Author Topic: Can graphic violence or sex in Role Plays become unacceptable in BM?  (Read 10865 times)


  • Knight
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I am in the realm that this RP took place, and as was discussed among several players OOC, I have no issue with what was Roleplayed.

There are clear statements in the Takeover activity messages as well as other horrible things that we as players can have our noble characters do.

For the takeover activity messages one clearly states

Takeover Activity   (12 minutes ago)
message to everyone in Oligarch
Soldiers of [NAME REMOVED] have been patrolling the streets and attacking peasants critical of the regime change.
The locals now fear Sirion somewhat more. There is a little bit less sympathy for Sirion now.

Additionally think about the actions that a Judge can take, i.e. Torture a noble to get information about messages that have been sent/received. As a player whose had characters tortured as well as characters who have done the torturing, I find it enjoyable and challenging to RP these events. As was stated before in game, I think there is a clear line between creative liberty about game mechanics and violence and brutality that is over the top and obscene for the sake of being over the top and obscene. In my experience I have only ever ran into a player that breached that line and went into the realm of over the top brutality (against one of my characters without my consent which is a whole other issue) for the sake of proving a point that the character had more power over mine.

It was also cited in game that BM is a medieval simulator, and that era in time was called the "dark ages" for a reason. It was not uncommon for a noble to see a commoner/peasant and decide that he or she would be the nobles pleasure for the evening.. I am not saying that it's okay to go around and in brutal and explicit detail describe a rape, or a sexual encounter between two consenting nobles to the point of it becoming pornographic, but semi-ambiguously describing a Brutal Takeover of a region is not something I feel should be denied to players.   
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