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Topics - Ketchum

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Roleplaying / The Lucky Period after the loss of his entire unit
« on: October 14, 2013, 01:43:50 AM »
In Anrimap region on FEI island. After a battle against Angry Peasants and one lone Greater Aenilia unit.

Gary decides to let his men forage the battlefield to reduce his men equipment damage. His men present to him a Unique Item armour once full of blood and sweat of past champions. It is still stained with blood and not easy to rub off. He smiles broadly "It is an Item worthy of my blood after my critical wound which caused me bleeding for week."

There are lots of remains still around from the last battles in this region.

Your men scrounge the battlefield for three hours, and manage to acquire some equipment to replace damaged items. Equipment damage drops 1 points to 16 %.
One of your men finds something interesting among the rubble, a unique and legendary item, the Chain Mail of Blood (Armour, +8 prestige).
You should check and possibly update the history/legend of this unique item. You can do so on its wiki page.

If the page does not exist, please create it. We suggest using the following template for convenience, which will set up all categories, semantics, etc. correctly. Simply copy-and-paste it into the edit box, adding the appropriate values where applicable:
{{Infobox Unique Item

Roleplay from Gary Ketchum

"Bad captain. I order you to stand down. But you still fight them. Oh well. This prison will be my first time of many to come. Let hope not. It is a good time to tend to my wound here" Gary thought to himself.

The Greater Aenilia guard has sent food to Gary for the night. Gary thinking awhile that he almost fully recover from his wound, he decides to take his chance. He speaks with the guard "Thank you for the food."

Then Gary whispers to the guard "Psst, let me go and I will see to it that you alone will not be harmed when the Empire come knocking on these lands."

The guard stops in his track and listens attentively. Then he makes a counter offer "And my family as well?"

Gary replies "Yes, you have my word on your family and your safety."

And so Gary makes his greatest escape!

Bribing a guard, you manage to escape from your prison in Ipsosez!

Newbie Board / Noob question about Priest Duel/Training Challenge
« on: September 27, 2013, 02:20:23 AM »
I remember if priest want to issue duel challenge to a noble, it is stated as "faith is stronger than sword." and priest cannot duel. How about training match? Can priest have training match? ???

As I am curious, my priest already accepted his challenge and I can choose strategy as well. Will have to see if training match happen or not in next turn update :P

Challenged to a training match
Bichlas Tzirimuschul, Banler of Oritolon, Knight of Oritolon has challenged you to a training match. You have 1 day to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the challenge, both of you have to be in the same city with an academy.
You should answer his challenge and either accept or reject it.

Training Match result:
Training Match   (20 minutes ago)
May Ketchum, General of Oritolon, Baroness of Iglavik, Priestess of The Path Of Chivalry meets her challenger Bichlas Tzirimuschul, Banker of Oritolon, Knight of Oritolon for the agreed training match.
Bichlas has decided to use the 'defensive' strategy while May has chosen the 'neutral' strategy, giving May the advantage.
After a series of blows, May wins the training match.

Indeed faith is stronger than sword anyway :o

As subject title above stated.
I have an issue with the Red Highlighted below.
My character Brock is a Region Lord of Pedrera, a region that belong to Nivemus realm.
In my humble opinion, no realm can RolePlay they recruit another realm region as their personal guard. Currently Perdan Ruler RolePlay his character as recruit Haradrim delegation from Pedrera and Caqueta(Both are Nivemus realm regions). What are your opinion on this?

I try look back all the previous Q and A posts but cannot find anything about "invalidate RolePlay".
Sorry if I ask at wrong place.

Roleplay from Atanamir of Umbar   (8 hours, 6 minutes ago)
 Message sent to the Rulers of East Continent (7 recipients)
 "Let me see King Atanamir!", the old man shouted in the entrance hall of the palace.

 The guards and the court counselor of the King were facing an angry old man with his followers, who wanted an audience with King Atanamir.

 "The King does not interfere personally with commoners, you won't be granted an audience, no matter how loud you shout, old man!" the royal court counselor replied.

 "Old man!? I am Fandor, elder of the tribe of the Haradrim from the plains of Pedrera amd Caqueta in Nivemus. I must insist that you allow us to speak to the King. We are not commoners to him, we are his people. He is the last in the line of Fuinur, our ethnic leader, with whom we came many decades ago to this continent from the Kingdom of Umbar. The House of Umbar is our leader, some of us have followed the House till Perdan, but the majority of us still lives in the plains in the north, now under the banner of Nivemus! I demand an audience with our master!" the old man insisted and spoke proudly towards the counselor.

