Author Topic: Is it normal for a new ruler to lose all titles/gov positions and duchies?  (Read 25728 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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  • Posts: 542
  • Current family: Sussex. Old family: Octavius.
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Ditto, don't you have character in Obia'Syela? Why do you have a character in realm you don't respect?

JV had 100% of high ranking positions in OS for quite some time. I'm not saying he did anything wrong, I'm not equalizing him with Domitius, I'm just pointing out hipocrisy.

Nope, you're completely wrong. I've never played in OS and I have no desire to do so - the religion they've got going doesn't fit with how I like to play my characters. Maybe do your research next time? I do make it quite clear that I play the Sussex family...

Also, the only reason why what's happened with Crixus is so objectionable to you is because you're adopting a negative attitude. As I've already talked about in this thread, I joined a realm based in Flowrestown immediately after it had been reduced to like 6 nobles thanks to a multi quitting the game. We had worse problems than you do - a sudden power vacuum AND non-stop rogue attacks AND too few nobles to boot.

But it was actually one of the funnest times I had in the game precisely because no-one bitched about it. We all RP'd it as a plague striking down many prominent nobles and tried to work together to stabilise things. It was challenging but that challenge and teamwork was what made it great.

This isn't a disaster, this is an opportunity. An opportunity for new people to show leadership and for the realm to find a new identity that doesn't centre on just one power-gamer. You've got plenty of nobles and regions in decent shape - the worst potential outcome here is that you lose Unterstrom and have to reconquer the regions belonging to Sol. That's not a disaster, it's a challenge.

Besides, you can't change anything at this point so you'd be doing yourself, your realm and everyone else a favour if, instead of complaining about a completely legitimate titan punishment, you just focused on how to make the best of things.

Honestly, if my character on DWI wasn't already have her own agenda in D'Hara then I'd be really tempted to join Swordfell right now to enjoy the dynamism that usually follows a sudden power vacuum.