Author Topic: Political power score  (Read 14971 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Political power score
« Reply #30: May 04, 2014, 07:04:13 PM »
BM is a lot simpler than the real world, e.g. there are no parliaments in BM, so it's easier to reduce political power to a single number value. Still you make a valid point. The type of government could be factored into the equation. I'd be interested if anybody has any thoughts about what impact government type has on political power. I've only played in a few realms, all monarchies, so I'm not totally familiar with the nuances of different types of government.

Realms vary widely as to their types of governance, and the label "monarchy" or "republic" means very little nowadays. The best (or worst, depending on the point of view)-case example if probably D'Hara. I don't think I have it in me to summarize D'Hara in a forum post right now, but in case you're interested you know where to look.

Suffice to say that your assertion that "there are no parliaments in BM" is demonstrably false.
After all it's a roleplaying game.