Author Topic: Toughts about Rasicism, Sexism, Homophobia in game?  (Read 7479 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 7
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As with anything, you have to sit down and look at what you're about to do.

Is it edgy? Okay, fine. Is this in good taste? Yes, go ahead. No? Rework it. Would this be offensive on a totally IC level, and not an OOC level? Yes? Good. And the most important question you need to ask yourself: Am I being an ass with this RP/letter/etc? If the answer is yes, scrap it until you can not be an ass about it.

Then you never have to worry.

This is great advice and I agree wholeheartedly. The problem with bias though is that you don't know you have it. It seems normal and right to you. (The you I use is the plural general you) I've always thought of myself as tolerant and non-racist etc, but at times I have reflected on my thoughts and have blushed at my prejudice. Life is messy and we all are imperfect. I'm not excusing bad behaviour, just that we can learn and grow and become better.

And Tom, racism, sexism and other forms of prejudice are alive and well in 2013 in every part of the world I have visited. I see it often in my life and have been the 'victim' on the odd occasion. I am a white female, middle aged and I am shocked by my children's peers behaviour often. I work in a professional environment with a culture that actively promotes equality etc and I still see it there. I do think we have moved forward and it is tolerated much less then in my youth and certainly much less then in my parent's youth.

In regards to BM, I agree with much of what has been said. This is a game and not a place to grind an axe. We can roleplay in game intolerances in a tasteful way, I am sure. For example, sexism in a realm, if roleplayed and developed as a culture would be interesting and even entertaining. An Amazon Warrior group of female characters or an all male realm would be okay with me, even some gender slurs, as long as it's developed and has a background story and is in the spirit of the game and not a player agenda. Of course their would be in game offence taken and a conflict to fix the bad attitude of the offending realm etc. Sounds like a good storyline if done well.

I have met a Noble who is a pig of a man, sexist and has a huge ego. Thinks he is a ladies man and they drop at his feet etc. Again, it is done well and I love the roleplay. It was tasteful and fun to watch.

Let's have some fun!
Ain't no man can avoid being born average, but there ain't no man got to be common.
Satchel Paige