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The Current War

Started by LilWolf, March 02, 2011, 12:04:44 PM

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Quote from: Dante Silverfire on May 15, 2012, 09:42:03 PM
Not really...I mean just look at CE. You think it is their ruler who is winning their wars? Good Generals make empires. Bad Generals make Tara.

;) lol

I also have to +1 this. haha

The thing that annoys me most in this war is that I have a character on each side of the fight. It keeps looking like one side or the other will be able to finish it and then the attempt fizzles. The worst thing is that both sides suffer from poor coordination. One on side, we've got communication problems. On the other, we have execution issues. At this point, I don't know who I want to come out on top... But I imagine one of the two will die by the time this war ends. Both are heroes and have come quite close.


Give it time. It took us 1 OOC year to crack Shanandoah last time, and that took entire southern Atamara mobilizing against MI and the northern federation. We have a lot less help this time around, so it's going to take a lot longer.

When we have peace, you guys complain about peace. When we have slow wars, you guys complain about slow wars. When we have fast wars, you guys complain about gang-bangs.

The problem is not the game. The problem is youthful impatience and today's "instant gratification" culture. You all want to pull off big, flashy stunts, and you want to do it yesterday.

Also you kids get off my lawn.  >:(

qui audet vincit


Quote from: GoldPanda on May 23, 2012, 10:23:51 AM
The problem is not the game. The problem is youthful impatience and today's "instant gratification" culture. You all want to pull off big, flashy stunts, and you want to do it yesterday.

Hell yeah!
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


I'm interested to see how the new estate system changes things. By my reckoning realms at or below 2 nobles a region are going to see a drop in income compared to realms that can fill out more/most of their estates.

At the same time, not needing to do as much region maintenance as before due to lack of estates might free up more nobles to fight.


There was also a big bump in food production in a bunch of realms (according to the stats). Should encourage more wars and less region maintenance.


There is a *lot* less maintenance in the new system. However, realms with fewer knights won't necessarily be poorer than they were. A lord of a rural region with no knights can still easily have a 50% estate that operates at, say, 80% efficiency. That effectively gives you 60-65% of the regions full income, all yours, *and* you don't have to worry at all about production and/or control falling through the floor due to lack of knights. You can also run much higher tax rates than you might have been able to with no knights. With gold and population rebalancing, even half of a rural region's income can be quite generous. I expect that realms like Talerium and BoM may actually see increases in their collectible taxes, and many of their nobles will be freed up from region maintenance to go to war. It should be a good thing.


Quote from: GoldPanda on May 23, 2012, 10:23:51 AM
Give it time. It took us 1 OOC year to crack Shanandoah last time, and that took entire southern Atamara mobilizing against MI and the northern federation. We have a lot less help this time around, so it's going to take a lot longer.

When we have peace, you guys complain about peace. When we have slow wars, you guys complain about slow wars. When we have fast wars, you guys complain about gang-bangs.

The problem is not the game. The problem is youthful impatience and today's "instant gratification" culture. You all want to pull off big, flashy stunts, and you want to do it yesterday.

Also you kids get off my lawn.  >:(

Oh, I remember. :) I only had one character at the time, but I was there. I also agree the problem isn't the game... But this war has gone on for much more than a year now. Ravendon was appointed General in the middle of the original period of Corian military action and had been Marshal for some time before that (for the same war). Things have changed and there had been some interesting developments, but it had definitely stagnated again before the assault on Shanandoah. It doesn't matter if you think a slow war is acceptable or not if the majority tires of it. I think the people "complaining" here are the vocal ones speaking more out of frustration that the ones who don't speak out just silently stop participating. It doesn't matter if I personally don't mind long wars (few real wars last a single year)... a war just loses its allure when more than half your realm stops participating (the case with BoM).

Also, I'm pretty sure Tom would like us to complain about peace. He's said it before in an update: It's called BattleMaster for a reason. ;)


Maybe people should start wooing the only realm on the map who currently hasn't picked a side in this conflict and has the resources to truly cause problems for the "central alliance".

CE is very actively trying to bring Suville into the fold, but there is resistance - mostly due to an absent King.


Quote from: Eirikr on May 23, 2012, 07:05:44 PMBut this war has gone on for much more than a year now.
Only a year? It's got a long way to go to start catching up to the real long-term war we had on EC.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on May 23, 2012, 07:36:13 PM
Only a year? It's got a long way to go to start catching up to the real long-term war we had on EC.

There we go, now we've gone beyond my time. :) Also, more than a year. It's about a year and a half now.


Eh the problem with this war is that it's mostly been stalemated; very few decisive victories have been won other than the total defeat of Carelia. That's always boring for everyone involved.

Atamara also bores me for other reasons. It's hard to put a finger on exactly why, but it just feels dull and set in its ways. On other islands I feel like there are always new possibilities and opportunities all the time. In all my time on Atamara, it's been the opposite. It's incredibly uninspiring. I made a second character there a while back, but it's time for him to emigrate. Suville is deathly boring.


Quote from: Geronus on May 23, 2012, 10:14:30 PM
Atamara also bores me for other reasons. It's hard to put a finger on exactly why, but it just feels dull and set in its ways. On other islands I feel like there are always new possibilities and opportunities all the time. In all my time on Atamara, it's been the opposite.

That is an incredibly precise definition. I have been feeling like that for years. I always wanted to do something there, but in the recent time I've pretty much given up on that island and I'm avoiding it for indefinite time. Atamara is very depressing for me.
Gregorian (Eponllyn), Baudouin (Cathay), Thaddeus (Cathay), Leopold (Niselur)


I'm hoping that the new estate system will introduce some additional conflict as it reduces the barriers to expansion significantly.

This will take some time to manifest.

At the same time, there are some people in seats of power who would like to maintain the status quo. I think there is a lot of new conflict on the horizon.


You mean as opposed to right now, when the whole island is theoretically at war and it still feels boring? If that doesn't scream Something is Very Wrong Here, then I don't know what does.

I vote that Tom brings the Sixth Invasion to Atamara instead of Beluaterra.


The war feels pretty boring because the sides aren't changing. Its the same sides over and over. (Mostly. All that changes is the name of the realm on the front line, even though the lines are staying mostly the same.)

The island really needs a political shakeup, or one side needs a *major* breakthrough before anything gets exciting.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.