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Regional protests over war

Started by NoblesseChevaleresque, October 25, 2012, 05:01:22 PM

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Kind of to be expected when you get the majority of a continent to declare war on you.  Make peace?


This seems a bit extreme, and somewhat counterproductive to the "We want more war in BM" attitude. I would think having a half dozen realms declare war on you is enough punishment for an ignorance of or failure of diplomacy without your regions rebelling from under you.


There has always been a certain amount of the effect that is causing this problem. To the extent that it is nonsensical, we have tried to tweak it to be less so. It will be going through further changes in the near to medium term, and hopefully continue to get less silly.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Well Aurvandil has suffered hideously this turn.

Candiels, which was at core control and 80% loyalty, has tried to revolt against and invoked a massacred, which is so ridiculous it's almost unbelievable. All of our regions are trying to revolt and some already have.

This war protest coding has completely removed any point in Aurvandil trying to fight now, and even if the coding is scaled back, the damage has been done. We can't repair the damage.


In the next few turns all regions will revolt ....
"If you find you are falling into madness - dive."


Quote from: MediumTedium on October 26, 2012, 07:00:30 AM
In the next few turns all regions will revolt ....

Mendicant may as well give the order for his Commonwealth to fall on its sword, rather than accept a scenario where we get overwhelmed by our enemies as all of our regions revolts from under us. There pretty much isn't any point in trying now.


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on October 26, 2012, 06:20:46 AM
This war protest coding has completely removed any point in Aurvandil trying to fight now, and even if the coding is scaled back, the damage has been done. We can't repair the damage.

You could start by heeding the advise given on this forum. Your tax rate is still more than 30% higher than the island average. Most of your regions have been getting messages like "Many people are complaining about the high taxes." for pretty much forever. You ignored them or thought you could handle them. Maybe before the everyone-hates-us you could, but now you can't. I can tell you from looking at the code that the tax message is the equivalent of 2-3 of the war protest messages in morale impact. It adds up, you know?

Don't try to blame the game for something that you brought upon yourself at least in parts. Don't expect the dev team to save you if you continue to contribute to making the situation worse for yourself.

Now I agree that war protests should not add up in a linear fashion, and I've just added code to dampen it a bit, so that the 2nd, 3rd, etc. war they protest on counts progressively less. But it will always count for something, and when pretty much half the world has declared that they want you wiped off this earth, don't expect your peasants to wait until it happens. The feudal oath pretty much went "we work for you, and in return you protect us". Right now, your peasants think you've let them down on your obligation of protection.

Lower your tax rates, considerably. I'm not talking 2 points here. At the VERY least you should drop them until you don't get messages complaining about high tax rates anymore. At best, you lower them until you get messages that the peasants are happy about low taxes. And you should err on that side. If I were you, I would go to 5% tax rate RIGHT NOW and then slowly raise it until the happy message disappears and then go back one step so I get it again and stay there until the worst is over.

Also, you need to work double-time on diplomacy and civil work. Get your courtiers and your priests working on changing the peasants opinion of other realms. You should've done that before, but you need to get started on doing that right now, double-time.

The game has LOTS of options to handle bad situations. Complaining on the forum isn't one of them. You are right in pointing out that these protests accumulate too badly, and that has been changed now. But you need to solve your problem within the game, with the tools given to you by the game, which as far as I can see you have not done so far. In two days of complaining, you've not even reduced the tax rates (I'm going round and round about tax rates because that is the most obvious part - it's not so easy for us to see if you've had your diplomats work on changing the peasants minds, etc.


30% taxes!? God damn, how is that even possible?
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Chénier on October 26, 2012, 10:56:21 AM
30% taxes!? God damn, how is that even possible?

30% higher than the average. Not 30% rate, I presume.


Quote from: Peri on October 26, 2012, 11:08:57 AM
30% higher than the average. Not 30% rate, I presume.

Oh, I read that quickly. Thank god.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


I don't see how you can try to blame high tax rates in Aurvandil with a straight face.

We have run the exact same tax rates across the realm continuously since the new estate system was implemented without fault for the entire time (Save for a few experiments in the north where we tried lowering taxes to ease the damage of war protests, didn't do anything), before the new estate system we ran even higher taxes. So Aurvandil collapses entirely within two days as a result of war protests and you say that our taxes are at fault.

I'm not trying to blame the game for "something I brought on myself" I'm blaming the game for an ill considered piece of coding that has needlessly crippled Aurvandil and would in affect, remove the war component of war and entirely erase a realm within days, not that it even makes sense for mass protests in the first place.

And again, I question in what universe a capital of a realm at core control and 80% loyalty would suddenly rise up and try to rebel when it was perfectly fine a turn before. The very notion of that makes the core statistic meaningless, and the loyalty statistic a joke, as it doesn't reflect control or loyalty or the condition the region is actually in.

Gustav Kuriga

*shrugs* If he's not going to listen, then I feel we should just ignore his whining...


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on October 26, 2012, 06:15:46 PM
*shrugs* If he's not going to listen, then I feel we should just ignore his whining...

Oh I listened. But it isn't good enough to just say for us to lower our taxes, when as I said regions at core revolt and near full loyalty rise up in revolt only to be put down by soldiers, that doesn't make any in game sense whatsoever and it makes the entire situation a joke.


.... actually.. the only bit that doesn't make sense is the severity, not the direction.

your regions will still go tits up without the bug. just not that bad.


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on October 26, 2012, 06:14:08 PM
We have run the exact same tax rates across the realm continuously since the new estate system was implemented without fault for the entire time (Save for a few experiments in the north where we tried lowering taxes to ease the damage of war protests, didn't do anything), before the new estate system we ran even higher taxes. So Aurvandil collapses entirely within two days as a result of war protests and you say that our taxes are at fault.

Not true--after your attacks on Maeotis/Paisland/Paisly, several of your regions revolted, and several others nearly so. We were scouting your regions.

The only way you can maintain the tax rate you have is by having your army sitting at home performing police/diplo/civil work daily--that's a pretty clear indication that something is seriously wrong with your taxes. The war declarations was just enough to push your regions over the edge.

Follow the advice given you, and see if you keep your regions. If you follow our advice and still lose your regions, then you have a right to complain. Otherwise, you aren't going to get much sympathy from us.