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Rebalance Feedback

Started by Anaris, December 25, 2013, 10:43:01 PM

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Eduardo Almighty

Your realm was "doomed" by the rebalance? Seek new borders. You can just consider that Mother Nature is a bitch... she is. Dwilight is specially good for this kind of endeavor.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!


Quote from: ^ban^ on January 04, 2014, 01:23:42 AM
Autumn started two days ago on FEI, and multiple weather areas are experiencing poor weather right now. (As an aside, the worst time to have poor weather is Autumn)

The 25% surplus is targeted across all seasons and ignores weather.

It would have been nice of them to account for the effects of seasonality, and not just a global average based on production alone... By my calculations, shared on these threads back when it was in the making, weather resulted in considerably greater rot (9% more, I think, but that's off the top of my head), as food, on average, stayed in warehouses longer become being consumed. And that was theoretical minimal rot, assuming all of the food had enough warehouses for it: something which is particularly untrue when seasons are factored in because it becomes somewhat onerous to build enough warehouses for the peak season. A greater "surplus" would have been nice to compensate for this. And this doesn't even cover the increased expenses of realms on thoses continents when they do try to build up enough warehouses...

As for the FEI stats shared here... you must also account that these are relative numbers: food production minus consumption divided by production. Thus, even if almost all realms are below the 25% mark, it's more than possible that those few above the 25% mark, just due to their size, balance out the average. That being said, I am not aware of which of these realms is large or not. Also, as others have mentioned, there are other factors, such as weather, to account for.
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Additional note: it would sure be nice to have statistics on the raw food surpluses of the realms (production-consumption), instead of just the ratio. With the population statistics, it's all public info anyways, just tedious to crunch in for the players. I've always been of the opinion that if something is available to players, then it should be easily so, so that one must not waste large amounts of his life's time to remain competitive, this being a "light-weight" game after all.
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Quote from: Chénier on January 07, 2014, 01:14:44 AM
As for the FEI stats shared here... you must also account that these are relative numbers: food production minus consumption divided by production. Thus, even if almost all realms are below the 25% mark, it's more than possible that those few above the 25% mark, just due to their size, balance out the average. That being said, I am not aware of which of these realms is large or not. Also, as others have mentioned, there are other factors, such as weather, to account for.

Quote from: Velax on January 04, 2014, 05:43:44 AM
Before this, only three realms had a 25% or higher surplus in the last three months  - all small realms, making up just 20% of the continent combined. Every other realm had well under 25% surplus, according to the stats. If 80% of the island had well under 25%, chances are the whole island had an average of under 25%.


On Dwilight, I can't notice any significant changes... neither in gold nor food, when looking at the stats. The changes came in on dec 25th?
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Quote from: Chénier on January 07, 2014, 05:58:51 PM
On Dwilight, I can't notice any significant changes... neither in gold nor food, when looking at the stats. The changes came in on dec 25th?

Almost 20.000 people in my city were killed in a VERY short time and we are still struggling to feed our realm. And since we never had great problems with starvation I was a bit suprised at the changes.


Quote from: Ohzen on January 07, 2014, 09:27:16 PM
Almost 20.000 people in my city were killed in a VERY short time and we are still struggling to feed our realm. And since we never had great problems with starvation I was a bit suprised at the changes.

Your city didn't lose those people due to the rebalance but due to starvation. And as you could have noticed, it's happened all around the continent. For example, Luria Nova held on to Port Nebel with it going from 30k pop to 1.5k pop. And in the meantime, Giask started starving and revolted. Look at Gelene, look at Libidizzed, look at Chrisantalys. Starved. Rogue. So maybe don't complain so much but welcome the rebalance that brought more food to Dwilight?


In regards to Astrum cities, they were already in a bad place in terms of food production. Consider even pre-war they were dependant on food imports to get by. So them revolting was not too surprising, although I assume the changes may have hastened their fall.


