Author Topic: Official Akkan hate thread  (Read 21426 times)


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Re: Official Akkan hate thread
« Topic Start: May 30, 2017, 01:12:30 PM »
Oh. Hmm...when Wimpie first showed me this, I thought it was older than it was.

Towards the beginning of the invasion Akkan was an interesting character, he was a priest ushering in the church of the portal and truth and came to be one of the few surviving original daimon lords. Now however he is just a boring and annoying jester-like entity that is quite frankly lazily done. There is nothing remotely fun or engaging about having a being you can't touch fly around your regions casting off a torrent of spells and then disappearing, and then repeating this every other half day. At the very least you could make it interesting by offering some roleplay messages, but instead you're just greeted by a barrage of spell notifications and the damages, and not a single word from the player. At least when Jarbosh came knocking it was a whole mini-event with him taunting and threatening us. Akkan however is like a reoccurring stomach bug, but you're being force-fed whatever is making you sick.
I'll freely admit that I have gotten 'lazy' in playing the characters with my activity the last many months. I've also tried to improve my effort at doing little roleplays here and there, to accompany magic usage, the last couple weeks, though not every single time. I'm happy to engage with the players through Akkan, or Jomorosh, but it's got to be short and sweet. The longer the roleplays, the more I'm going to feel the urge to postpone responding. Doesn't mean I don't read them, eventually, just probably not always particularly timely, if its very long. Not pointing at you, just making that clear, in general. Your letters have been quite short. :)

For what it's worth, Akkan was intended to be more mobile/free-range and jester/prankster/trickster/chaotic-like than Jomorosh/Jhedosh/Jactosh, which could teleport, but only did so out of necessity, preferring to stick with troop defenses. And Akkan could swing by, if they needed a hand.

Additionally, Ar Agyr does hold the Netherworld capital, which the Netherworld has not moved. This limits the Netherworld actions in certain areas. Combined with Ar Agyr and Thalmarkin, and the north in-general, not having fought daimons much lately, while most of the actions been in the south, the attention, due to where the daimons draw their strength, is going to be shifting northward. I don't know if anyone ever noticed this, but Jomorosh, Jhedosh, and Jactosh do or have (generally) marched in a clockwise cycle through BT.

BTW, Jarbosh is the family name of Akkan, Jomorosh, Jhedosh, Jactosh, not a character himself. I think it was Jactosh you remember in the earlier part of the Invasion.

Just stop with it or make it interesting, because all it currently is doing is providing an annoyance for players who already think this invasion has been beaten to death
I could use up the daimonic resource so the daimons are weaker and can be defeated. Or I can not, and let them linger on BT longer. Also, why is it so damn hard for humanity to share how they kill daimons with each other? You'd think they were cold war secrets like the atom bomb.

and is even making some consider leaving until it is over due to specific targeting
No player is being targeted. Some characters, such as former Jidington, or others who roleplayed giving their blood to daimons, are given 'more' attention than others. Or were. I haven't done so lately.

especially in the case of one player who was left unable to play for nearly a week due to magical wounding
Was that the week of several turn script failures, that resulted in folks getting 0 hours? Another aspect of that bug was that wounded folks weren't healing, no matter how they had become wounded, and so took longer to heal.

and is continuing to have his hours sapped/having his region reduced to 50% morale
I do have Akkan defend himself from magical attack or arrest by sapping hours of nobles in the same region as himself. When I didn't, nobles sapped his hours or arrested him. It's a cruel world out there. Even so, I think each realm has had Akkan in their dungeons multiple times.

There's actually not a lot different from the daimon magic than the scrolls humanity uses, so if you look at the list of scrolls, you can see that there's not a lot of regional attacks. Panicking a region is one of them. I've yet to determine how effective of an attack it is, or if the regions recover before there's any damage. Perhaps it depends on the realm.

Also, now that I've realized it. That region is the *capital* of the Netherworld, and the lord above the lord of Netherworld's occupied capital. That Ar Agyr conquered. And Akkan did send several messages about it still being the capital to Ar Agyrians a ways back, sometime after ya'll took it.

This can't even be considered as a way of punishing players for not interacting, as it prevents you from doing anything productive.
I don't know what you're talking about punishing players for not interacting. Boring, non-interactive realms on BT and DWI usually have poor density; if not, its usually temporary boringness, multicheats, or they're doing something else right. If they have poor density, the rogues should hit them. Alas, monster sailing is borked still, so pressure isn't on the right realms yet.

To quote the new sign on Ar Agyr's borders: "AKKAN IS NOT WELCOME"
Except he'll keep coming by to visit his enclave of Netherworld dungeon cells under the city of Agyr and occasionally getting arrested by patrols and sent to Ar Agyr's dungeon cells in Fronepu. :P

But the feeling you're chasing an untouchable ghost is definitely present.
He's been touched plenty. Sometimes, he gets nicked. Sometimes, he gets away. It's not that all or nothing.

However remember that the players influence their abilities.
The amount of sharing and cooperation between human realms is often dramati.
militarily its bad but at least things get achieved.
Things got cut off in your message. But I think I agree with what you're trying to say. Throughout the Invasion, there have been a variety of miscommunications. Whether that's rulers not sharing messages out of laziness/inactivity, misinterpreted messages and poor assumptions, or paranoia about trusting others and secrecy.

Whats worse is the lack of sharing crucial knowledge on the daimons or past events.
Important stuff happening in one realm often doesn't get shared with other realms.
Any important knowledge on the daimons and their nature is either forgotten or kept secret.
Yup. At first, I tried to spread it more widely with ruler-wide channels. Then, with GM messages. At points, it seemed I was actually prodding some on what to do, but that started to feel wrong. After awhile, it got tiring and I just rolled with it. At this point, I'm mainly just trying to wind up the Invasion by using all the daimonic energy I can.

Either way i think the point of the invasions is to survive as long as possible, desperately trying to hang on or adapt.
The moment where the attacks dont seem to be life threatening anymore is perhaps where it gets boring.
You know its about end and especially akkans attacks are just annoying, not exciting.
I think most have recognized the Invasion is winding down, but I don't think anyone knows yet what Post-Invasion will look like. I have an idea, but it depends on player behavior as well.

I remember the invasion with monsters undead and daimons all with their own leaders, rulers and powers.
It felt like an epic struggle between powers all greater then humanities.
It created an interesting game situation where human realms choose sides, fighting with the monsters or undead for example against the other parties.
In the end they appeared to be all on the same side, which was a bit lame.
I'd love to see an invasion like this again though, but this time one of the (4) sides could win.
If one of the three invasion forces win they could keep a part of Beluaterra occupied untill humanity manages to finally cleasnse the island of their presence.
At first, I thought you were describing an older Invasion, not this one. There was a past invasion where humanity was forced to choose loyalties between daimons, monsters, and undead, each with their own NPC characters. I think it was the Fourth, but I could be off with the numbering. And daimons did defeat monsters and undead I think, which is why I think we're not doing undead and monster NPCs anymore. Also, there have been Invasions were daimons stayed on the continent through post-Invasion until the next Invasion.

Daimons and Rogues are definitely not on the same side, and do fight each other, as southerners will attest. But while humans have the magical scrolls to banish daimons and undead, the equivalent versions of those for daimons are to force the will of monsters and undead to serve the Netherworld.