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Sanity Check for Peasant Mobs

Started by Indirik, August 28, 2013, 07:04:54 PM

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Ooo, crazy idea but what if we varied it based on region type.

Rurals, mountains and Badlands would be your default with mostly weak infantry, maybe a few MI with range 1 or 2.

Woodland regions have peasants with a range of three and decent damage but crap armor. They are all set to withdraw after minimum casualties. Mess with a bunch of hunters from the back woods and you've got yourself a guerrilla resistance to contend with.

Cities and Townslands have the potential to have powerful infantry mixed in with the peasant hordes representing the body guards of wealthy merchants and lesser nobles. Perhaps this will only happen if you've been stealing tax gold.


Against smaller armies at least, you can really notice the difference and it's working pretty well. The Nothoi raid in Riombara, albeit it also included one failed attack by Riombara, seemed to got really whittled down after a while by the constant peasant militias. They still did some damage, but they had to leave after a while.