Prewar, Astrum was able to feed ourselves. The rebalance didn't really have a chance to affect anything for us. We were way to bad off by the time it happened for it change our situation.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Ohzen on January 07, 2014, 09:27:16 PM
Almost 20.000 people in my city were killed in a VERY short time and we are still struggling to feed our realm.

To clarify:

Did your city lose 20,000 currently living peasants or 20,000 maximum population?

The former is starvation. The latter is the rebalance. And in nearly all cases, when cities had their populations reduced, it was to help make sure they would not lose more gold due to crime and density effects.

Furthermore, if your city lost maximum population, you should be having an easier time than before feeding it.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Ohzen on January 07, 2014, 09:27:16 PM
Almost 20.000 people in my city were killed in a VERY short time and we are still struggling to feed our realm. And since we never had great problems with starvation I was a bit suprised at the changes.

By my calculations, had dwilight ever had full population in all regions, it would have been running a yearly deficit of food. The rebalance therefore should have considerably incrased total food supply potential.

That being said, there are a lot of rogue regions to hide any effects of the rebalance...
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Seraphen Family

All I am going to say is that Yule became a junk region after this re-balance.  Yule was barely feeding it self before, now it cant really do it on a daily basis.

With a lord and a knight.. each only gets about 37 - 40 gold a tax.. yet the near by city knights make something like 200 - 250 gold each.  Well... good for them. As soon as I run out of money I'm going to make my courtiers go unit less. -.-
The Seraphen Family is a tarnished remnant of the Leafwalker Family, seeking it's own shine.


Quote from: Seraphen Family on January 08, 2014, 07:40:00 PM
All I am going to say is that Yule became a junk region after this re-balance.  Yule was barely feeding it self before, now it cant really do it on a daily basis.

With a lord and a knight.. each only gets about 37 - 40 gold a tax.. yet the near by city knights make something like 200 - 250 gold each.  Well... good for them. As soon as I run out of money I'm going to make my courtiers go unit less. -.-

Sounds like it's always been. (Maybe a bit worse, but it never was a very useful region.)


Quote from: Seraphen Family on January 08, 2014, 07:40:00 PM
All I am going to say is that Yule became a junk region after this re-balance.  Yule was barely feeding it self before, now it cant really do it on a daily basis.

With a lord and a knight.. each only gets about 37 - 40 gold a tax.. yet the near by city knights make something like 200 - 250 gold each.  Well... good for them. As soon as I run out of money I'm going to make my courtiers go unit less. -.-

Quote from: Eirikr on January 09, 2014, 04:44:16 AM
Sounds like it's always been. (Maybe a bit worse, but it never was a very useful region.)

Badlands are intentionally very poor regions right now. We are planning to add a different type of utility to those regions (and others) beyond food/gold stats that will make them more attractive.
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
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Seraphen Family

Quote from: ^ban^ on January 12, 2014, 09:18:38 PM
Badlands are intentionally very poor regions right now. We are planning to add a different type of utility to those regions (and others) beyond food/gold stats that will make them more attractive.

That is all well and good, I understand the need to change things... I still have to say that currently it is just is not feasible  to have anyone be a knight or lord of Yule, (unless luckily like me they are not part of the realms main army. Such as a priest or a courtier who will not mind not having a unit at all)

The lord will literally take months to improve anything if they never spend a single piece of gold. The knights might as well move to the city if they expect to field a unit of any kind.

The future utility of a region is only useful in the future. If the rebalanced economy was not complete why launch it? Change for the sake of change is not always good change.

(As per the earlier comment that Yule was useless.. I had the region up to 70 ish for a  knight and 100 ish for the lord. Not the best, but good enough to have a small police unit and enough gold to keep the region funded and fed.)

I'm not really complaining, I look forward to whatever changes are to come. (However if I wasn't the lord of my self, I would have to recommend to my knight to leave for the city.)
The Seraphen Family is a tarnished remnant of the Leafwalker Family, seeking it's own shine.