Author Topic: Titan System Revalation  (Read 47081 times)


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Re: Titan System Revalation
« Reply #15: April 16, 2011, 01:45:07 PM »
I don't like where this discussion is going. Not at all.

The Titans are not a court system. And I will not approve any changes that turn them into one. Court systems work in the real world because of a large number of circumstances that we don't have in this game.

The Titans are not superior to the players. The only one who is superior to anyone in this game is me, simply by the fact that it's my server and ultimately I can do whatever I want with it.

Any changes to the Titan system need to be in the direction of simplicity. These are volunteers doing an unpaid job. They are not willing to jump through any hoops, nor should they have to.

The system suffers from being intransparent. Anyone who thinks that's news hasn't been here for the past years. Almost all complaints against Titans and the system in general are due to judgements coming out of nowhere for the accused, with no prior information or warning, no way to check what the complaint was or how the verdict was reached.
Ignoring point #1, there is a reason why courts are open and public.

A few good points were made that I agree with. Specifically that pseudonymity for the Titans would be a good thing, if only to protect them from bad blood.
I am less certain regarding anonymity for the one making a complaint. But I'm willing to give it a try, keeping it as an option or so.

I'm not willing to entertain this "let's turn it into a proper court" discussion. That is not going to happen, end of story. Forget about "appeals" and such nonsense. Hello, people, do you even realize what you're talking about? This is a game, damnit!