Author Topic: The Way Forward  (Read 55041 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Way Forward
« Reply #105: August 29, 2013, 02:18:26 AM »
No, because every constructive discussion always gets hijacked by some pet issue. If you didn't share my opinion on forums before, maybe you do now. ;-)

I am ready to wad the forum up and trash it... It always seems as if a couple of people with way too much time force opinions on others in a forum war... not commenting/ignoring on some to kill discussion or picking apart posts because it gives them a feeling of power and involvement. 

The less time people spend in here the more they can spend in the game.  Get board in game, then figure out wish list/bug fix/invite friends to play...

Damn but the old days were better...even with in game messaging flame wars.

Only reason I can think to keep it open is for communication of newbs for help...  but then again we have the wiki which is a much more pleasant place.

This place is a heap of hubris and tripe.