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Wetham recruiting nobles

Started by SaDiablo, April 13, 2014, 03:55:03 PM

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Wetham of the colonies (no one turn bashing please)

Is looking for good looking, ugly looking, rich, poor, crazy, insane, normal nobles to come join its realm.  We are currently at war with Porkun  (Portion and Lukon) in a territorial dispute over the Region of Asker.

As King there is council positions open (General) along with eventual region positions and Marshal and Vice Marshal positions.   One turn is not as bad as you think as your strategies face a greater challenge from it.   

We are a small realm that will always be looking to fight to keep things fun.

Hope to see you join!


Some say one turn a day is boring but in reality you have to plan your strategies and attacks out in more detail to be successful.

I find it to be more challenging every time I log in.

Recruiting a General and a Marshal to help lead the armies of Wetham to continuous victory.

So come join Wetham!  Where we are currently at war with Lukon and Portion!