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Luria Nova vs the rest (bis)

Started by Shizzle, November 26, 2014, 12:00:11 PM

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The only issue is that having an invasion to the north would be the same as having the invasion from the western island to the eastern island, the distance and lack of ability to refit would cause the whole thing to crash and burn, especially since there is no quick way north aside from sea lanes which would grow expensive and increase the potential of a disorganized invading force. Unless of course Swordfell opened up their borders to allow people in the south to skip around the giant desert and mountain ranges, but then you still will arrive with high equipment damage only to run into giant stacks of militia.


Quote from: Ossan on November 26, 2014, 06:32:09 PM
Quote from: Indirik on November 26, 2014, 06:27:14 PM
Hold a realm-wide joke contest, and reward the winner with a new duchy. (Or promise to, then renege at the last minute saying the whole thing was a meta-joke!)
Would that break SMA?

Honestly, I think it would.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on November 26, 2014, 10:39:09 PM
Would that break SMA?

Honestly, I think it would.

How? The whims of certain nobles and Kings are well known. There are reasons that some rulers earn the moniker of The Mad.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on November 26, 2014, 11:23:45 PM
How? The whims of certain nobles and Kings are well known. There are reasons that some rulers earn the moniker of The Mad.

If you're RPed as mad, sure.

Just doing on a whim and then claim it's a meta-joke does not work. I'm pretty sure the whole meta- thing is thoroughly modern.

But, hey, I guess someone could do it right and prove me wrong!
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Honestly tired of the Lurians claiming all is fine just because everything after the invasion benefited them. or that the people compaining have no basis in fact (I've been keeping track of how many people still play Dwilight, It went from being one of the most popular continents to possibly the least), despite my thread having proof that the population density issue wasn't solved by the monster invasion.


Just because Luria isnĀ“t giving you toys, they are the bad guys? What do they need to do, lose battles to make it more fun for you? The only reason Luria is the realm it's today is because of the effort of the nobles in it and perhaps the lack of effort of the other realms. Do you want an end to this war? A grand restructure of Dwilight? Talk IC and plan there. Only your imagination is limiting you.


I'm honestly tired of the fact that some people can't get over the reality that what happened, happened. And that constantly whining about it, or pointing out that they knew better all along, isn't adding anything positive or constructive to the discussion.

A problem was identified.
A plan was made.
Action was taken.
Maybe some other plan would have been better. Maybe not.

But what i do know, is that so long as your sole contribution to the discussion consists of "you screwed up, i was right all along", then two things are going to happen:

1: you will continue to be part if the problem, and not the solution
2: people will continue to ignore you

What happened cannot be undone, even if it was decided that what happened was not the right course if action. What remains to be seen is if some additional action can be taken that will have a positive affect.

So, please try to focus on what we can do going forward.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on November 27, 2014, 01:15:13 AM
I'm honestly tired of the fact that some people can't get over the reality that what happened, happened. And that constantly whining about it, or pointing out that they knew better all along, isn't adding anything positive or constructive to the discussion.

A problem was identified.
A plan was made.
Action was taken.
Maybe some other plan would have been better. Maybe not.

But what i do know, is that so long as your sole contribution to the discussion consists of "you screwed up, i was right all along", then two things are going to happen:

1: you will continue to be part if the problem, and not the solution
2: people will continue to ignore you

What happened cannot be undone, even if it was decided that what happened was not the right course if action. What remains to be seen is if some additional action can be taken that will have a positive affect.

So, please try to focus on what we can do going forward.

Fully agree. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, except that it does not necessarily allow you to fix past mistakes, just inform future actions. There were perhaps better solutions, but such things are frankly Theory craft, since the only way to prove a better outcome would entail altering the past. What we should be focusing on is not the failures of the invasions, but what can be done to correct existing problems that still persist as well as problems introduced by the changes.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on November 27, 2014, 01:49:46 AM
Fully agree. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, except that it does not necessarily allow you to fix past mistakes, just inform future actions. There were perhaps better solutions, but such things are frankly Theory craft, since the only way to prove a better outcome would entail altering the past. What we should be focusing on is not the failures of the invasions, but what can be done to correct existing problems that still persist as well as problems introduced by the changes.

The problem is that it wasn't hindsight. We had the information available at the time, and several of us WARNED the devs that doing this on Dwilight was HORRIBLE idea. They didn't listen to us, and !@#$ hit the !@#$ing fan. We tried informing future actions, but people refused to !@#$ing listen. So don't give me this tired, thought-terminating bull!@#$.


