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Future of Atamara

Started by jaune, April 28, 2014, 07:35:40 AM

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So, how people see future of Atamara?
It looks like small realms are fading/dying away.

There is 162 non rogue regions atm. Average size of realm is ~15 regions.
There is 2 realms about 30 regions.
There is 2 realms about 20 regions
and 5 realms 8-14 regions.
2 realms 1-2 regions.

There is federation which has:
71 regions combined.
Realms allied with Cagilan Empire including Cagilan Empire itself holds:
142 regions.

Outside this coalition there is 20 regions which belong to realms which are not allied with CE.

Conclusion, CE has won Atamara. But what we can do now?
~Violence is always an option!~


I'm sure the dozens of Falasani, Carelian, Hammard, Ithilian, Estonite, and Makarian nobles who fled to Darka over the years will think of some way to keep fighting CE.

I see that one plan has already been set into motion. ;)
qui audet vincit


So that Glacier did so much for war in Atamara...


Quote from: stuartalexmc on April 28, 2014, 01:26:29 PM
So that Glacier did so much for war in Atamara...

The primary purpose of the glacier was never to directly increase or stimulate war.

Whatever changes in the political and military situations on the continents affected by the glaciers and the monsters came about because of the players' decisions. That is the way BattleMaster works.

In this case, from everything I have heard, the realms affected by the glacier on Atamara were too afraid to actually try to do anything about it, so rather than go down fighting, even if it meant their death at the hands of another realm, they just let the ice swallow them up.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on April 28, 2014, 02:22:32 PM
The primary purpose of the glacier was never to directly increase or stimulate war.

Whatever changes in the political and military situations on the continents affected by the glaciers and the monsters came about because of the players' decisions. That is the way BattleMaster works.

In this case, from everything I have heard, the realms affected by the glacier on Atamara were too afraid to actually try to do anything about it, so rather than go down fighting, even if it meant their death at the hands of another realm, they just let the ice swallow them up.

Yes, especially in the case of Kindara, where practically the entire realm was covered by the glacier. That was an awesome decision that Kindara made - to freeze the entire south of their realm. Damn these player decisions! Damn them!

Its was especially foolish on their part to do this, because the distance south from other realms was the only thing that made the war viable. Such silly players.


Quote from: Bael on April 28, 2014, 03:49:24 PM
Yes, especially in the case of Kindara, where practically the entire realm was covered by the glacier. That was an awesome decision that Kindara made - to freeze the entire south of their realm. Damn these player decisions! Damn them!

Its was especially foolish on their part to do this, because the distance south from other realms was the only thing that made the war viable. Such silly players., actually; I think Kindara's reaction was one of the strongest and most positive I saw. And did you not notice the part where I explicitly said "the realms affected by the glacier on Atamara"?

Kindara and Eponllyn both reacted quite sensibly, in their different ways. Kindara was unlucky enough that the enemy it hoped to take new lands from was able to hold it off for long enough (and now, from what little I hear, they're planning to fight to the death rather than accept living in a reduced realm with a chance to come back later; though it's not the choice I would make, it's their choice), and Eponllyn is small, but still fighting hard to survive in their new home.

There seem to be mixed results with the displaced Dwilight realms, too. Niselur more or less joined Luria, while Barca has now managed to get some new regions carved out of Luria, after some near-disastrous early results of that strategy. I don't know offhand how (or what) Asylon's doing at the moment. Astrum and D'Hara, from what I can see, are just accepting the loss of their western regions, though I would be shocked if D'Hara didn't try to take at least a little more on the eastern mainland from Luria :)

From, again, what little I hear about Atamara, however, Darka has utterly refused to try to take any new lands, and the realms losing land in the east of AT have either tried and failed, or just sort of run around like chickens with their heads cut off until it was too late to try anything. However, I'd be most pleased to be proven wrong in this.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Darka tried to expand to previous Lyoness lands. Darka tried to co-operate with other realms effected ice. Both were failures.

