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Plans you have for if the war ends...

Started by Dragonsbane, January 04, 2015, 06:23:38 PM

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Glaumring the Fox

The war has been going on for a few years. Basically how wars went on in the middle-ages. Wars the don't really do anything for decades until that fateful day one side capitulates or is destroyed, but they are a long process of wearing each other down. This isn't modern warfare shock and awe, this is siege and pillaging warfare, it sucks , its boring and its basically what wars are like in a low fantasy setting, there is no glory, heroes die and no one cares because so many years have gone by and villians and oppurtunists prosper.

The sad thing is that because of the monster invasion the political and religious dynamics that made Dwilight so interesting and the distances involved have been destroyed. Once Luria is dead Dwilight will die of boredom because SA never fights SA and all of the player that oppose it will have drifted off to other servers or away from BM because BM without Dwilight kind of sucks.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring the Fox on January 26, 2015, 02:14:24 AM
The war has been going on for a few years. Basically how wars went on in the middle-ages. Wars the don't really do anything for decades until that fateful day one side capitulates or is destroyed, but they are a long process of wearing each other down. This isn't modern warfare shock and awe, this is siege and pillaging warfare, it sucks , its boring and its basically what wars are like in a low fantasy setting, there is no glory, heroes die and no one cares because so many years have gone by and villians and oppurtunists prosper.

The sad thing is that because of the monster invasion the political and religious dynamics that made Dwilight so interesting and the distances involved have been destroyed. Once Luria is dead Dwilight will die of boredom because SA never fights SA and all of the player that oppose it will have drifted off to other servers or away from BM because BM without Dwilight kind of sucks.

Luckily nobody's come even close to killing Luria, eh.

Glaumring the Fox

No, and thats a great thing. Its the last realm left that allows experimenting with different religions and ideas. Its the last fortress of a Dwilight that could be filled with independent kingdoms with their own unique cultures and mythos. All the other realms are essentially SA vassal states, they adhere to the same religion and fear SA even though its a mere shadow of its former glory. The fear is so strong that these realms can barely differentiate themselves from each other nowadays. What has happened is Empire Astroism, the last bastion of a different Dwilight is fighting against homogeny. With it will go all the last histories that exist outside of SA domination that has completely dominated every aspect of Dwilight since its foundation.

Maybe thats what is supposed to happen. SA wins and Dwilight can finally be deleted, turned off and erased. It would be final, as if the gods intended it to be that way...
We live lives in beautiful lies...


I think you are really overblowing the current relevance of SA.
I'll bet you maybe half of the people, at least the newer players, in Fissoa have no idea what that even is.
I've recently razed a SA temple and the reaction so far was "So why did you do that? Oh... Okay. Moving on."


It is still my opinion that, if every character in Dwilight joined SA, new excuses for conflict would appear. The players here are creative and capable enough to make things interesting.


Glaumring is realy skewing the image here. SA is not everywhere in Dwilight but Luria, Luria is not the only realm that is a catalyst to change. Many stories are happening around the continent as we speak, and just because not all of them are grand it doesn't mean they aren't worthwhile.

Besides, we've seen Luria trying to fragment. I see no relevant difference between the identities shown today by the different Duchies, and the identities of Luria Vesperi, Pian and Luries, Solaria and Luria Nova of the past.

Luria has a strong core story, which is great. I'd love to have a character there someday and see what it's all about. But it's still Luria. Predictably unpredictable as always.

Glaumring the Fox

Its not really overblown when its still the dominant theology of Dwilight and the only religion used or allowed by the League and still in use in Luria. Fissoa is an outlyer, it always has been by virtue of being the furthest thing away from SA in all its history. That being said Fissoa has no native religion that I know of and beyond its war with Madina no real cultural impact on Dwilight until recently. Im not putting it down its just the reality of geography and recent history. Astrum, Morek are still heavy theocracies. D'Hara tows the line and Luria is like D'Hara , Swordfell fits in there too. SA may not be what it used to but its like saying the elephant in the room is slightly smaller because it hasnt eaten in a the last few hours. Its still in the room and still very apparent its there.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Your information is severely outdated. Morek has not been pure SA in, like, forever. Some duchies dont even require you to be a member to be a lord. Some of their council members used to be pagans. If there were another religion on Dwilight, it would certainly be allowed in Morek, so long as it wasnt adversarial toward SA.

Really, your post is all fear mongering and sensationalism. You're describing a situation that stopped being true years ago.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Glaumring the Fox on January 26, 2015, 05:39:55 PM
Its not really overblown when its still the dominant theology of Dwilight and the only religion used or allowed by the League and still in use in Luria. Fissoa is an outlyer, it always has been by virtue of being the furthest thing away from SA in all its history. That being said Fissoa has no native religion that I know of and beyond its war with Madina no real cultural impact on Dwilight until recently. Im not putting it down its just the reality of geography and recent history. Astrum, Morek are still heavy theocracies. D'Hara tows the line and Luria is like D'Hara , Swordfell fits in there too. SA may not be what it used to but its like saying the elephant in the room is slightly smaller because it hasnt eaten in a the last few hours. Its still in the room and still very apparent its there.

Um what. D'Hara has no policy regarding SA being the only religion. In fact a new religion started there only a month or so ago, before the founder paused so like many religions it lead to nothing. SA wasn't even relevant in a significant way back when Solaria was founded.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Fissoa has other religions as well while zero SA presence character-wise.
Looks like some Lurians have been living under a rock for a while. :D

Glaumring the Fox

So all the hubub about closing temples and holy war is hot air? Cool... Going to close more temples then!
We live lives in beautiful lies...


That depends. Are you going to use ooc info gained on the forum to guide your ic actions?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Glaumring the Fox on January 27, 2015, 01:22:19 AM
So all the hubub about closing temples and holy war is hot air? Cool... Going to close more temples then!

That would depend upon what is stated. It is quite possible that SA would call a holy war and expect the faithful of ANY nation to answer the call. If they have stated that the entire league would support such a holy war, well that might be more debatable. The other side of the coin of course would be if jumping on the bandwagon would simply be a expedite way to rid ourselves of nobles and/or a religion that people want to bring down anyway. Much like how Rulers joining the crusades was often more about their personal fortunes then any real concern for the state of the holy city.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: Glaumring the Fox on January 27, 2015, 01:22:19 AM
So all the hubub about closing temples and holy war is hot air? Cool... Going to close more temples then!

Nobody likes the Bloodmoon Cult.

The irony is that you claim that SA is the big bad guy trying to impose religion on everyone, but by going about attacking temples, *you* are the one making religion matter, as people are all going "Luria is full of religious fanatics!". Nobody outside of Luria seems to really care about religion all that much, unless you really go out of your way to to annoy them. IC stances to religion have pretty much adopted typical modern stances of openness and tolerance.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


There's been a religious component to the current war ever since Morek decided to join the party. Let them declare a religious war, the more the merrier!