Author Topic: How to help Dwilight.  (Read 32430 times)


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Re: How to help Dwilight.
« Reply #15: December 01, 2014, 02:24:10 PM »
I do concur that Luria has it "easy", or at least much easier than other realms.

Firstly, they are the target of the war, so travel times are short and battles are abundant. This is a lot more fun than for most other realms' nobles that need to march for a long time to just have one battle.

Secondly, their geography is overpowering. People join Luria because they know that Luria will have the might to push their agenda, be it to (re)form a (new) realm or to otherwise influence continental politics. All they have to do is convince the leaders and the rest pretty much falls in place. If they picked a realm like Swordfell or Fissoa, then they'd not only have to convince the leadership to go along with their desires, but then they'd have to fight hard as hell to achieve what they seek. It takes the whole continent just to arrive at a stalemate against Luria. Set aside history and current diplomacy for a moment, and just think... if Fissoa wanted to create a colony, how the hell would it achieve it? It couldn't. Not on its own. The monsters in the West are too numerous for them to take on alone, every other realm is both too far and too strong for a colonization attempt to succeed. Same for pretty much every other realm on the continent.

These two factors are largely independent of Luria's player base. Even if D'Hara had Luria's number of nobles, we could never achieve their might, because our cities are nowhere near as rich. Morek only achieves an appearance of strength and wealth by being ridiculously large, which is plenty compensated with resulting costs in militia and the like. Not to mention that our cities seem to take forever to recuperate from any population loss. And I think the players of the various non-lurian realms realize this, that the game is rigged against them, and that no amount of effort would be able to turn the odds.
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