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More Punishment

Started by Attano, November 22, 2016, 09:38:02 AM

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Roleplay from Corvo Attano
message to all nobles of Greater Xavax
Corvo sat at his desk in his tent, leafing through papers; messages and reports, his mask in close reach and his sword on his belt. Cries of pain mingled with begging for food in the immediate area. So similar to Tota, Corvo sadly thought. He had seen more death here, several of his men had been killed, and now one was wounded. The previous battles had also taken out one of his entourage; apparently, his Sanctiones had been killed by a stray arrow.

"Captain!" he called out, and a Whaler armoured in ring mail entered the tent, saluting. "Yes, My Lord Attano?" Captain Hartmann queried. Ulfbjorn Hartmann was a good Captain, and was popular with the men. That combined with a fierce loyalty to Corvo and the Attano family made him not only a good Captain, but a sensible aide de camp and perfect bodyguard. He even looked the part, largely built, bald, with a braided beard and large axe.

"Remind me again what the Sanctiones was doing on the battlefield?" Corvo continued, looking up at Ulfbjorn. "I believe one of the men punished at Tota, ah, "encouraged" her to charge the enemy." Ulfbjorn tactfully answered. Corvo groaned and put his head in his hands, more needless death. "Bring the offender in." he ordered, and Ulfbjorn saluted once more before leaving the tent.

It took Ulfbjorn a good ten minutes to find the offender, in which he spent going from one part of the camp to the next. Finally, he found the Whaler guilty and dragged him back to Corvo's tent. The tent was a simple set up, an light weight wooden desk and chair were situated in the front half, and the back half contained Corvo's chambers. The tent was split by a cloth screen. "Sit." Corvo commanded, a blank sheet of parchment in front of him. The Whaler followed the command. "Name." Corvo demanded, "Hal, M'Lord." the offender fearfully replied. Corvo put quill to parchment and recorded the information. "Why did you "encourage" Sanctiones Veralla to charge the Vix Tiramora position?" Corvo questioned, and the Whaler had a defiant streak. "I did no such thing!!" he practically screamed, standing up. Corvo sighed, and nodded to Captain Hartmann. He punched the Whaler in the gut, eliciting a painful groan, before shoving him back into the chair. "Now, I can do this all day. I would rather not, truly, but you need to remember three things. One; never, ever, raise your voice at me again. Two; You shall address me as My Lord, My Lord Attano, Your Lordship or Your Lordship Attano. Three; DO. NOT. LIE. TO. MY. FACE. AGAIN. Clear?" Corvo sternly dictated. Hal groaned and nodded. "Now, why did you "encourage" Sanctiones Veralla to charge the Vix Tiramora positioned?" he repeated, quietly. "M'Lord, I swears she gave me one extra lash and hit me harder than the others." he pleaded. Corvo almost ordered Captain Hartmann to beat Hal. Instead he roared angrily at him, "So you got her killed over an extra lash and a bit of excessive force?" Captain Hartmann thought he would have to restrain his lord when Corvo continued. "Captain! Send a messenger to Talon Kinsey. See if he has a stock available or that we can use those in town square!" he pointed at Hal "You, get out of my sight!" Hal scrambled from his chair and out of Corvo's tent fearfully. Captain Hartmann simply saluted before nodding approvingly and fetching a messenger.
Once the Daleborn family, now the Attano family.