 The royal counselor, confused, left the room and hasted towards the office rooms, where also the office of King Atanamir was. He entered the room.

 "My King, I am sorry to disturb, but there is a..."party" that wishes an audience with you. They call themselves Haradrim and claim that you would be their ethnic leader. Their speaker calls himself Fandor. Just tell me what to say and I will send them home again, I don't want to bother you any longer..." the counselor said to Atanamir.

 "What?! Fandor!? The Haradrim?! Here, in the palace!? Send them to the Royal Hall at once. I will of course offer them an audience, you fool. These are the people with which my family sailed over to these lands many decades ago, under Fuinur, my father. They are bound to my family, since they of our ethnic origin." Atanamir shouted to the embarassed councelor.

 So the Royal Hall got prepared and Atanamir greeted the Haradrim as they entered the hall.
 The Haradrim came close to the throne and kneeled down before the King of Perdan.
 Atanamir stood up and walked over to the old man in front of them.
 "Good old Fandor, how the years have passed, but you still don't need to kneel in front of me. Tell me, servant of my father, what is it that has brought you all so far to the south?" Atanamir asked Fandor. Fandor had been the long time captain of King Fuinur. He was been there when Eleador died, and Kazakh and Avamar fell to Fuinur's troops.

 "Sire, it's this...this new realm...Nivemus. They rule over the tribes of the plains, of the Old Rancagua, with an iron fist. They have enslaved many of us for their evil plans of world domination along with the new generation of rulers in Sirion. Everything has changed since you left. The realm that should have become Old Rancagua again has failed. Nivemus is the opposite, it has nothing of the old spirit. Sire, me and these 85 men here have left our homes in Pedrera and Caqueta to come here and ask you to help us. Our young boys get recruited before they can even hold a proper sword and put as auxiliary troops into their armies which they prepare to war Westmoor. They will use them as front line fodder and we fear that we never see them again. Oligarch City, the lands south of Ashforth and even the Omskian peninsula have filled the eyes of the Nivemus "nobility" - in truth mostly former nobles from Sirion who wanted to become something - with greed! Even the last sword carrier, Talius and the Sword of Wisdom, Nolemàcil, does not help us. We have not heard since long from him. Please, help us, great King, for Glinluin, the One Sword is needed again in the North to bring order into the chaos!" Fandor explained desperately to Atanamir.

 "Fandor, these are heavy acusations you raise against Nivemus. But I have no reason not to believe you. I will enquire Kronogos Neji about this and demand an explanation. Nivemus was formed as successor state to Old Rancagua and to bring peace and freedom to the humans in the North. This was the pact made in Sirion, I was personally there. If that is the opposite, we will have to act. Also, Old Rancagua was a loyal ally to Perdan. Nivemus never tried to be this, they seem to follow other paths, and surely not the one of humanity. Too long we have been accepting this in the south. Too long. The human race in the North deserves to live in freedom and under their own rule." Atanamir replied. "I will take care of this good Fandor. Your men shall enter my personal guard and serve besides m

Colonies / Lukon vs Oritolon
« on: January 25, 2013, 07:57:48 AM »
As title subject above suggest. Let me know what your opinion.

1) Which side will win? Oritolon? Lukon?

2) Is any other realm coming to help out? ;)

3) Should Lukon win, their Empire proposal come to bear fruit soon? ::)

4) Should Oritolon win, Lukon Empire will be treated as "Lukon, go home, you are drunk"? :P

For your information, both Lukon and Oritolon are 2 long time allies and federation mates. Since they fought together against fallen realms of Portion, Alebad, Alowca, Giblot, etc. Recently their relationship is strained due to Empire proposal from Lukon.

I have a character as a Marshal of an Army. As subject title above, I have a question on Inalienable Rights(IR). I have lookup the other topics open in Questions & Answers but none whatsoever about "people voluntarily asking their own marshal what class they can change to."

As I have been playing Battlemaster since year 2009, I know we cannot force people to change class. That will be against players Inalienable Rights(IR) so I rather not touch on it. Anything that I do not know, I rather not touch or reply on it ;)

Now come this "voluntary change class request" from the noble himself.

My question: If this is voluntary change class, can we really tell them what job they can change to?

