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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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I do love the Darkan mentality. They've gone from wanting to hurt and attack the CE to attacking Tara, to threatening Coria, threatening Talerium and even threatening to ignore Eston's wishes (during the initial peace).

I can't wait for the future when people finally get tired of Darka doing exactly the same thing that the CE is accused (rightly so) of doing.


Quote from: Munro on May 23, 2011, 01:03:46 AM
I do love the Darkan mentality. They've gone from wanting to hurt and attack the CE to attacking Tara, to threatening Coria, threatening Talerium and even threatening to ignore Eston's wishes (during the initial peace).

I can't wait for the future when people finally get tired of Darka doing exactly the same thing that the CE is accused (rightly so) of doing.

I don't see what's so odd about this. All of the realms you named (except Eston) are allies of the Cagilan Empire and have been assisting them in one form or another during the present conflict, so attacking them is a completely natural extension of their original goal. You want to attack the Empire. Taran armies show up to stop you; so, you take the war to Tara too. You make it sound crazy or something, when it makes perfect sense. Darka is fighting a war, and with the exception of their blind spot for Talerium, they're one of the few realms doing it more or less honestly. That is a luxury they can afford by virtue of their relatively safe borders.


Quote from: Geronus on May 23, 2011, 01:37:00 AM
and with the exception of their blind spot for Talerium

Unfortunately, this being perhaps the sole factor keeping most of the war at a more or less steady stalemate so far.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Jens Namtrah

Quote from: Perth on May 23, 2011, 07:43:20 AM
Unfortunately, this being perhaps the sole factor keeping most of the war at a more or less steady stalemate so far.


Might be changing that soon. Pretty tired of this labyrinth of treaties that ends up with no one being able to attack anyone else.


Quote from: Munro on May 23, 2011, 01:03:46 AM
I do love the Darkan mentality. They've gone from wanting to hurt and attack the CE to attacking Tara, to threatening Coria, threatening Talerium and even threatening to ignore Eston's wishes (during the initial peace).

I can't wait for the future when people finally get tired of Darka doing exactly the same thing that the CE is accused (rightly so) of doing.

You got it wrong. Darka has been wanting to attack the whole CE block since day 1, we just never had a good opportunity :P


Quote from: Perth on May 23, 2011, 07:43:20 AM
Unfortunately, this being perhaps the sole factor keeping most of the war at a more or less steady stalemate so far.

I would lump your treaty with Coria into the same category, so be careful about throwing stones in a glass house  ;)

Of course we've had that debate once already; I'm more interested in what people think will happen if Coria gets involved in the fighting in the south.


Quote from: Geronus on May 23, 2011, 02:21:31 PMI'm more interested in what people think will happen if Coria gets involved in the fighting in the south.

They become participants in the war, and become legitimate targets for the northern armies.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Munro on May 23, 2011, 01:03:46 AM
I do love the Darkan mentality. They've gone from wanting to hurt and attack the CE to attacking Tara, to threatening Coria, threatening Talerium and even threatening to ignore Eston's wishes (during the initial peace).

I can't wait for the future when people finally get tired of Darka doing exactly the same thing that the CE is accused (rightly so) of doing.

I do love the freaking mentality of all those realms you name with their ways towards Darka.Darka has honored Talerium and never crossed Cantril even when it was rogue.They don't allow us to do actual damage to  this war they instead keep us as the crazy dogs locked on their backyard forcing us to use the pathetic mountains.Well if they want to treat Darka like such dogs they must expect some barking back.

What you miss in all this is that if it wasn't for Darka,Tara would not exist and Cagilan would never become such a fat bully.You see this is the fun with Darka,everyone loves it when it fights on their side,everyone gets upset when it's on the opposite side.

So far Darka has found only walls in this war because if it really wanted to go on the threatening with action side Cagilan would taste a bit of defeat.Coria has some serious issues with Darka and instead of crying all the time about it maybe she should stand up in front of those so called threats and make a stand instead of finding sneaking ways to return back to the war...with such silly excuses as having a squad of her people who want to visit their mansions in the South.Seriously.
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Don't worry Caergoth has seen through this charade!

The question stands though, will Eston stick up for their new buddies in Coria?

