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And a new realm lives!

Started by Woelfy, January 09, 2013, 11:04:32 PM

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Quote from: Dante Silverfire on January 12, 2013, 05:00:24 AM
Have you met Brom's ex?

Hahahaha, no, unfortunately my character has never had the pleasure outside of church channels of ever even hearing from Allison. Although she seems to have an obsessive thing about him and his wife. Jonsu and Sevastian make a stunning pair.


Quote from: Woelfy on January 12, 2013, 04:42:27 AM
Precisely! Besides, unless I am much mistaken, the two have not had anything but delightful correspondence. :)

Priests of SA aren't flaky and unreliable like those pesky Pyrists!

Rabisu's reliable enough - he's loyal to the church. He'd throw literally anyone else under the bus though, if it seemed like the right idea.
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


Quote from: Daycryn on January 12, 2013, 05:38:40 AM
Rabisu's reliable enough - he's loyal to the church. He'd throw literally anyone else under the bus though, if it seemed like the right idea.
No loyalty except to the church, interesting...
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Penchant on January 12, 2013, 05:48:43 AM
No loyalty except to the church, interesting...

As it should be, of course.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on January 12, 2013, 03:46:05 AM
Have a Morekian lead a protest against a Lurian leader. In a realm that is supposed to be preferential to Astroist interests.

Yep, that has no consequences.

There, fixed that for you.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


This one is dedicated to Indirik. It's as delicate as a flower. And the aroma pleases a baby's nostrils  :P

QuoteSevastian! Thy mother accepts gold to please men, and I am convinced that you were the product of that union!

The context of that is after I found out Sevastian started forging letters.

And really, come on now, forging letters? Even in Bowie's worst days I'd never forge a letter. That's dishonest. Unforgivable! Say what you will about Bowie being crazy or outright rude but he is a very honest spoken person.
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


The No Sebastian Club... Really?

Seriously? Can't you be a bit more creative / realistic? Is your noble really that juvenile and imbecilic?

Everyone's acting really brashly and not even trying to address a way to salvage the situation. I can't tell if it's because ego's are too bruised or because you don't care to try to make it better.

I hope that letter wasn't forged, Bowie, the stuff you say is ridiculous enough that nobody should be bothered to forge a letter.

Pike's the only person being semi-reasonable with her approach and the flooding's getting a little old (though I'm sure that's pretty commonplace for this type of event in BM). I wouldn't mind seeing things thought out in messages within smaller groups / 1 on 1 before it's brought to the attention of the whole realm. Otherwise what has already happened (i.e. the dilution of the weight of the discourse) will only continue and render the argument into nothing more than arbitrary inflammation (and honestly some parts of it seem like that already).


A forgery? Ha.

God this whole thing is ridiculous.

* Woelfy continues pushing ahead with an Imperial Republic, so that the players of central Toprak don't get crushed by Bowie's incompetence and childish insults.


Man, marching troops against Sevastian would be hilarious, but likely quite counter-productive.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Yes, please give me an external threat to focus on instead of this silly stuff with Bowie.

He doesn't realize he isn't getting the throne, so may as well take the spotlight off him and his mental defects.



There is a clear and simple solution: Embrace D'Hara's manifest destiny and bow down to OUR imperialism. CHEESE GOLD FOR EVERYONE!

Ahem, now that I got that out, am I to understand that Bowie accuses Guile of Forgery, and Guile counters by accusing Bowie of forging a Forgery?  :o
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Quote from: JeVondair on January 12, 2013, 07:36:19 PM
There is a clear and simple solution: Embrace D'Hara's manifest destiny and bow down to OUR imperialism. CHEESE GOLD FOR EVERYONE!

Ahem, now that I got that out, am I to understand that Bowie accuses Guile of Forgery, and Guile counters by accusing Bowie of forging a Forgery?  :o

Lol, D'Haran imperialism. That's funny.

Yes, Bowie claims Guile is forging and Guile has laughed that accusation off. Bowie dug his own grave.


Quote from: Thalryn on January 12, 2013, 06:27:30 PM
The No Sebastian Club... Really?

Seriously? Can't you be a bit more creative / realistic? Is your noble really that juvenile and imbecilic?

Everyone's acting really brashly and not even trying to address a way to salvage the situation. I can't tell if it's because ego's are too bruised or because you don't care to try to make it better.

I hope that letter wasn't forged, Bowie, the stuff you say is ridiculous enough that nobody should be bothered to forge a letter.

Also, I attempted one on one prior to publicizing the conflict. Sevastian was the same way then as he is now.

Pike's the only person being semi-reasonable with her approach and the flooding's getting a little old (though I'm sure that's pretty commonplace for this type of event in BM). I wouldn't mind seeing things thought out in messages within smaller groups / 1 on 1 before it's brought to the attention of the whole realm. Otherwise what has already happened (i.e. the dilution of the weight of the discourse) will only continue and render the argument into nothing more than arbitrary inflammation (and honestly some parts of it seem like that already).

It absolutely is a forgery. Pal, your fearless leader is a liar and a usurper.
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


Bowie, you miss the point. It doesn't matter whether or not it's a forgery. Anyone would be hard-pressed to show you in a worse light than you show yourself.


What do you mean it doesn't matter? Forgery is a crime. A seriously dishonest thing to do. Rotten, that's what.

I exposed Sevastian as a self-interested tyrant. Sure I did it in a mega way but that's how Bowie rolls. Is anybody surprised? You're going to sink with him if you stay on his team.
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there