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Under Debate: Marriages

Started by JeVondair, May 23, 2017, 10:36:23 PM

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I like the idea, but in completely different form...

I am against marriages just between characters... there is no IC use of them but they can drag many complications... like if Lord of one region marry Lady of the other region it would be mess if it is allowed that they both can govern both regions and if it is not allowed then what would marriage mean? Also if there are marriages, then why would there no be children - and if some third player would play child or adopted child of two Lords who would with all right have claims over regions of his/her parents - how it would affect "no placeholder rule"?... There are many more similar complications... Also, same sex marriages would never happen in medieval feudal society... But it is the fact that marriages were important part of those societies... especially arranged diplomatic marriages.

In the light of Diplomatic marriages, it would be nice to have option that if there are two realms where elections for position of Ruler are restricted and if one of them is ruled by male ruler and the other by female ruler, that there is option for them to engage in marriage what the game could treat as 2nd Federation (considering that the game allows only one Federation to be formed).


I don't understand what you are trying to say, can you please explain further?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Game mechanism is restricting changes in Diplomatic Relations of realms allowing that each realm can form only single Feteration.

The idea is that under options where Ruler can change Diplomatic Relations with other realms can be added option for marriage proposal which if accepted would immediately define Diplomatic Relations between those two realms as Federation... Federation formed by Diplomatic marriage should not affect ability of the realm to regularly form Federation by Diplomatic Relations with some third realm, and it should be treated by the game mechanism as 2nd Federation (which could be formed only by marriage, keeping the restriction that regularly by Diplomacy only single Federation can be formed).

For two Rulers to be able to propose Diplomatic marriage to another Ruler two conditions have to be satisfied:
1. Both realms must have restricted elections for ruler (Considering that Diplomatic Relations of the realm would be directly related to relations (marriage) between Rulers, it would have no sense to allow such diplomatic option to realms which have only temporary rulers (where rulers are elected on monthly/quarterly elections), but rulers of both realms should be permanent (NO elections for ruler position)).
2. Gender of Ruler to whom diplomatic marriage is proposed must be opposite of gender of one who is proposing the marriage (in feudal society there is absolute no way that persons of the same sex could engage in marriage).


If we implement marriages, they will certainly not affect diplomatic relations on their own. While I wouldn't completely rule out other possibilities, it is definitely most likely that we would simply implement them as a roleplay tool that the game will keep track of for you so you don't have to keep referring to wiki pages or something.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Out of curiosity, what are the major things standing in the way of this being approved and implemented?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Is there room to approve this feature request?
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"

Gabanus family

Obviously I love this feature as I'm one of those players who had a huge wedding RP with another and would be nice to see this through further.

In terms of diplomacy I think there should be no automatic change, but let it flow from there (or let them kick you out of the realm right Chamberlain ^^).

Also would there be a way to retroactively marry chars who have been RP married for years? Otherwise I have to activate Garas again...
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


From a technical standpoint, you'd need a page to manage marriage requests on, a database table to track them, a page to display the information on, and some rules to govern what you're allowing. It's certainly less daunting than several other systems in BM (not counting the battle system because that massacres all other pages in levels of daunt).

For instance, if you wanted, you could steal M&F's concept of relationships, which may save some implementation time since that all already works, then adapt it to how it would work in BM.

As to rules in how it would work, are you allowing anyone to marry anyone, or only male-female marriages? Can you have multiple partners in marriage, or just one? Are we allowing divorces or is it for life?
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As to potential rules and guidelines to Marriages.

I'll assume the SMA (Serious Medieval Atmosphere) as a guiding principal. These are just suggestions and there are multiple suggestions to question as asked by Andrew

Anyone allowed to Marry anyone?

Man and Woman or vice versa, Woman and Man, proposing wise.

Anyone allowed to Marry anyone?

Priest class only. The priest class can declare a marriage.

Anyone allowed to Marry anyone?

Both parties of the marriage must be of the same religion, said priest must also be part of said religion.

Multiple Partners in Marriage?


Multiple Partner in Marriage?

If yes then to be specified within a Religion. Religion either allows it or doesn't and thus religious adherents can or cannot marry multiple partners. It should be a limited choice for a Religion, like 1 to 3 partners per person. Ratio as well. 1 male can marry 1, 2 or 3 female partners or vice versa.

Divorce option?

Yes. Priest or Elder of said Religion can annul Marriages. Elder would be most favorable for the game as it adds depth but also development time.

Divorce option?

Maybe. To be set by each particular Religion. Either they allow Divorces or not. Like looting is ''Legal'' or ''Illegal''  realm law.

It doesn't have to be complicated. Could simply go for, Male / Female Marriages. To be agreed upon by both parties, have an invite possibility like issuing a Duel Challenge and if the other party accepts, great. Marriage done. Have it show up someone easily accessible and voila.

Gabanus family

Concerning a divorce, it should be possible, but I believe it should come with a severe enough penalty in honor and prestige. After all, a divorce is quite a shame especially in medieval times from what I know. It damages someone's station and should not be done lightly.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Andrew on August 20, 2017, 03:00:26 PM
As to rules in how it would work, are you allowing anyone to marry anyone, or only male-female marriages? Can you have multiple partners in marriage, or just one? Are we allowing divorces or is it for life?

Guys, what if we made it so that players could choose what their family marriage views are during their first character creation the same way we choose what region our family is from? Here's the flow:

Choose a name for your family:
Select the following marriage beliefs your family holds: Traditional vs. Free Love? Divorces allowed? Can marry anyone or only those of equal/greater standing?

I think that giving the individual players critical choices like these is the right move bc not everything in this game is SMA and an unknown amount of players will feel very strongly about having their own choice. And, just like your family home, you can change the setting later and that change would be recorded in the family history.

Anyway, I am unfamiliar with the MF system. Is a dropdown-select process similar to the duel/trade system in BM? Just be in the same region as your intended, select them from the dropdown, and go? Anyone from families with incompatible values won't be available in the list.

btw...having a "Family Values" page might be pretty cool! It would be another instance of taking away from the wiki, but still.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


I like the idea of religion-sanctioned marriages, though there have been a number of high profile inter-faith marriages in BM's history.

I've always been in favor of forcing religions to adopt stances on a lot of topics, even if it's then not backed with mechanics implications. I therefore like the idea of making religions adopt a stance on marriage.
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Man. If this does get added to the game... I can't wait for incestuous marriages just to prevent false claims! Habsburg! Let's go!


Quote from: Koitalike Family on August 28, 2017, 08:36:44 PM
Man. If this does get added to the game... I can't wait for incestuous marriages just to prevent false claims! Habsburg! Let's go!

Speaking of which...Does anyone play a Lannister family?
"I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious" ~ Vince Lombardi

"Allons-y" 10th Doctor


Did any of the guidelines / answers help?

Are there more area's that require brainstorming or input?

Looking at Andrew here.