Author Topic: The Way Forward  (Read 55077 times)


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Re: The Way Forward
« Reply #135: August 31, 2013, 11:58:23 AM »
Well it seems to me you are suggesting one of three things:

No, I am suggesting that it doesn't matter why or what exactly they think. If you move to a new neighbourhood and everyone there thinks you are a freshly released criminal, you're pretty much doomed, no matter if it is totally made up stories, or true, or somewhat true (say, you were once convicted as a juvenile but never went to prison).

You can't explain it to everyone in person, and many people won't be convinced no matter what you say, they'll just think you are lying.

Much the same with the forum. If people think that not being on the forum gives them a disadvantage in-game, how do you intend to convince them that it ain't so?

Answer: It doesn't matter. What they THINK will influence what they do, both IC and OOC. Truth isn't nearly as important as belief. And I say that as someone who personally deeply feels that truth is a purpose unto itself, one of the few points I disagree with Nietzsche.

And if anyone constructs my example above as meaning I think forum goers are criminals, I swear I'm gonna delete this thread of intentional misinterpretations.

Moderator note: edited for language.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2013, 03:00:46 PM by egamma »