Letter from Brandon Collingwood   (5 days, 22 hours ago)

Regarding my own unit, I currently employ less than half of my capacity of men as I had hoped to pursue an alternative career.

I suppose what I am asking is, would you prefer that I remain a warrior and recruit a full force when I reach Ashforth, or would you be happy for me to continue to pursue a prestigious act so that I may be accepted into the schools of shadow-walk?  You are my Marshal and I shall respect your orders, whichever direction.


Brandon Collingwood
Knight of Oroya

My reply to the player below. My reply not violate IR for sure :)

Letter from Brock Ketchum   (5 days, 22 hours ago)
Message sent to: Brandon Collingwood
Sir Brandon,

Fighting more battles will raise up your honor and prestige very quickly. Especially big battles. It would be your preference which path you want to choose.

It is not my right to dictate order what you can or cannot change class. (OOC: Another player asking somebody to become Warrior or change class is against Inalienable Rights, I cannot force you to do this. It is up to you to decide which path you wish to take.)

Brock Ketchum
Baron of Pedrera

You have now founded the guild "Northern Swordfighters" by building its first guildhouse.
You are currently the only member of your guild, but you can recruit new members, maybe easily if membership is attractive.
Go to the Guild Management... page to start the guild business.

You also gain 2 points of prestige.

Remember that your guild and especially guildhouses will need some gold in the treasury for regular maintenance duties. 10 gold from the founding costs have been put into the treasury to cover the first few weeks, but if the guild expands, you will need more.

Here is the welcoming public board ;D

Welcome to the Northern Swordfighters.

Only the brave and strong will rise up through the ranks.

Here we are measured in our swordfighting skills.
Here we are bound by our mutual interest to see each members succeed in their aspirations.
Here we are brothers in blood and sweat.

If you think you have what it takes, do come in.

Dare you enter?

Colonies / Oritolon internal politics =Warning, OOC=
« on: December 19, 2012, 06:55:08 AM »
Oritolon always seems to have internal strife. If there is no outsider common enemy to focus on, there will be its own nobles fighting their own. How they managed to overcome their neighboring realms, 2 fallen realms of Alebad, Alowca is truly a mystery.

Other Games / [Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion
« on: October 24, 2012, 04:05:18 AM »
[Forum Game] Werewolf XII: Monster Reunion

Starting Date: 7 November 2012 Asia time GMT+8 

It's the bi-annual monster reunion! Ghosts, ghouls, werewolves, vampires, djinns and any other assorted mythical creatures have gotten together to share their plans and past experiences. Oh, don't mind the security flaws, what human would be dumb enough to come here?


Special Roles will be handed out after the last person signs up.

The game will start with a Night Zero(N0).

The game is divided into two periods - Day and Night. For practical reasons these two periods take place at the same time, from one update till the next.
Each day, all players gather and decide to lynch one of the players - the person they think is most likely to be a werewolf. Each night, the werewolves decide who to kill. In each 24 hour period, the village will lynch, and the werewolves will hunt. The villagers can try to lynch multiple people by creating a glorious, Lemeard-approved, TIE, and the werewolves can also decide not to hunt anyone at all at night. Beware of Crovaxian slips as well!


The werewolves win if they manage to reach parity with the villagers.
The villagers win if they manage to kill all the werewolves.

Player Roles:
The Good:
?x Monsters (Villagers): They just want to scare people, preferrably ones with shaky arms and crappy cameras.
1x Head witch(Seer): Knows something isn't right. Can use a dark ritual once per night to find out a player's allegiance.

The Bad:
?x Human infiltrators (Werewolves): They know monsters are real. And they're going to stop them once and for all.

The Traits:
Blessed: A Blessed person will survive a werewolf attack, but only once (the next attack will be fatal as usual). Will be revealed as a "no kill during the night". The Blessed will be unaware he is blessed.
Spiritually Attuned: A Spiritually Attuned person has a 100% chance to sense when someone is scanning them. They will have a 50% chance to learn the scanner role, and a (seperate) 25% chance to learn the identity of the scanner.
Hunter: Although strictly forbidden, this player managed to sneak in his beloved gun. He can use it to attempt to kill one person at night with it - will be shown in the update as 'player X shot player Y' - after which his trait will be used up.
Conman: Can switch one persons vote to someone else, 3 times per game. The update will not show whos vote was switched by whom, though the official votecount at the deadline will account the changed vote as normal.
Egomaniac (rival): Only cares for himself, but has a list of people who wronged him during the previous Monster Reunion installments and who he now intensely hates. Wins if he's alive at the end and those on the list are dead. If it is ever made public (posted in the thread, by himself or anyone else) that he is an egomaniac he will die of shame. Or made die of shame. However since it's a heavy allegation to call someone an egomaniac, a false one bears with it a 50% chance of dying under "unclear" circumstances.
Cursed: If a Cursed person is targeted by the Werewolves, they become one themselves. It will be revealed as a "no kill during the night". The Cursed will be unaware he is cursed until attacked by a Werewolf.
Brutal: If lynched, has the power to immediately kill one person before being subdued. Only werewolves can have this trait.

