Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 75847 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #120: January 01, 2015, 10:56:28 PM »
Hey there! A little ''in between'' Rp that I used to add a bit of flair to unfolding events. Sorry if it is a bit vague without context but you'll have to manage for now. I trust you can.

Difficult thoughts and troublesome letters

It was a colder day today. The wind had the first real signs of winter's breath upon it and its strength had increased. The trees were noticing this as well and turned their leafs a golden brown. The season was shifting almost like the mood of the man whom sat inside his office. Aldrakar leaned with both arms onto the desk, willing it to move but the heavy oak refused. It was massive, solid and could stop a bolt from a crossbow if need be. A waste truly of the fine craftsmanship but then again, its only a thing, not a life.

Before him a small collection of letters was arrayed. He had read them before and again and again. His face contorted as he recalled the words upon their parchment. Some where soothing, apologetic and a return to the way things should be. The other, much shorter letters held mystery and a dark possibility. His fingers slowly slipped from their grip and slid over the letters, fingers grasping the two that vexed him most. Pushing himself up from the desk he threw them through the room and stood there in silent anger. His reply had already been send but the feeling never left him.

Closing his eyes Aldrakar sought refuge in the memory of happiness, Jocelin appeared to his mind's eye, his boys but also some of his sworn Knights whom had recently departed him. Their memory clashed with the tranquility he sought but failed to attain. Letting out air in frustration Aldrakar peered out the window to gauge the time of day, it was getting late, this further frustrated him.  Taking a deep breath he sat down at the desk again and drew close the nearest report he had to review and set his mind to the task. A thing that required a lot more concentration then it usually did and he hoped that by the time dinner was served, he would have regained enough composure for his boy's not to notice.