CE destroyed our army and looted 3 regions to rogue and other realms never replied to our Queens messages as far as i know.

But that is now past, and i'm worried about the future. As i said. 142 regions of 162 regions are allied with each other. That doesnt look too bright and good future as game wise. In real world that would be great :)

~Violence is always an option!~


There are alliance chains on AT, but they are not solid. There are cracks. Some are wider than others.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Maybe the possiblity of CE having a civil war should it grow too big is not impossible? Remember that this game cannot be won. Even when a single nation rules an entire continent, the game isn't won. That'd simply mean that everything was reset, and in a sort of way would mean that Atamara would simply be renamed to that nation in a way, and new factions/realms would be born inside of it and fight for power. That even happens without controlling an entire continent.

I don't see any reasons to be pessimistic about this at all in fact.


Atamara has been a bit similar situations before. But back then we constantly got new players and those who quit through frustrating were not such a big deal. But lets hope you are right and something comes up soon.

And looks like glacier keeps coming to south, so maybby it will start to effect those biggies at center too...

~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: Anaris on April 28, 2014, 03:56:34 PM, actually; I think Kindara's reaction was one of the strongest and most positive I saw. And did you not notice the part where I explicitly said "the realms affected by the glacier on Atamara"?

hehe, I was more focused on the preceding paragraph, which opened with a blanket statement :P

I still wonder what would have happened if Kindara put their capital in Zonasa instead of the middle of Cathay.


Quote from: Bael on April 29, 2014, 12:28:44 AM
I still wonder what would have happened if Kindara put their capital in Zonasa instead of the middle of Cathay.

Well, it might have caused some extra trouble for Zonasa, but it would also have opened Kindara to having their capital assaulted—and probably sacked—very quickly by Arcaea.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: jaune on April 28, 2014, 04:33:58 PM
Darka tried to expand to previous Lyoness lands. Darka tried to co-operate with other realms effected ice. Both were failures.

The Hawthorne duchy flies the Darkan flag now. Darka has every single Lyonesse region that is not covered by ice. How is that a failure?

Quote from: jaune on April 28, 2014, 04:33:58 PM
CE destroyed our army and looted 3 regions to rogue and other realms never replied to our Queens messages as far as i know.

Two regions, which Darka promptly retook when CE withdrew to refit. And if you think your Queen is being ignored, then either someone is lying to you, or my PM is creating an elaborate fake conversation with your Queen for some bizarre reason.

We're lathering on the victimization rather thick here, aren't we?

My assessment:
Darka: Annexed Lyonesse. Made out as well as it could have under the situation.
Lyonesse: Was previously reduced to a single duchy realm. Managed to piss off both Darka and CE somehow. Probably would have been annexed by Rieleston, if the ice didn't get to them first.
Rieleston: Lost the duchy of Icegate. Annexed Eston and gained the duchy of Barad Lacirith. That's a net gain. I give them an A+.
Minas Leon: Lost their northern holdings, but they are in no danger of being destroyed, so they can afford to make long term plans, instead of making short term gambles. They are certainly not being idle.
qui audet vincit

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: GoldPanda on April 29, 2014, 06:27:27 AM
And if you think your Queen is being ignored, then either someone is lying to you, or my PM is creating an elaborate fake conversation with your Queen for some bizarre reason.

What an ironic way to learn that your Old guard really IS silent & excessively close to the chest about plans, eh jaune?  ::)

That beats the Duchess of Azzal dragging half the realm into Talerium without bothering to mention it to anyone first


Quote from: GoldPanda on April 29, 2014, 06:27:27 AM
Two regions, which Darka promptly retook when CE withdrew to refit. And if you think your Queen is being ignored, then either someone is lying to you, or my PM is creating an elaborate fake conversation with your Queen for some bizarre reason.

I was referring Rielston & Minas Leon.

I also want to point out... This is about the discussion of FUTURE of Atamara. There is half dozen threads where the glacier and other parts of this project has been discussed.
~Violence is always an option!~