Author Topic: Sandalak! The Theocracy of, er, we haven't decided yet  (Read 30400 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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No one quit because Sandalak was about to become the Theocracy of Sartan. Two people quit because as players they didn't like any element of Sartanism existing in Sandalak, including Sartanian characters and, rather than resolve this through in game methods, they instead decided to stop playing if other players didn't just suddenly rewrite the identities of their own characters for their personal convenience.

Lapallanch, ICly you can do anything you want but all I can say is that so far the players of Sartanian characters have been pretty happy to play along with others while it's the players of other characters who have been refusing to play nicely and throwing their toys out of the pram like spoiled children.

Including, I might add, one who quit in a flurry of swearing and ableist insults which I for one found f***ing offensive considering I'm disabled myself.