mixed with some colonist civil population.

Population was very low in the regions that were conquered. And with all of the starvations and invasions, I'd say that there's probably not much native population left. In some realms, at least, D'Hara especially. I'd tend to think that there isn't a single native left in D'Hara. D'Hara is some kind of colonial nation that seeks to maintain the same level of civilization as in the old world. Which it actually had managed to achieve, prior to the last great starvation. But Barca's a different story, for sure. There are a ton of neighboring regions that were never conquered by anyone, and even the most populous regions never had a really strong population. Probably a lot of metis, though. But for all of this frontier feel, the 'moot is a very proud confederation that puts a lot of importance to "civilization". Their cities would defniately have some luxurious institutions, Barca's partners would not tolerate their dignitaries working in buildings that are anything less.
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Quote from: Chénier on December 22, 2012, 12:37:32 AM
Barca's context is similar to New France, imo. Dwilight was a newly discovered continent with no native kingdom, populated by colonists from the old worlds. Barca was in one of the last edges of civilization, close to the only native nation and with shaky relations with them. A lot of woods. Small cities at most. Sponsored by more stable states.

It would be reasonnable to assume that the Barcan colonists (the general population at least, if not the nobles) would have adopted some aspects of Zuma culture, be it tools, food, clothing, or folklore. As the French did in America, especially with the «courreurs des bois».

That's also part of what inspired me for agricultural products. With all these untamed woodlands, there must be a lot of game. Hunting must be important. I imagine there being a lot of white-tail deer, possibly elk. And with all these forests, there must also be a lot of mushrooms. And with these winters, why not maple sap to turn into syrup? As for livestock, I'd figure that all of  these untamed woods and Zuma lands must have a lot of predators in them. As such, it's much more likely to have large livestock, like cattle or yak, than smaller animals like sheep. I also imagine a more livestock-focused agriculture than vegetable-growing, as it needs less work to move cattle through the prairies than to plow lands that had never been cultivated. D'Haran honeybees would likely have been imported to be able to produce some sugar, and the bees would likely collect wildflower nectar from the prairies.

Now, I don't recall any actual Barcan RP about what they look like, but given all of the context, that's the general picture I give myself of Barca.

Syrup is unlikely.

RP for southern Dwilight has always been subtropical; Madina Gardens, Palm Seas, etc.

Much more likely to be something like India in terms of flora and fauna. Jungles, not woodlands.

But culturewise about the diversity and settlement patterns, yeah, Quebec may be a good comparison. I also see it as Numenor in LOTR. The locals worship the Shadow (Zuma), but the tall men from over the seas have come and built settlements over them, etc, etc.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


When determining the culture of the region, don't forget to account for the gold and food ratings of the regions. It seems highly unlikely that a region full of naked peasants living in mud huts could generate the same gold and food numbers as the supposedly more affluent and cultured areas around. All that gold and food has to come from somewhere.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Vellos on December 22, 2012, 02:16:34 AM
RP for southern Dwilight has always been subtropical; Madina Gardens, Palm Seas, etc.

Much more likely to be something like India in terms of flora and fauna. Jungles, not woodlands.

If Terran/D'Hara are Mediterranean and Madina is Carribean, then that makes Barca something like... well, something like Kentucky, really. I hear there are people who can tell us what's that like.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Vellos on December 22, 2012, 02:16:34 AM
Syrup is unlikely.

RP for southern Dwilight has always been subtropical; Madina Gardens, Palm Seas, etc.

Much more likely to be something like India in terms of flora and fauna. Jungles, not woodlands.

But culturewise about the diversity and settlement patterns, yeah, Quebec may be a good comparison. I also see it as Numenor in LOTR. The locals worship the Shadow (Zuma), but the tall men from over the seas have come and built settlements over them, etc, etc.

Latitude is not the sole factor in determining climate. Take Québec City's latitude, and then check for a city with the same latitude in France, and you'll have a very different climate.

Even the weather map places Barca is a completely different weather zone than D'Hara, Terran, Madina, Luria Vesperi, and Fissoa.

Sure, despite it being a continent, travel times place them actually very close to each other and make such climate differences odd (mind you, that it only takes a week by boat to go from one extremety to the other also makes it odd).

Personally, I imagine Barca as being on some kind of horst, with a coldstream along the western coast, and its rurals being on something akin to the Russian plains. I tend to imagine it being colder than on the inner coast. Might not match with existing RP, though. Then again, I can't imagine Terran's northern woods being the same as Sherwood. In any case, I wouldn't extend any description of climate from Madina, Terran, or D'Hara to Barca just because of latitude.
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Quote from: vonGenf on December 22, 2012, 03:07:21 AM
If Terran/D'Hara are Mediterranean and Madina is Carribean, then that makes Barca something like... well, something like Kentucky, really. I hear there are people who can tell us what's that like.

The only snow that falls in Terran is in the Phantarian forest in the north, and even then it's not deep. We've always RPed Odona as basically a jungle; Thysan too.

Evanburg and the west might be cooler... but still not THAT much cooler. I'm not sure how the Orvandeaux RP their climate. I hope subtropical. :/

Barca's furthest west might get some snow in winter, but I have a hard time imaging maple trees and such in Rettlewood.

Also, Terran's players, when they are RPing seasons, tend to refer to winter as monsoon season. We're really into this whole tropical thing. We dig the palm trees and stuff.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on December 22, 2012, 07:30:13 AM

Also, Terran's players, when they are RPing seasons, tend to refer to winter as monsoon season. We're really into this whole tropical thing. We dig the palm trees and stuff.

Madina always used to do that, fissoa still does it.

I thought aurvendil didn't really rp seasons at all.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Quote from: Vellos on December 22, 2012, 07:30:13 AM
The only snow that falls in Terran is in the Phantarian forest in the north, and even then it's not deep. We've always RPed Odona as basically a jungle; Thysan too.

Evanburg and the west might be cooler... but still not THAT much cooler. I'm not sure how the Orvandeaux RP their climate. I hope subtropical. :/

Barca's furthest west might get some snow in winter, but I have a hard time imaging maple trees and such in Rettlewood.

Also, Terran's players, when they are RPing seasons, tend to refer to winter as monsoon season. We're really into this whole tropical thing. We dig the palm trees and stuff.

There are no maples in India, but there are some in indochina, which is right next to it. In northern Africa as well.

I have a hard time imagining palm trees in Barca, because that's not actually what's on the map. All of the drawn palm trees are on the east continent. Further, it's called "RettleWOOD" and "TwainWOOD". I never hear people refer to jungles as "the woods". There's also the climate zones, Barca clearly being out of the mediteranean climate zone.

It's easy to picture palm trees on Terran's coast, in Old Maroccidens. But I have a hard time imagining Barca having the same climate as Terran. The terrain is quite different. You are stretched along the eastern coast, with a major river going through you and a great lake on one border. Proximity to the badlands and mountains. Heck, even the Volcano seems to be sending its junk your way.
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