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Started by Lorgan, July 30, 2011, 11:58:24 PM

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Quote from: Solari on August 15, 2011, 05:23:55 PM
It's well known that IVF intends to pummel Nothoi and then turn on Sint. Secession seems like a wonderfully strategic solution, in that case.  I don't have a personal problem with "strategic secessions", but if this is the benchmark for an acceptable reason, it's time to revisit the matter in Arcaea.

You ignore the fact that it's basically one big war with two sides on it, with currently but two observers (Melhed and Fheuv'n). If Fronen fails, Enweil will fail. If Enweil fails, Fronen will fail. If Riombara fails, the North will fail, and if the North fails, Riombara will fail. Maybe not on the short-term, but on the long term it is without a doubt.

If Fheuv'n hadn't seceded, Rio's army would have been rofl-stomped when it showed up, and Enweil would have been able to more quickly press the attack on Rio. The quicker Enweil kills Rio, the sooner it can go move northwards, towards Sint, for example. And the sooner Enweil comes North, the bigger the trouble for these northern realms.

Politics in Enweil were stale. Over the months since the invasion ended, I had managed to recruit many new and old nobles and enlarge my duchy significantly with the TO of Pahk and Pequad and deal for Sandlakes. However, being border regions (and two of them newly-TOed), our stats were crap and control was a huge issue. So I had a bunch of nobles that could neither politically nor economically do much. And I knew that if I didn't do something to keep them interested, they'd eventually leave, and my ambitions would suffer a huge setback. Riombara's war declaration gave me a golden opportunity to break free, empowering my nobles and giving them something interesting politically to go on with.

As a smaller realm, we've got more leeway to experiment and do things differently. New realms are always extremely malleable after all.
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Quote from: Lorgan on August 15, 2011, 05:36:14 PM
Let's just say Guillaume has not done anything to distance himself from Enweilian rule. Not before the secession when you were sending pro-Enweil and anti-Riombara propaganda out to at least one friendly ruler and not after now you're basically acting as a background noise in support of Handkor.

I don't see why we should consider IVF to be a separate entity when you don't make the effort to do it yourself, unpronounceable titles aside.

And then there's what everyone else has already said... :P

What you fail to understand is that Fheuv'n doesn't *need* any of you. We are protected by the blight, and to reach us you must go through Enweil, which is large and strong. Why the hell should Fheuv'n bother wooing anyone? Nothoi's imploding, Fronen is showing higher strength numbers than ever, and Riombara just got silly-stomped. The northern axis won its ambush, but it's a long way from winning any wars.
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Quote from: Chénier on August 15, 2011, 05:42:21 PM
What you fail to understand is that Fheuv'n doesn't *need* any of you. We are protected by the blight, and to reach us you must go through Enweil, which is large and strong. Why the hell should Fheuv'n bother wooing anyone? Nothoi's imploding, Fronen is showing higher strength numbers than ever, and Riombara just got silly-stomped. The northern axis won its ambush, but it's a long way from winning any wars.

What you fail to understand is that no one expects you to do anything but support Enweil.

I'm not even on BT, and I can tell you that any Chénier-led secession, for at least the next couple of years, will be assumed to be an ally of Enweil's, despite its being a secession *from* Enweil.

Riombara, for instance, would know without a doubt that if they wrote to you, they'd be told that they're a bunch of imperialist pigs who should bugger off, and bugger a goat, too.  They might be wrong, but they'd still know it.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on August 15, 2011, 05:45:19 PM
What you fail to understand is that no one expects you to do anything but support Enweil.

I'm not even on BT, and I can tell you that any Chénier-led secession, for at least the next couple of years, will be assumed to be an ally of Enweil's, despite its being a secession *from* Enweil.

Riombara, for instance, would know without a doubt that if they wrote to you, they'd be told that they're a bunch of imperialist pigs who should bugger off, and bugger a goat, too.  They might be wrong, but they'd still know it.

They should nonetheless try. They might have been surprised. Considering the strategic importance of being proved wrong, I'd have figured it'd be worth a try. It would also be wrong to assume that all realms of that bloc are viewed the same way.
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Quote from: Anaris on August 15, 2011, 05:45:19 PM
Riombara, for instance, would know without a doubt that if they wrote to you, they'd be told that they're a bunch of imperialist pigs who should bugger off, and bugger a goat, too.  They might be wrong, but they'd still know it.

That has happened already. I also didn't receive a personal reply, I got the answer to my letter in a public statement from Guillaume that was one big Enweil-love letter.

Furthermore, if you want to expand, you should start wooing. If you don't... then you can continue to sit there "protected" by the blight, hoping to one day find *someone* to fight Sint. The "Let's put the criminals of the continent to justice" ideology feels strange, not to say hypocritical, coming from a member of the family that founded the Blood Cult and one who publicly supports Enweil's alliance with the daimons anyway.

If you don't want to expand... then there's no reason why I should be wooing you.


Quote from: Lorgan on August 15, 2011, 05:56:57 PM
That has happened already. I also didn't receive a personal reply, I got the answer to my letter in a public statement from Guillaume that was one big Enweil-love letter.

Furthermore, if you want to expand, you should start wooing. If you don't... then you can continue to sit there "protected" by the blight, hoping to one day find *someone* to fight Sint. The "Let's put the criminals of the continent to justice" ideology feels strange, not to say hypocritical, coming from a member of the family that founded the Blood Cult and one who publicly supports Enweil's alliance with the daimons anyway.

If you don't want to expand... then there's no reason why I should be wooing you.

There are a ton of rogue regions around Fheuv'n to expand to. I don't even need to declare any wars to expand.

However, there are estates. We can't really afford to expand much, unfortunately. Half of our nobles are already lords...
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


OT RL political commentary removed. Keep stuff on topic. If you want to talk RL politics, at least do it in a separate topic over in General Discussion. Or preferably, on a different forum altogether.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Cool a forum topic about the war, interesting reading :).
You can say whatever you want about the war, but it made Fronen a hell of a lot more interesting to be in.
I think the messages count per day went up with a factor 6 :)


Quote from: Carnes on August 15, 2011, 08:25:52 PM
Cool a forum topic about the war, interesting reading :).
You can say whatever you want about the war, but it made Fronen a hell of a lot more interesting to be in.
I think the messages count per day went up with a factor 6 :)

one to six, lol


Quote from: Shizzle on August 15, 2011, 08:31:03 PM
one to six, lol

I had 57 messages in a span of about 12 hours. Try again!  8)


And the end of the world is coming. 

Melhed is joining the fight!
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


Yep. Freaking pussies want to join the winning team :P


You got that wrong. They've only voted on joining. Now come the votes on when to move, where to move, who to send, etc. If we're lucky we can expect Melhed to begin marching by the end of the war.

Draco Tanos

Melhed is the US in WWI?


lol, joined Melhed recently - can anyone tell me why the war started? I've asked IG, but I wonder if my character will get a reply...