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Asylon Realm Thread

Started by Adriddae, July 20, 2011, 09:24:55 PM

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Quote from: Glaumring on December 25, 2012, 05:15:48 PM
And D'Harans seem to meddle and put their nose in any hole around.

Can't help it, it's forced upon us!
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Well, if your own politics are boring you, butt into someone else's!

Gustav Kuriga

Us Farronites care deeply for Asylon's affairs, and those who are in power.


Yea! Asylon should declare war on the Repubic! ;)
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Gustav Kuriga

I have this weird feeling that this will be a highly, highly unlikely event.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on December 25, 2012, 05:44:20 PM
I have this weird feeling that this will be a highly, highly unlikely event.

They need to get out of their mud holes every now and then!
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Glaumring the Fox


Priestess Ven who we all remember was killed by D'Harans. So, she is gone.

Myself, I am preaching and not involved in politics like I was before. And because I was all pervasive I have decided to sit back and allow others to grow and run the kingdom. Asylonians are highly independent and almost xenophobic. We follow our monarchy and each leader until now has been recommended by the previous, until now. We are having a true election outside of the established kings decree which will be interesting.

Leofricus was once king of Thulsoma for a short period and Grimrog has served since Thulsoma. Pre-Saxon era I might add. Asylon is also founded on the right of revolution, we support any nobles desire to overthrow the monarchy and establish his own kingship if they have enough support, nothing but monarchists are allowed. But kings must rule by popular support of the nobles.death or retirement being the only other ways to end a reign.

The majority of Asylonians are a collection of old players and some new. I am proud to have kept many loyal nobles. Over the years we lost a few to death or they left like Lady Sianon Eldrake.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on December 26, 2012, 12:42:08 AM
Myself, I am preaching and not involved in politics like I was before. And because I was all pervasive I have decided to sit back and allow others to grow and run the kingdom. Asylonians are highly independent and almost xenophobic. We follow our monarchy and each leader until now has been recommended by the previous, until now. We are having a true election outside of the established kings decree which will be interesting.

Leofricus was once king of Thulsoma for a short period and Grimrog has served since Thulsoma. Pre-Saxon era I might add. Asylon is also founded on the right of revolution, we support any nobles desire to overthrow the monarchy and establish his own kingship if they have enough support, nothing but monarchists are allowed. But kings must rule by popular support of the nobles.death or retirement being the only other ways to end a reign.

Sounds a little to the Visigothic monarchies in the Early Middle Age, with a mixture of electing-appointment system... Well, maybe they recoured more frequently to the rivals-backstabbing. Mortality was quite high among Visigothic kings  ;D

Anyway it fits nice with the background I've read about Asylon. I mean, not the backstabbing thing.


@Glaumring, Based on the RP given to our judge, the judge was doing her a favor by killing her, as in, she role played herself someone who death a gift because of all the pain she had.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


It's from eating all that poisonous fruit...
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

No, The eaters of Bloodmoon do not believe in an afterlife, there is merely this life and the one unseen. Using Bloodmoon opens up the vision into the other realm. Death does not exist, it is merely a state of mind. One thing that many do not realize is that Ven is still alive but has gone inside the other realm, the 'forest of the Green hind'. This means that she is lost but still can be contacted if she is ever found again.

The first plane is that of the forest and the home of the Green hind, once meeting the deer you will follow it on a journey. The Hind is tricky though and will lead you all about. There are several other planes, the Fox, the Bear, the Crow, but they are difficult to get to and most people spend their entire journey in the forest. Glaumring hasnt even been beyond the forest, but there has been others who have travelled further out. If you ever wonder why anyone would know there were other levels its because sometimes they can speak to the Green hind and other times they cannot, depending on what lesson is being taught. The Green hind will sometimes tell ultimate truth and then in the next sentence the deepest darkest lies. The Hind is the gate keeper and purposefully acts this way to make sure that not just anyone travels beyond the forest.

Lady Ven founded the faith and rose quickly in its knowledge. We believe that she ate the Bloodmoon and wandered following the Green hind and when she was captured knew that she was only able to pass over into the next level without her body. The D'Harans have unknowingly helped her to achieve this goal and to help our faith beyond words, for very few would willingly sacrifice their lives to test the theory. We now know that Lady Ven did survive and she is somewhere on the otherside of the forest. She may have made it to the very end. All Glaumring and the other followers know is what the Hind tells them on their sacred journies. (IE:Whether it is truth or a lie that is for our IG characters to discover.)

The fruit is merely a tool to access other realms beyond the earthly, it is like a sword, or hammer, it has a single purpose to allow mankind to see and do what has long been forgotten by their kind. It is a reminder that we are not the kings of the world and that even we are humbled by nature and blind without its teachings. It is the ultimate way of saying " For all your kingdoms, your battles and your gods you are merely blind mewling children, the truth is here and now and you cannot see it, eat this fruit and for a moment glimpse the mind of god'
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Duke Grimrog was crowned King of Asylon.
60 votes vs 8
King Grimrog Bjarnson of Asylon.


I think worshipping Daimons would have been better than worshipping some fruit...


Quote from: Zaki on December 29, 2012, 05:34:12 AM
I think worshipping Daimons would have been better than worshipping some fruit...
+1, that way you get to have plenty of Zuma interaction too. Maybe require a pilgrimage to Nightmarch and Haktoo is just like, wtf why so many vistors?
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Glaumring the Fox

The Zuma never approved of their worship. And our fruit worship stretches from Astrum to Aurvandiil and has a history since Thulsoma.
We live lives in beautiful lies...