Author Topic: BM Stoners?  (Read 21781 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: BM Stoners?
« Reply #60: August 12, 2011, 10:37:37 AM »
The earliest physical evidence of weed Ever was found in modern day Romania, no doubt as it was the eastern most part of the Mesopotamian empire whose western most regions included india where weed was quite common for spiritual and medicinal purposes.

Two remarks;

  • Most eastern part of the "Mesopotamian Empire". What? What what what? Que? Quoi? Wat? Would you mind explaining each and every word of that claim. What is the "Mesopotamian Empire"? Never heard of it. How on earth was modern-day Romania "Mesopotamian"? You know where Mesopotamia is, right? And that they didn't have, like, phone lines and stuff. Hardly any roads.
  • You contradict yourself; earliest evidence "ever" vs "common" in India. Also, India, hardly the "Western" part of the "Mesopotamian Empire". Actually hardly any part of any Mesopotamian Empire. Actually, no Mesopotamian Empire. Just a little cradle of civilisation, really.

Thanks for the lols though. Did you know, by the way, that Jesus smoked weed?
Ardet nec consumitur.