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Started by Glaumring the Fox, March 03, 2011, 02:13:35 PM

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I've been thinking to have my character follow a religion, but I don't want anything too ...religion-ish :P I'd like some sort of theological discussions, but it would have to be a religion tolerating others. Nothing like the SA-imperialism :)

Or maybe not a religion, but more a philosophy. Any 'phylosopher guilds' on Dwilight?

Holos seemed to be a Socrates imitation. It died.


Quote from: Shizzle on June 03, 2011, 01:55:20 PM
I've been thinking to have my character follow a religion, but I don't want anything too ...religion-ish :P I'd like some sort of theological discussions, but it would have to be a religion tolerating others. Nothing like the SA-imperialism :)

Or maybe not a religion, but more a philosophy. Any 'phylosopher guilds' on Dwilight?

Actually, you might be interested in the Manifest Path.  It's not all that "religion-ish" ;)

You can find information about it on the Wiki, or ask Bedwyr.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Shizzle on June 03, 2011, 01:55:20 PM
Or maybe not a religion, but more a philosophy. Any 'phylosopher guilds' on Dwilight?

Join the Dwilight University!
After all it's a roleplaying game.


The Manifest Path follows no god or divine power and aims to spread the stabilizing force of civilization through the known world. We also have pork rib Wednesday.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: Galvez on June 03, 2011, 10:21:27 AM
When this war ends, they will start a feud with Libero Empire and Summerdale which will result in a war to wipe out the last heathen realms in the North.
After that, they will launch crusades against the realms of the south and try to colonize as much cities as possible to create new theocracies under the bloodstars.

I love it how people outside of SA have way more grandiose plans for our domination of the world than we do  ;D


It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You *think* that SA is going to go all Crusade on you, so you are hostile and antagonistic toward them, eventually provoking the very Crusade you feared. And we all have Fun. :)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on June 03, 2011, 04:04:44 PM
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You *think* that SA is going to go all Crusade on you, so you are hostile and antagonistic toward them, eventually provoking the very Crusade you feared. And we all have Fun. :)

Well, that's what Caerwyn did, for sure. I plan to try pushing the Church in a more militant direction as Lysander. I've decided that he looked at his father's life and how his father dealt with the people that hated SA and has decided that moderation is not the way to go. Lysander will be all about preemptive strikes  ;)


Quote from: Indirik on June 03, 2011, 04:04:44 PM
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. You *think* that SA is going to go all Crusade on you, so you are hostile and antagonistic toward them, eventually provoking the very Crusade you feared. And we all have Fun. :)

Don't get too carried away. They try to make you think that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy that plays in your favor, while in reality that same prophecy subtly insinuates that the realm housing the largest temple of all of SA is actually a heathen realm that should be wiped out.

It seems we have clever enemies....
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: De-Legro on June 03, 2011, 03:09:06 PM
The Manifest Path follows no god or divine power and aims to spread the stabilizing force of civilization through the known world. We also have pork rib Wednesday.

I read the wiki, and with great interest. That is, until I made the association with nazi-eugenetics. I must say the resemblance disgusted me.

Not that I dispute the religion in any way, I mean, this is just a game. I would have loved to join your religion, but now that I have this association in my head, there's no way I can join. Unless you prove me otherwise ;)


That's a religion? It doesn't sound like one at all. It sounds like Secular Humanism, minus most of the morality stuff. What do you worship? What do you pray to? I find in the Manifest Path nothing I would expect to find in a religion - there is no mythology, no system of personal morality, no divinity, and no faith. What you have here can at best be considered an ideology, like Marxism or (as Shizzle pointed out) Facism. Do you really think that this is SMA?,509.msg9796.html#msg9796

I am inclined to agree with what Indirik says in the above post on this topic.


Well, I think the term religion should be open to interpretation by the players.
I suppose they worship 'Civilisation' :) and after all, they do defend a certain set of beliefs/ way of living. Compare it to Buddhism?

Straight from our friend Wiki: The refutation[1] of the notion of a supreme God or a prime mover is seen as a key distinction between Buddhism and other religions. In, Buddhism the sole aim of spiritual practice is the complete alleviation of stress in samsara,[2][3] called nirvana. The Buddha explicitly rejects a creator,[4] denies endorsing any views on creation[5] and states that questions on the origin of the world are worthless.


Quote from: Indirik on June 03, 2011, 01:50:08 PM
I love this guy! Every time he posts, I want to give him a cookie.  ;D

Happy to take your cookie, as long as its in the form of gold bonds.  ;) Can make the bonds out to a "Konrad von Ironkrieg" native of Nifelheim and proud noble of Summerdale.


Which is a fair point; I suppose I mostly mean in the SMA context. And, Buddhism still has several elements which the Manifest Path is missing, such as a system of personal morality and articles of faith (in the existence of the state of Nirvana for example).


Quote from: Geronus on June 03, 2011, 06:06:39 PM
Which is a fair point; I suppose I mostly mean in the SMA context. And, Buddhism still has several elements which the Manifest Path is missing, such as a system of personal morality and articles of faith (in the existence of the state of Nirvana for example).

Well, I'm no MP afficionado, but I do think they have both. On their 'homepage' they list a series of 'truths', and the main moral rule would be 'does anything I do result in a greater good for all of mankind?'

Besides: I believe SMA is solely the base structure for Dwilight (BM). However the continent evolves from there, as long as it's accepted IG, should be SMA(?)