Author Topic: Sacred Obia'Syela  (Read 173081 times)


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Re: Sacred Obia'Syela
« Reply #195: November 13, 2017, 12:44:56 AM »
Or, do all of that while trying something truly revolutionary: don't make a standard micro-realm. Make a specialist realm that serves as the long-arm of Obeah. ;) (somewhere down the road, or now, or whenever. More variety!) As long as we have the faith and the guilds (inquisitors, etc), we can all communicate as if we were in the same realm. Except, a micro-realm does have certain benefits not afforded to a large realm with high density and many mouths to feed. Namely, the ability to engage in extra-diplomatic activities, rummage around places they shouldn't usually be without immediately compromising the theocratic realm as a whole, housing assassins and spies in a place that can shield them from wary eyes and perhaps even recruit them... So on and so forth. Los profetas oscuros no ha esperado el tribunal del santo oficio de la inquisicion! Muerte a los hereticos y agentes diabolicos de caos! ;)

Those from Might&Fealty may recognize some of these:

  • Inquisitorial Expeditionary Legion. (diplomatically-immune: houses inquisitors, rebel-rousers, assassins, spies.)
  • Merchant "Republic": In order to quell the corruption/inefficiency of large realms which curb profit and tax, a micro-realm dedicated to funding the theocracy, or at least its "extra-curricular activities", can be a boon to Obeah as  whole. Greed is good when its for a sacred cause...
  • The *Ordos Maleficus* (Order of Magi) "is the arcane branch of the Black Order: led by the *Aruspex-Imperatori*. (Prophet-Commander) Oversees the rituals, wards, and enchantments required by the Order's campaign against evil. Among its ranks are the alchemists, enchanters, sorcerers, healers, and seers of the Black Order." (effectively, a priest-realm. Ex: Vatican. Stick it smack-dab in the center of Obeah territory in a super-fortress for bonus-points!
  • Knight's Templar - militant holy order that fights in foreign wars on behalf of Obeah's interests. A convenient standing army, separate from the primary nation, put/hired on loan, which can seed foreign lands with Obeah's light during their travels. (try not(?) to echo the dissolution of the Templars after Pope Clement V and King Phillip IV screwed De Molay, before inquisitors tortured the templars into confessing quasi-satanic behavior.)
  • Cenobium (Cenobitic monasticism) communal order of monks who do not command units, but whose focused efforts create art, scripture, and other mindful works which prove integral to the continued existence and progress of faith triumphant.
  • Cultist Stronghold (for fun!): the seat of some offshoot community based on Obeah's orthodoxy, albeit split by the rise of an "anti-Pope-like" figure.
     As long as it suits the purposes of Obeah and helps expand the theocracy's influence, these supposed heretics are tolerated. If they should stray too far from the path, however... (great way for some major plausible deniability, btw. "Hey, they're not orthodox! We're not responsible for their actions. Whoa, hey, hold on. War? These people follow Obeah, though their concepts differ. Nice exposed capital you've got there. Would be a shame if..."
Apsu@Legends. BM: Yxevarii Auru'in, Grandmistress [Ruler;Priestess-Inquisitor] (Obia'Syela-BT); Sigrid Gudrun Auru'in, Avenging Exile of Xavax, Countess of Slimbar (Redhaven-EC);  Masalu Auru'in, Linguistically-Challenged Sumerian Death-Cultist (D'hara-DW)