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Magic On EC

Started by Gabanus family, December 21, 2016, 09:23:07 AM

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Gabanus family

To be very honest I'm very upset by this and am not sure yet what kind of response to give this.

This disturbes me a lot. I love JeVondair, but Selenia should have stayed dead.

Perhaps I'll be able to give a more balanced reaction to this in a few days, but my first inclination was close to a rage quite cause of this ***

*Edit, slightly editted it cause my initial response what bit too much.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Gabanus family on December 21, 2016, 09:23:07 AM
To be very honest I'm very upset by this and am not sure yet what kind of response to give this.

This disturbes me a lot. I love JeVondair, but Selenia should have stayed dead.

Perhaps I'll be able to give a more balanced reaction to this in a few days, but my first inclination was close to a rage quite cause of this ***

The options to do this are open to all players.
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)

Gabanus family

Quote from: Wimpie on December 21, 2016, 11:04:41 AM
The options to do this are open to all players.

So you just explained to me. Still I think this is very bad nonetheless and although my frustration is slightly lowered, to me this should not be in the game at all. It ruins it to a certain degree for me and magic was already too powerful to begin with. Now it has godlike abilities as well...
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


As a character, I am a bit disturbed as well. Now everyone who know will rush and go find that thing. Brock unable to respond IC much as he need settle down and rethink the whole picture. Sometimes what people been telling him is not the whole picture. Oh well, Nivemus is far in the north away from the south to understand things in the south.

As a player however I would love to think that Xavax is having the Rise of Phoenix thing as Roleplay stuffs and so on. That said, miracles do happen before from what I heard there are many stories. Kurlock who died 3 times in War Islands? :P
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


That miracle is no longer possible for us older players. It changed from new 'character' protection to new 'player' protection.


Honestly, what's to get upset about? The character or allied adventurer used a legit and legal magical scroll in an intended manner. They were either extremely lucky or extremely well prepared to have had a scroll to hand exactly when it was needed. Those scrolls are completely random and require time and effort to collect, and could at any stage been lost, stolen, used or traded. Good on them, I say.

I tend to think rather than raising her from the dead so much it's turned aside a mortal wound, though the RP will bear that out. People wouldn't be upset if the scroll had been used on a character or unit while they were still alive, so there's no special black or necromantic magic necessarily involved. Since there's only one noble per island, I bet anyone in that same position would use it for their favourite character. I would, on this island.

Also yeah the South island code was particularly hinky...


Xavaxs position hasn't materially improved any because of it.


Quote from: Gordy77 on December 21, 2016, 11:26:38 PM
People wouldn't be upset if the scroll had been used on a character or unit while they were still alive....
I'm pretty sure that's the part that people are kinda peeved about. Players knowingly choose the hero class with the knowledge that they can be struck down in battle and killed. While certainly scrolls can be rare, it does lessen the importance of the class's vulnerability.


I still reckon the chance of getting a scroll of that type when and where it was needed is a gamble that has and should be rewarded, regardless of class.


I truly hope BM goes back to its roots and be less high fantasy with all the scrolls and portal events. I am fine with unique items but scrolls and portal events are too high fantasy. I've played this game for a decade without worrying too much about those two until recently.

There are several factors that caused this. Mainly increase in common items. It made crafting of scrolls way too easy. Have you seen Sirion vs Oligarch? I swear Sirion has a mage guild or something. They fire off so many spells whenever they siege to take out Garas, you wonder what game you are playing. Feels more like a text version of Age of Wonders than BM sometimes.

Also, portal stones are used like tactical nukes. I think they should not affect any in game stats anymore. When portal stones lower RC stats, that is crossing the line. If you know how much efforts and resources that go into building good ones only to see a dev drop by to lower their stats because of some random event triggered by a random advy, there is a problem. Either that or 10k CS monster showing up out of nowhere to kick you in the sides.

I don't mind portal events providing interesting events but they should be restricted to RP related stuff only and not have an actual impact in the game.

