Author Topic: Image BM community gives to players via forums, it is horrible...  (Read 26344 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Well, i think i got a bit misunderstood. I like to chat at irc... but what i dont like my chats oog, is brought here to forums and possible mixed with IG actions or behaviour.

IRC is awesome place to meet people and chat IG nad OOG things... but those should not be sort of public information. I can be total poophead at IRC, i can be kidding with bad taste... but i would have never ever thought that my sayings at IRC could bring me to case of magistrates or titans.... or that my IRC chitty chatty could effect IG something, unless agreed with other people whom i chat...

What i meant, was that if you look recent posts, there is awfull lot reports and crying how people cheat/harass other people.. it has become some sort of competition and metagame to use magistrates and titans... and sometimes just for getting nice little lawyer game going. What i try to say, people should stop to be so damn sensitive and search with spyglass something to report and argue OOC/OOG...

There was times when reports were because of abuses of game system, not that someone is calling other for names, if someone is really harassing others OOCly it most of the times is only making him/herself redicilous.

I thought i take this game too seriously... but whadda heck, people argue over life or honor of the peasant who is only byte and bits on some server and are worried how they get raped... I understand if someone is somehow freak and flips IC about it, but being uppsett OOC...

World has trillion things to offer for you to get uppsett, but same time it gives you trillion things to get excited, ignore those things which makes you uppsett and enjoy those exciting things...
~Violence is always an option!~