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Dwilight IC and OOC updates and news!

Started by Glaumring the Fox, March 03, 2011, 02:13:35 PM

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Quote from: Anaris on March 31, 2011, 02:46:21 AM
I do feel the need to clarify something here.

Though I wrote my parting OOC message in haste and anger, I never intended to state that I believed the motives for the rebellion/secession/whatever you want to call it were OOC—merely that not a peep of them had reached Alanna's ears IC.  The way I phrased it was definitely not carefully considered to ensure the clarity of that distinction, but truly, I did not mean to accuse anyone of doing things for OOC reasons.

That one was more aimed at Drystan, I think, who sent a rather nasty OOC letter to the rulers of Dwilight.


Quote from: Anaris on March 31, 2011, 02:46:21 AM
I do feel the need to clarify something here.

Though I wrote my parting OOC message in haste and anger, I never intended to state that I believed the motives for the rebellion/secession/whatever you want to call it were OOC—merely that not a peep of them had reached Alanna's ears IC.  The way I phrased it was definitely not carefully considered to ensure the clarity of that distinction, but truly, I did not mean to accuse anyone of doing things for OOC reasons.

Good to know.  Unfortunately, that opinion was not shared by all.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


While Pian and Luria Nova are of course still a hot news item, more has happened in the meantime:

Secession    (2 hours, 31 minutes ago)
The duchy of Candiels has seceded from Madina and formed a new realm called Aurvandil.

Too much messages, and I need some sleep.. see you all in the morning.
"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar


Quote from: De-Legro on March 31, 2011, 02:03:19 AM
Not being part of your rebellions this is just an outsiders opinion, but what it sounds like is you had a workable plan as long as certain assumptions and situations worked out. Now a WELL planned action would have either had steps to ensure those situations occurred, or well form contingencies to ensure the plan would still have the best chance of success.

If the Queen had reason and the ability to remove or limit those on whom your plan relied on, then to me that doesn't really sound like a great plan.

Well, if it was easy to pull off a rebellion without worrying about any changes in the plan, then of course it would have worked perfectly. We were trying to pull off a coup against one of the most paranoid rulers in the game.

Then again, it wasn't that our plan was bad, it was that I had a huge span of OOC inactivity which I couldn't help and it led to me losing my Ducal position which kind of ruined the planning. When your plan depends upon having 2 out of 3 Dukes in support, only having 1 is kind of a bummer. We almost made it work, but the span of 12 hours by a vote ousting me from my seat as Banker ruined the other part of our plan which was also used against us.

Oh well, fun times...


Quote from: Galvez on March 31, 2011, 03:14:49 AM
While Pian and Luria Nova are of course still a hot news item, more has happened in the meantime:

Secession    (2 hours, 31 minutes ago)
The duchy of Candiels has seceded from Madina and formed a new realm called Aurvandil.

Too much messages, and I need some sleep.. see you all in the morning.

Here is your answer for OOC references:

QuoteLetter from Mendicant Anhangar (1 hour, 39 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (15 recipients)

Greetings and good day, rulers of Dwilight.

I have seceded from Madina to form the new Kingdom of Aurvandil, Madina was a great and courteous home to me, and to my new subjects, but it is not a realm structured to truly thrive or work, and my duchy laboured hard to prop up greedy, profiteering lords who would rather see my people dead, than remotely risk any loss of profit. Madina is an entirely profit driven republic, and while I applaud the recent reforms of the republic, and the new cause and direction it has undertaken, I realise that Madina will never truly be able to focus its lords, or its nobles due to the restrictions and also freedoms granted to them, and our attempts to rebuild the realm from the hole it dug itself into, was forever thwarted by some of its lords.

Candiels suffered due to these lords and due to its obligations to Madina, and Madina, in turn, suffered from the strain of trying to control such a wide landmass, I have taken the like minded members of Madina, and they have joined me in my secession, to form a greater, freer realm, one of honour and chivalry, true to its principles, rather than one of profit of self serving nobles.

To the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, I hope to reach out and extend friendly relations to you, for we shall continue to see you as our brothers and friends.

To Barca, I hope that you will extend the same landmass agreements to us, that you did for my duchy whilst it was apart of Madina.