Leader: May declare that the victim/all victims of a lynching will not be lynched, and pick one other character to be lynched instead. If the lynched character is not a baddie the Leader ability is used up. There will never be more than one Leader at any given time. If used the identity of the Leader will be announced in the daily update.

Second in command: Will become the Leader if the current Leader is used up (eg killed or has leaderlynched a goodie). There will be no more than one Second in command at game start.

Third in command: Will become the Leader if the Leader and Second in command are used up (eg killed or has leaderlynched goodies). There will be no more than one Third in command at game start.

Fourth in command, Fifth in command etc.: should be obvious, no?

Not necessary, but feel free to do so. Otherwise GM will do Roleplay for your Monsters, during the Death Update.

The Deadline:


The deadline of this game is ( <- BM Sunrise Time, Battlemaster forum Time will be 6.00AM)
Votes and orders made before BM Sunrise will count.

A vote posted at BM Sunrise will count. One posted at 6:01AM will NOT!
Voting Ends At Deadline Even If Game Moderator Is Not Present!

Other Rules:
§1A. - You sign up to the game by requesting so in a post in this thread.
§1B. - No new players will be admitted after the game has started, EXCEPT if substituting for another player. For dead players, you are allowed to sub in on following conditions. Bad guy sub in for bad guy is usually not a good idea.
§1C. - You may at any time be substituted out by requesting so in the thread.
§1D. - Players are responsible for any Private Messages (PMs) missed due to inbox being full.

§2. - Orders and votes submitted after deadline are ignored.

§3A. – Players will vote daily. Should they not vote, they can inform GM early. There will be no exceptions unless the Game Moderator states otherwise.
§3B. – Invalid votes (Voting for Game Moderator/Ghosts) will not be accepted.
§3C. – In the event of a TIE, BOTH players will be executed.
§3D. - The player(s) with the majority of votes at deadline is considered dead. He will not reveal any inside information after the deadline.

§4B. - When doing ghost/spectator commentary, please use a non-white colour.

§5. - Alliances and Feuds which aren't based on your characters or roles in the game between players are forbidden. Alliances and Feuds which continue from one game to another undermine the whole idea of the game.

§6A. – The Game Moderator has the last word on all matters.
§6B. – If the Game Moderator makes a mistake (e.g. with the vote count, hunt/scan orders), if critical information has been revealed, the mistake will be kept.

§7A. – Forging PMs is allowed. Screenshots of PMs is not.
§7B. - Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is allowed - have fun trying to convince everyone that the GM actually wrote it. GM will not confirm the thread posted PMs from the GM.

§8. – Voting must be done in the following way. Write "VOTE" and the person you are voting for in as big bold text. For example:

VOTE Ketchum

If you wish to un-vote someone, write UNVOTE:

UNVOTE Ketchum - VOTE Pokemon

Any other type of voting will not be counted and will make you eligible for subbing. In case of re-voting without un-voting the original vote will be the counted vote. DO NOT EDIT VOTES AFTER POSTING THEM.

§9. - The GM can and will remove players if the GM believes the player is not participating at his/her full capacity. This will be done through the use of killing the player's role, or using substitutes, if they are available. All such decisions are made solely at the discretion of the GM. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR THE GAME IF YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T PARTICIPATE.

§10A. – Trust no one. Especially not the GM.
§10B. - Always Trust the GM.

§11. - Ketchum will deal with all medical problems, you know.
§11.1 - Sadly, even Ketchum can't cure stupidity.

Questions & Answers / Can old folk home club is considered as clan?
« on: September 27, 2012, 08:34:00 AM »
Can I post question here instead of Question and Answer there?
Since it is closely related with this case.

Can old folk home club is considered as clan? Example, the old folk home club consists of all old players in a realm.

