Author Topic: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan  (Read 67079 times)

Gabanus family

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I don't read his posts ever since he was kind enough to throw some personal insults at me and I suspect I'm missing literally nothing.


There is absolutely nothing happening in Sirion and Nivemus right now, while situation in the south was very quickly deteriorating. Hence this priority order.

Nothing happening in the north, other than Sirion, Caligus and Shadowdale who are trying to completely wipe out Oligarch from the face of this earth. In addition, with Vix entering not that much was going to happen in the south. From experience I know how difficult it can be to scale city walls and if you have more enemies to content with, you often can't afford a try at the walls and lose. Once you do, you'll suffer the consequences and to break those walls you in fact need consecutive strikes, or the Lord will simply repair them again. So the situation in the south was already being stabilized.

Firstly, a realm can win a war against a twice stronger coalition if the latter's armies have to travel considerable distance. Especially if coordination is poor. I've learned this lesson on Dwilight. I believe you are wrong when you paint Xavax as a clear underdog.

Can, but you never even gave them the chance and yet claim it was for the better of this server in your opinion. With that I disagree 100%. Dwilight and EC cannot be compared in this context. The travel times of the Morek Empire etc was far greater than that of Perdan, or Vix which are still pretty close by. If the situation had been about Sirion entering the conflict in the south, then you would have a point.

Secondly, this is not a war of conquest or annihilation. You keep pushing this idea that someone wants to destroy Xavax but it holds no water.

Trust me, there will be people who wish to destroy it, whether or not you can stop the train once it starts moving will be determined. Once Alara and Minas Nova grow stronger, or you as ancient ally of Perleone help them obtain Isadril, will they then not try to push onwards? My point of anihilation was directed towards Fallangard, not Xavax but it seems I was wrong assuming Caligus would also try to enter the conflict. I'm glad about that to be honest, although I also know it will probably mean that Caligus will continue to assist Sirion in her destruction of Oligarch, pushing us back to a single city again.

Alara is already destroyed. I was in Fallangard briefly when it was a single province realm. This is a complete stalemate for the players.

This is absolue nonesense in almost all cases. Fallangarrd was the exception to this rule because their City only borders one region and Caligus had cluster!@#$ed it with militia. This way Fallangard was never able to move out of the city succesfully pretty much. Even here the eventually managed it. I have been with Oligarch since the beginning (weird right) and throughout much of our history we've been confined to only Oligarch, trying to break out and take a region or 2, before seeing Sirion return again. Alara too seems to be fighting and raiding outside of the walls. I can assure you that a single city realm still has options, but you have to be smart and carefull though.

You're right. I've ignored Oligarch's situation.

And why is the situation in the south worse than the one in the north?

I would personally love to see Xavax on our (anti-imperialist) side. Then we would literally have no other choice but to break Caligus together. But they chose to blob and annihilate neighbours themselves, don't see why they're any better than Caligus at this point.

Now let's see. Perdan declared war on Xavax, Caligus (from what I'm reading here) won't although they'd have reason. Now the next time Perdan and Caligus fight (and it will happen, history proves that point) who do you think Xavax is more likely to support? The ones who moved to burn their lands and have their allies take it all, or the ones who stayed out?

And has Perdan ever given them an other choice? Have you even now suggested to make peace with their neighbours if they do something else etc?

Don't compare these two conflicts. Xavax is too far away for it to be a war of conquest. Plus it's regions are of no historical value to Perdan.

I used that example to make a point. Even though you set out with one goal, it can easily transform into another, no matter the exact context. Alara and Perleone do have a desire for expansion back into Xavax I would assume and Perdan will be assisting them. The first few regions will be considered logical and in Alara's case the retaking of lost regions, but will it stop there? It can easily progress further. I am not saying that it will, I'm saying that you can't dismiss it as a very distinct possibility.

Fallangard entered this war willingly. It was a very dumb move, but I can't force myself to see them as victims in this conflict.
If they are indeed reduced to one city as you predict, we will probably have to eventually help them out again. But for now it's a simple action-reaction sequence that has to ensue.

Then I am very curious to hear what other choices Fallangard has? They are surrounded by Caligus and Vix who have never been their friends. They live on extremely tense foot with Caligus still and there will come a time of war between those two again. This means that Fallangard will need allies and so far the only one who seemed to be willing to do so in a longer term is Xavax, especially since the ever seemingly improving bond between Perdan and Vix. Now read carefully, I'm writing seemingly here, as that's the perception of some people, further fueled by Perdan's entry just after Vix although this happened after Fallangard's choice of course. This means that Xavax is the best and perhaps the only protection Fallangard should expect if it wants to be more than just 3 regions ever in its existence. This is the first reason to help them. Secondly, if Fallangard does not assist now, they will lose all credibility as a nation. They'll be known as the nation who let their greatest ally be beset by 4 nations and did nothing and at the same time as the realm who's always begging for help, but never actually helps someone else. Combined, these two points made this choice the only logical one for Fallangard really, other than trying to gain eternal peace which is boring as hell. It's not dumb, it's the only thing they could do really considering EC's diplomatic climate.

You are right that it's a simple action-reaction, but just not in the way you had imagined it.

Perdan had the option of letting the conflict play out for a month, raid Sirion in the process once or something and see whether or not the conflict in the south has become more balanced or not, while helping to slightly balance the northern situation as well in the same process. In that time there's no way that Xavax would have been able to succesfully scale the walls of Itorunt, so all realms would still be alive. Then if the south remains unbalanced, you can still enter just as easily. Now I'm afraid this move will ruin the war, but we'll see. Maybe you'll still get your ass kicked by Xavax as you seem to think, but I highly doubt it. Not with Perdan's force and distance.
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