To the League of Free Nations, I was a big proponent of Madina joining your League, and I believe your cause to be just and honourable, and while Madina intended to support you, as realm like Madina, could never cohesively control its nobles and lords to a single unified purpose, while so many put personal profit and advancement ahead of the realm. We may have been able to march to your aid, but it would be a shadow of the army Madina is truly capable of.

To all other rulers, I would be obliged and honoured for the chance to speak with each of you in turn.
Mendicant Anhangar
Ruler of Aurvandil, Duke of Candiels
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)


I am just glad to see something finally happen in Madina's corner of the world again. Back when they periodically attacked Paisly, itw as interesting. Hopefully Auglardil, or whatever it's called, will provide some new political material.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Glaumring the Fox

LOVE it , the huge map is just so much more interesting and dangerous with dozens of squabbling small realms, instead of huge realms cowing everyone into be nice to eachother, this is where the fun begins. Now hurry Caerwyn and Astrum, shatter and form 4 new realms. :P
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on March 31, 2011, 10:33:31 AM
LOVE it , the huge map is just so much more interesting and dangerous with dozens of squabbling small realms, instead of huge realms cowing everyone into be nice to eachother, this is where the fun begins. Now hurry Caerwyn and Astrum, shatter and form 4 new realms. :P

Imagine if every Duchy did it :D
To be True, you must first be Loyal.
Count Ramiel Avis, Marshal of the Crusaders of the Path from Pian en Luries


Quote from: Ramiel on March 31, 2011, 10:35:01 AM
Imagine if every Duchy did it :D

Then there would be one winner, the rogue forces :P


Quote from: Vellos on March 31, 2011, 09:24:11 AM
I am just glad to see something finally happen in Madina's corner of the world again. Back when they periodically attacked Paisly, itw as interesting. Hopefully Auglardil, or whatever it's called, will provide some new political material.

Maybe some tension between Madina and Candiels, but it doesn't seem to effect us that much, besides that we might gain a trade partner.  ;)
"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar


some tension?
There will be a war and it won't last long...

It won't change much either, it just prevents Madina to anticipate in the war.
The strange thing is that the leader of Candiels was one of the prime anti SA people in Madina, so I do not really know what they achieved with this.
He must have been really greedy, just wants to feel like a monarch instead of a governor which is practically already the same in Madina....

Although i agree it adds up some fun.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog

Funny. He apparently thinks Madina is greedy. Meh, really.


Quote from: Nosferatus on March 31, 2011, 02:31:35 PMIt won't change much either, it just prevents Madina to anticipate in the war.

Wait, you were actually considering sending troops all the way north to fight Astrum? Everyone I talked thought that whole thing was some grandstanding joke. Or maybe Madina playing cheerleader from a safe distance. Do you really think you could have sent troops that far north, which would have required you to travel through realms that have forbidden passage of your troops, while your own realm was falling apart?

QuoteThe strange thing is that the leader of Candiels was one of the prime anti SA people in Madina, so I do not really know what they achieved with this.
He must have been really greedy, just wants to feel like a monarch instead of a governor which is practically already the same in Madina....

"Senator of Candiels" doesn't have quite the same ring to it as "King of Auvrandil, Duke of Candiels". Or maybe he wants to start a new realm without all the Madinan inefficiency? From reading his secession speech, it sound like he really did not like the Madinan way of doing things.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

Madina, sounds extremely inefficient. I of course totally endorse this type of roleplayed realm, its awesome, but in reality it sounds more like modern capitalist Russia... Its good to finally see some action in the south.  It looks like another realm could form in Madina... Perhaps a large group of Astroists and an army could set up shop in Madina? ::)
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on March 31, 2011, 04:13:47 PMMadina, sounds extremely inefficient. I of course totally endorse this type of roleplayed realm, its awesome, but in reality it sounds more like modern capitalist Russia... Its good to finally see some action in the south.

I can sort of see the attraction of it, and the lure of trying something new. But I don't see how it could be fun to be part of a realm that has really had all the troubles, problems, and lack of action that, at least from the outside, has plagued Madina.

QuoteIt looks like another realm could form in Madina... Perhaps a large group of Astroists and an army could set up shop in Madina? ::)

Why not? We've already been accused of trying it.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.