This game was known for its low fantasy. Unless the game is heading toward high fantasy, it should keep some distance between magic and itself.


I actually find this to be more exciting and enjoyable. Honestly a war can have a period of dull marching back and forth to and from battle, so having these unexpected events occur is very fun. That and the fact that all of the events I've seen from portals have been extremely random. I mean, one of them had a horde of random mob enemies attack the very place it was meant to save (speaking of Donghaiwei during the HD vs Astrum war). If portals became just RP events only, then you'd have the same issue that you have with religion, where it doesn't even matter for the most part and no one bothers to participate.

Also, low fantasy does not mean no magic. It means that it does not have all the attributes of high fantasy. So magic does exist, and can have effects, but it is by no means available to the average person and requires extraordinary measures to bring about. The main focus in Battlemaster in a low fantasy sense is instead on the fact that other species do not exist, with an arguable exception of Outer Tilog and Sirion. And even then, you could say that Outer Tilogians are just insane and the Sirion has humans who cut their ears weird in some sort of culture oddity, when looking from the outside in. In addition, battles are not decided by magic, but by strength of arms in the traditional medieval sense.

That is what makes it low fantasy, not this misconception that it has to have a complete absence of magic or supernatural occurrences.


Sounds like an opportunity to split the game into high/no fantasy. I would adore a game in the style of the PC Masters of Magic or Warlord game. 


We already have a rather high fantasy continent. It is called Beluaterra. EC shouldn't be seeing so much magic. Dwilight? not sure.

Quote from: GundamMerc on December 22, 2016, 01:30:02 AM
I actually find this to be more exciting and enjoyable. Honestly a war can have a period of dull marching back and forth to and from battle, so having these unexpected events occur is very fun. That and the fact that all of the events I've seen from portals have been extremely random. I mean, one of them had a horde of random mob enemies attack the very place it was meant to save (speaking of Donghaiwei during the HD vs Astrum war). If portals became just RP events only, then you'd have the same issue that you have with religion, where it doesn't even matter for the most part and no one bothers to participate.

Also, low fantasy does not mean no magic. It means that it does not have all the attributes of high fantasy. So magic does exist, and can have effects, but it is by no means available to the average person and requires extraordinary measures to bring about. The main focus in Battlemaster in a low fantasy sense is instead on the fact that other species do not exist, with an arguable exception of Outer Tilog and Sirion. And even then, you could say that Outer Tilogians are just insane and the Sirion has humans who cut their ears weird in some sort of culture oddity, when looking from the outside in. In addition, battles are not decided by magic, but by strength of arms in the traditional medieval sense.

That is what makes it low fantasy, not this misconception that it has to have a complete absence of magic or supernatural occurrences.

I agree. Heck, Conan The Barbarian is considered "low fantasy" and look at how often he encounters the magical, from supernatural creatures to sorcerers. I wouldn't object to magic being more limited in the game, but if it is, the potency should be boosted. Magical Items should be rare, perhaps each island having only a selected handful that turn up from time to time and disappear just as mysteriously that have such an impact on gameplay the entire island stands up and takes notice when one turns up. Scrolls should be as rare as rooster teeth but powerful enough to turn the tide of a battle for the user, etc.


Quote from: on December 22, 2016, 03:42:22 AM
I agree. Heck, Conan The Barbarian is considered "low fantasy" and look at how often he encounters the magical, from supernatural creatures to sorcerers. I wouldn't object to magic being more limited in the game, but if it is, the potency should be boosted. Magical Items should be rare, perhaps each island having only a selected handful that turn up from time to time and disappear just as mysteriously that have such an impact on gameplay the entire island stands up and takes notice when one turns up. Scrolls should be as rare as rooster teeth but powerful enough to turn the tide of a battle for the user, etc.

I agree with them being rare but turning a tide of a battle? It takes too much effort in BM to organize military and make them work. If I have to deal with some scrolls that just win you a battle and wipe my army out, I doubt I will bother to play this game for that long.