Author Topic: Increase Family Wealth Limit  (Read 21074 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Increase Family Wealth Limit
« Reply #45: October 08, 2013, 07:14:50 PM »
What you quoted were the examples he gave that were not obvious absurd hyperbole. That was not sufficient for me to tell whether you were being specific or general, and there have been a number of vocal players in the past who, though they would not actually say so directly, clearly wished that BattleMaster was essentially a fully freeform roleplaying game.

And yes, sometimes the restrictions are counterproductive. However, I do not believe that any of the three quoted restrictions are among that category.

It used to be possible to loot your own regions. You know who used the ability most often (in my experience)? Griefers, who would create a new character, or even a new account, troll the realm a little with innocent-sounding messages like "Oh, what should I do? What does this do?" and loot various regions before deleting.

It is, in fact, now possible to send money to enemies through a number of different methods, and I don't think that it needs to be made any easier than it is now.

And do you know what would happen if it were possible to build a palace any time you wanted? I do, because not long ago someone found a loophole in the palace code that allowed just that. And build several dozen palaces. Why? I don't know. Maybe he thought each one would give him a separate fame point. But it's neither realistic nor sensible game mechanics to allow someone to build several dozen palaces in a short span of time.

All fair points IMO. I didn't mean to take us off-topic. My primary argument in this thread is that the family wealth limit is an unnecessary restriction, and my secondary argument is that players' ability to make their own decisions should be preserved as much as possible.