Other Games / [Forum Game] Werewolf VII: The Empire Strikes Back
« on: September 12, 2012, 05:15:43 AM »
[Forum Game] Werewolf VII: The Empire Strikes Back

Starting Date: 18 September Asia time GMT+8

In a galaxy far, far away...

The Emperor lies dead, the Empire is defeated and the former rebels have restarted the republic on Coruscant. Leaders are elected, heroes are celebrated and everything is going according to plan.
What has yet to be revealed is that amongst the new leaders and heroes are a few vicious, sinister and, most of all, dangerous agents of the fallen Empire. And they will have their revenge...

Standard Big Rules

Special Roles will be handed out after the last person signs up. Everyone will get a PM.

The game will then proceed to a Night deadline.

The game is divided into two periods - night and day. For practical reasons these two periods take place at the same time, from one update till the next.
Each day, all players gather and decide to lynch one of the players - the person they think is most likely to be a werewolf. Each night, the werewolves decide who to kill. In each 24 hour period, the village will lynch, and the werewolves will hunt. The villagers can try to lynch multiple people by creating a glorious, Lemeard-approved, TIE, and the werewolves can also decide not to hunt anyone at all at night. Beware of Crovaxian slips as well!

The werewolves win if they manage to reach parity with the villagers.
The villagers and seer win if they manage to kill all the werewolves.

§1A. - You sign up to the game by requesting so in a post in this thread.
§1B. - No new players will be admitted after the game has started, except to substitute for another player.
§1C. - You may at any time be substituted out by requesting so in the thread.
§1D. - Failure to vote will lead to immediate substitution.

§2A. – Players will vote daily. See Rule 1D.
§2B. – Invalid votes (Voting for Game Moderator/Ghosts) will not be accepted and be considered to be in violation of Rule 2A.
§2C. – In the event of a tie all tied players will be executed.
§2D. - The player(s) with the majority of votes at deadline are considered dead. They will not reveal any inside information after the deadline. The presumed dead player(s) should post in green text until their true role is confirmed.

§3A. - Orders and votes submitted after deadline are ignored.
§3B. - Orders (scans, hunts, et cetera) are sent to the Game Moderator via PM.
§3C. - Players are responsible for any Private Messages missed due to inbox being full.

§4A. - Spectators and ghosts may comment, but never suggest a course of action, reveal any new information, including vote counts. Preferably spectators will comment only in a manner tangential to the actual game.
§4B. - When doing ghost/spectator commentary, please use a non-white colour.

§5. - Alliances and Feuds which aren't based on your characters or roles in the game between players are forbidden. Alliances and Feuds which continue from one game to another undermine the whole idea of the game.

§6A. – The Game Moderator has the last word on all matters.
§6B. – If the Game Moderator makes a mistake (e.g. with the vote count, hunt/scan orders), if critical information has been revealed, the mistake will be kept.

§7A. – Forging PMs is allowed. Screenshots of PMs is not.
§7B. - Posting or quoting of PMs from the GM is not allowed - real or forged.

§8A. – Voting must be done in the following way. Write "VOTE" and the person you are voting for in bold text.
§8B. - If you wish to un-vote someone, write "UNVOTE" and their name in bold text.
§8C. - In case of re-voting without un-voting the original vote will be the counted vote.
§8D. - Do not edit votes after posting them. If you make a mistake, like not bolding, unvote and revote in a new post.
§8E. - Votes should be oversized or clear of other text to ensure they are not missed by the GM.

§9. - The GM can and will remove players if the GM believes the player is not participating at their full capacity. This will be done through the use of killing the player's role, or using substitutes, if they are available. All such decisions are made solely at the discretion of the GM.

Player Roles

1 x Jedi (Seer)
2 x Imperial Agents (Werewolves)
X x Rebel Heroes (Villagers)

Roles May or May Not In

1 X Bounty Hunter (Hired by Darth Sidious before his demise)
1 X Sleeper Imperial Agent
1 X Padawan


Deadline will be:

The deadline of this game is ( <- BM Sunrise Time, Battlemaster forum Time will be 6.00AM)
Votes and orders made before BM Sunrise will count.

Voting ends at the deadline even if the GM is not present. All players except the presumptive lynchee(s) are permitted to post analysis of the game between the deadline and the update.

Colonies / Goodbye Judge of Oritolon!
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:10:30 PM »
Letter from Ash Ketchum   (just in)
After much consideration, I have decided to step down. I wont be running for next Judge election.

