Author Topic: Which interesting realms to join in Dwilight?  (Read 42925 times)


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Re: Which interesting realms to join in Dwilight?
« Reply #15: December 04, 2015, 10:10:26 PM »
I think it is time I also put in my two cents here, and of course I would love for people to join D'Hara as I am the ruler of it. A very structured realm that is the second largest, sits in an interesting position as the roguelands become available once more, or at least in theory. Furthermore RP is rather liked and appreciated here, so you should feel at home if you like that. Consider us a realm of opportunities as it gives the play of underdog trying to win freedom against the Lurians, D'Haran reconquest of the West, D'Haran policy between the other realms, and a rather un religious realm for those who wish to create a faith.

Generally as I have said before I do welcome all who want to play on Dwilight, I would love more activity even if not in D'Hara, though I would like it if you came ;) haha.

What I can say is that Madina needs nobles, a dead realm, Fissoa practically the same, and the new realm will also be interesting. What I will say, and while it may seem biased, it is this, I would discourage anyone from joining Luria, simply on the sole fact that it would be seemingly overpowered to give Luria more nobles. They already have almost twice the men of the second largest, and have been steamrolling realms for ages. Switch things up and join other realms. I know it seems incredibly biased, yet I honestly believe it would be the best to avoid stagnation.