Author Topic: BM Stoners?  (Read 21683 times)

Gustav Kuriga

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Re: BM Stoners?
« Reply #15: June 29, 2011, 03:47:14 PM »
Jeeeez guys, he wasn't promoting it, just seeing who else smokes weed and plays BM.

And the idea that probable cause can come from typing "I smoke weed" on an Internet forum is a ridiculous thing to say.

I could literally walk into a police station high as a giraffe and say "hello officer, as my red eyes and goofy grin suggest, I am baked as a pie. I wanted to ask you how your day was and thank you for all the good work you do in our community"

You know what would happen, they'd search me for weed, maybe. And then when they found none they would let me go, because being high isn't a crime, smoking weed isn't a crime, talking about smoking weed isn't a crime. Possession is a crime. Unless you live in certain parts of the ussr, whoops, I mean USA.

As for the actual topic. Battlemaster is a pretty consistent topic between me and my friends when we're toking. Also, sometimes I'll save writing a long message until after I've smoked a joint, really helps me get into character lol. Also explains why my character is generally very respectful of others and easy to get along with ( I imagine).

Also that's hilarious about the shroomy experience from Allison. I know that last time I did shrooms the concept of BM blew my mind

" it's a world INSIDE a world INSIDE a computer...whoaa... "

Also computers are triply as balls on shrooms.

I love people who compare the U.S. to the Soviet Union. Makes me value still having a brain. Mind you I think the U.S. government is still corrupt, but not communist or dictatorial.