Also, everyone seems to discount the Empire as a bunch of pompous fatties. I can say from painful experience that their General is doing an excellent job of burning Carelia to the ground.


Quote from: Sacha on May 23, 2011, 11:07:25 AM
Darka has been wanting to attack the whole CE block since day 1, we just never had a good opportunity :P

And by "CE block" you mean "All of the Cagilan allies EXCEPT Talerium."

Quote from: Geronus on May 23, 2011, 02:21:31 PM
I would lump your treaty with Coria into the same category, so be careful about throwing stones in a glass house  ;)

Yes, because opening a second front on Eston's borders would totally swing things in the North's favor.

If Darka would fight Talerium, there would be Northern armies sacking Cagilan cities within a month.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on May 23, 2011, 07:00:21 PM
And by "CE block" you mean "All of the Cagilan allies EXCEPT Talerium."

Yes because Talerium is an ally of Darka for a long time.And as such we wish it to remain,thus we honor their wish to not use their lands.I am sure Talerium is pretty happy with that as well or else they would declare war to Darka.How come you don't accuse them for this?
Suck my socks! I kill for Darka! -KK-


Quote from: Perth on May 23, 2011, 07:00:21 PM

Yes, because opening a second front on Eston's borders would totally swing things in the North's favor.

If Darka would fight Talerium, there would be Northern armies sacking Cagilan cities within a month.

I would say the same thing about Eston fighting Coria. We were making great progress on bringing Coria to its knees; Darka and Eston had just sacked their capital, and we were successfully whipsawing them between Barad Falas and the Barad Gardor. I would argue that we'd already be sacking Cagilan cities as of right now if Eston had never signed that treaty in the first place. You were doing fine when it was an open front, so I can't see what you have to fear about opening it up again. Let's face it, the North was far more effective in the war when Coria was in play. Since then all we've done is loot ineffectively and annoy Talerium. That and lose battles to Tara.

That's my perspective of course, and it's clear you feel differently, but given that you and I can disagree so starkly about Coria, doesn't it make sense that you and Jaune could disagree about Talerium to an equal extent?

That's the biggest obstacle facing the anti-CE coalition; diverging viewpoints. We don't all agree on the best way to fight the war, and most realms are still putting their own interests ahead of the greater good.


Quote from: Misericordia on May 23, 2011, 07:15:43 PM
Yes because Talerium is an ally of Darka for a long time.And as such we wish it to remain,thus we honor their wish to not use their lands.I am sure Talerium is pretty happy with that as well or else they would declare war to Darka.How come you don't accuse them for this?

I understand this. You wish to remain allies with them, lol that is what I was complaining about--Darka's desire to remain allies with the second most important Cagilan puppet. And why do I not point fingers at Talerium? Because that would be silly. Why would Talerium have any incentive to attack Darka? They would quickly fall to Darka and her allies if they did that. Their goals are currently being met by the current situation--which is to protect the Cagilan Empire and themselves. I point fingers at Darka because they claim to want to bring down the CE block and arguably the biggest thing stopping us from doing that is their refusal to attack Talerium.

Quote from: Geronus on May 23, 2011, 08:35:44 PM
I would say the same thing about Eston fighting Coria. We were making great progress on bringing Coria to its knees; Darka and Eston had just sacked their capital, and we were successfully whipsawing them between Barad Falas and the Barad Gardor. I would argue that we'd already be sacking Cagilan cities as of right now if Eston had never signed that treaty in the first place.

How would we be sacking Cagilan cities if we had destroyed Coria? Have you seen a map of Atamara?

Let's accept your hypothetical here and we continued the war against Coria and Coria is no longer a factor in the fight. This means the allies get to do one of two things 1) march over the mountains or 2) march around the mountains through Tara.

Both options pale in comparison to simply walking through Cantril. I don't see how you truly compare the two countries.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Regulus Blackmore

Quote from: Perth on May 23, 2011, 10:46:11 PM
How would we be sacking Cagilan cities if we had destroyed Coria? Have you seen a map of Atamara?

The irony of fate ... that was their plan for Eston  ;)
Kill to live and live to die,
Human nature you let the strong survive.

Jens Namtrah


Came so close to capturing the King of Tara just now.

that might have changed things a little.  8)