Author Topic: East Continent Concerns About Xavax and Perdan  (Read 67151 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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You'd think that, the most successful action they've had during this war was recent, piggybacking on Vix's attack of Oc Lu Pesh (previous attempts by them on Aramon's region were repulsed by the peasants, leading to some rather amusing comments in-realm about the fierceness of his peasants  ;D). Other than that, their General joining Alara/Minas Nova in raiding has been the extent of their military involvement in this war.

Truest thing said in this thread so far. ;)
I do not know if you know. Perleone is also Nivemus ally ::)
Actually since that last ice age happened, Perleone lost some of their lands which combined with other factors led to their small realm and military size. Perleone is... never same again.

Well you're actually the guy that can make that happen. Question is, if you're willing to go 'against' Sirion so radically though.
It is problem IC... To change a character radically, perhaps like what happened to a real person after some incidents. If we are to simulate stuff. We might end up stimulate a realm and many of its neighbors :o
Inside heart, Brock dislike Garas. Garas is probably the most hated male character in this whole island or rather half island. Nivemus has reasons to fight Oligarch, you "took away" our previous Queen Ruler as your wife remember? :P
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