Jesus Christ, man. Do you realize that you basically are constantly repeating the same thing in every thread?
We've got your point, what are you trying to achieve by rubbing it in? (I'm genuinely curious to hear the answer, btw)


Quote from: Constantine on November 27, 2014, 02:29:39 AM
Jesus Christ, man. Do you realize that you basically are constantly repeating the same thing in every thread?
We've got your point, what are you trying to achieve by rubbing it in? (I'm genuinely curious to hear the answer, btw)

No, just replying to the people claiming it's conjecture rather than based on fact.


Well people were disagreeing with all the plans. It was between Closing down an entire island - could have been Dwilight since Tom hates it, or closing a part of every island. The latter was chosen as less people were arguing against it.

The execution could have been better though.

Anyway, like many said, there are way more productive ways to discuss this. What problems are still there and what are the new problems that came with the changes?


Quote from: GundamMerc on November 27, 2014, 03:47:24 AM
No, just replying to the people claiming it's conjecture rather than based on fact.

It was conjecture, informed conjecture sure, but none of us are prophet. There were good arguments supporting both and as was  inevitable one analysis proved correct. 

Statements about conjecture however refer more to alternatives. We know the results of what we did, we can guess at the results of alternatives. There were alternatives that perhaps would have left Dwilight better off, at costs to other continents, just as the system that was implemented was going to in the end affect some realms more then others. No plan was going to satisfy everyone, because lets face it the end goal was not exactly someone anyone WANTED to happen.

But again, so what. No one has a magic wand. Even if the changes where repelled and someone edited the DB to return the lost realms you aren't getting those players back. What we can do is improve the current situation to a)Keep the players that have stuck around and b)attract new/old players to the game
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: GundamMerc on November 27, 2014, 02:15:06 AM
The problem is that it wasn't hindsight. We had the information available at the time, and several of us WARNED the devs that doing this on Dwilight was HORRIBLE idea.
No one *knew* what would happen. It's quite possible that had we shut down the east, that we'd be in the same situation as we ended up in. It's possible that everyone who played in the east would quit/leave. And then the west could have easily flopped. Or could have failed to defend themselves against an eastern invasion, which would alter whatever atmosphere you thought you had there, and everyone could have quit anyway. Or the geography could have been wrong to sustain active warfare.

So no,you didn't *know* what would have happened. You had a theory about what might happen, just like everyone else. You may have been right.

But that's all irrelevant. That's the past.

What matters is how we/you handle it going forward. And, honestly, almost all you've done is bitch about how horrible a decision it was, and crow about how you were right. 7 of the last 10 posts you've made on the Dwilight board have been nothing more than "I was right", "your idea was horrible", "You're methods sucked", "I made this thread to prove that you suck", "sink Dwilight". I stopped at 10, because the rest was more of the same. I really don't understand how you think your recent posts to this thread have been anything other than outright trolling.

Just stop. Stop bitching about what decisions were made. Stop bitching about how how no one listened to you. Stop bitching about how your personal situation was made so much worse.

Start providing positive, helpful solutions moving forward. Start making suggestions on where to go from here. Start giving ideas.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on November 27, 2014, 05:04:08 AM
No one *knew* what would happen. It's quite possible that had we shut down the east, that we'd be in the same situation as we ended up in. It's possible that everyone who played in the east would quit/leave. And then the west could have easily flopped. Or could have failed to defend themselves against an eastern invasion, which would alter whatever atmosphere you thought you had there, and everyone could have quit anyway. Or the geography could have been wrong to sustain active warfare.

So no,you didn't *know* what would have happened. You had a theory about what might happen, just like everyone else. You may have been right.

But that's all irrelevant. That's the past.

What matters is how we/you handle it going forward. And, honestly, almost all you've done is bitch about how horrible a decision it was, and crow about how you were right. 7 of the last 10 posts you've made on the Dwilight board have been nothing more than "I was right", "your idea was horrible", "You're methods sucked", "I made this thread to prove that you suck", "sink Dwilight". I stopped at 10, because the rest was more of the same. I really don't understand how you think your recent posts to this thread have been anything other than outright trolling.

Just stop. Stop bitching about what decisions were made. Stop bitching about how how no one listened to you. Stop bitching about how your personal situation was made so much worse.

Start providing positive, helpful solutions moving forward. Start making suggestions on where to go from here. Start giving ideas.

Just give me a few minutes, I was already writing just such a post in the population density thread. Jeesh. Also, I don't believe I said that we should sink Dwilight in any context other than supporting your own contention that we should start over if we were going to go through the effort of merging the islands. So specifically in that scenario. I also never said I made the thread to prove that you suck, or insinuated such. I made the thread in question to show the devs that they were killing off a very dynamic part of the island that was seeing growth where everywhere else was seeing stagnation.

Now if you will give me some time, I am busy actually getting some information so I can make my suggestions in at least some kind of informed manner.