Author Topic: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life  (Read 72865 times)


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Re: The assorted bits of Aldrakar Renodin's Life
« Reply #30: November 18, 2013, 10:42:12 AM »
Continued Warning! Lucini's perction incoming. Most revealing but not in graphical way mind you. It actually had me silenced for a while, like ''Really?!'' Naturally Aldrakar had to be played the dumb guy. Guys are always dumb. Ask any woman.

Lucini - Writen by the player of Lucini of course, Talratheon Family.

Her bodice and dress was fairly difficult to take off as quickly as armor but her hands moved with experience as he stripped away the bodice and let the dress fall to her feet as she stood there in nothing more than a long flowing white chemise. Her eyes never left the sight of her lover before her, even as he pulled away the armor and set it aside, she raised her left foot back first unlacing the boot and pulling it off before doing the same with the other.

Her bare feet touching the cold floor that sent a slight shiver through her body, and yet she looked him over and took vision of his muscled body, the youthful figure and she smiled at his blush and approached him being forced to look up slightly given her much shorter stature. She bit her lower lip and pulled the chemise over her head and let it fall to the floor standing there, quite petite and her complexion a pale alabaster. The only marks upon her flesh being that of a light pink slash over her fore arm and in her shoulder, long healed.

Lucini smiled looking at his naked frame now and let his hands run up the muscles of her chest, before leaning close and whispering softly. "I am a bit frightened... but I want you more than my fear will disallow." She confessed before moving past him and sitting on the bed, slowly scooting back bit by bit before laying back and smiling to him, "Come my love.. take claim of what is yours." She taunted and flirted to him.

Lucini didn't much care about anything other than her lover that night, not Justice, not the war nor the consistent tow of prisoners under her purview. It was both a pleasurable and painful night as she became the submissive force under his might, she took him in and nearly all aspect during the night, his smell, his body, among others. With her own inexperience in this field of love, she did her best to be an accommodating lover to him.

She wasn't sure how long they had made love nor how late it was before she fell asleep but despite the pain of lost virginity, she slept quite peacefully only for it to be disturbed by knocking on her chamber door. Her eyelids slowly parted giving way to the green eyes that groggily began to look about and gain her bearings. She moved to sit up but was stopped when she felt Aldrakar's  hand on her chest then listened to her lady in wait. She groaned softly feeling the after pain last night, she reached down taking his hand and kissed it softly. "If she knocks again.. please kill her... I jest, I wish you didn't have to leave this morning."

Lucini stated softly moving her own hair from her face as she scooted back against him, despite the soreness.