Juggling responsibilities as Judge and Ambassador at same time has taken a toll on my body and my health.
Besides, my age is not getting younger.
My Healer had advise me to take it easy and be more relaxing.

Overall I just want to focus completely on my Ambassador role and working together with Ruler on Oritolon diplomacy side.
Diplomacy is not something to be taken lightly. So I plan to devote my time fully to work on it.

This decision is taken with heavy heart.

I am sure there are many Nobles in Oritolon who are eager and want to contribute to our realm.
There are many creative suggestion put forward recently.
Young Sir Robin has been engaging in discussion to Inner Circle to move Oritolon forward.
Sir Remi is another such noble who raised quite many points during our discussion on religion.
Even our Minister of War Gellin is a good Marshal. He has the vision for the army.
There are many other Nobles who work quietly behind the scene.
Minister of Finance Moros for example, he ensure our food supply and demand are meet, along with financial needs.
These are the young Oritolon Nobles and they have the vision to move forward.
There are too many to be mentioned here.

I am hoping that my early announcement will prepare the realm candidates for Judge election vacancy next month.
I will still be here to give advice and suggestion as needed.

For Oritolon!
Ash Ketchum
Minister of Justice of Oritolon, Ambassador of Oritolon

Colonies / Best letter joke ever?
« on: July 02, 2012, 09:47:22 AM »
Letter from a prisoner   (50 minutes ago)

Prisoner Bastian has sent you a letter:

Lord Judge of Oritolon,

courtesy does not seem to run in your blood for peaceful nobles out
of diplomatic status and this turns quite disappointing.
Coming unguarded was the best way to ensure that Oritolon nobles had
nothing to be afraid of it and well, patrols did have quite some time to capture me,
thus my enquiry is plain and forward. Why to capture a noble who sits on a table
unguarded with only peaceful intentions while seeking for a way to resolve the dispute
that keeps apart two realms that have nothing to fight for anymore?

Secondly, talking to a person behind the cell door and expecting to discuss diplomacy,
looks more like the training of the dog, considering that my needs are greater
while in prison disabling me from having a clear position on the issue.
You know, the food, if any... is terrible in this rotten prison.

My diplomatic coming was under the blesses of Minas Thalion royal family
who values integrity and loyalty of a peaceful mind more than Oritolon higher nobility
who merely stand on the etiquette by treating their prisoner as a rogue for not bearing
the necessary credentials of the diplomatic bourgeoisie.

However, one would be a fool to spoil any opportunity, even if unfair and not well balanced,
to discuss the option of peaceful resolution of the current diplomatic dispute between
a considerable power of the South and a dying realm of the North that poses absolutely
no threat to Oritolon anymore; Minas Thalion can hardly cope with exerting authority
over the distant Drenga. Thus, if I may ask, what is the reason behind this hatred?
Why not support Minas Thalion's new beginning and gain a powerful friend in the North
instead, thus avoiding the sad outcomes of any long war who leads to total annihilation,
such as many dissatisfied refugees whose only purpose will be to revenge those responsible
for their doom to live in foreign lands? Support relocation of Minas Thalion and a
prosperous future may lie ahead.

I assure Oritolon that if coming to a conclusion, the wise Crown of Minas Thalion
will not refuse hearing to anyone bearing diplomatic news, being formal diplomat or not.

Keep in mind, what is simply common knowledge; no friendship can last eternally and
sooner than expected, Oritolon may strive to find personalities that can be trusted.
Actively supporting the relocation of your former enemy is something difficult to forget.


Colonies / Farewell thee, Giblot!
« on: May 15, 2012, 05:38:05 AM »
I think Giblot about demise, deserve a good new topic on its own. Now Giblot left but 1 city.

Let us discuss the former glory and finally why Giblot come to this demise situation overhere ::)

Who will claim those Giblot former lands by the way? ???

Helpline / Is this a new Feature implemented or a bug?
« on: February 03, 2012, 11:48:41 AM »
My character, May, a priestess on Colonies island, is unable to see any Command button today, out of sudden  :o

My question, is this a feature which make the priest class unable to set up their estate to support either authority or production anymore?

By the way, checking on Politics>View your current oath status, I found this:

You are currently
    a knight of Iglavik
    a member of Oritolon
As such, you owe your allegiance to your local lord (Orlen Waroe, Baron of Iglavik).

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