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Messages - Draco Tanos

East Island / Re: Propogandize Me
June 14, 2011, 11:04:35 PM
As a priest, who usually loves the method of travel for our class over the standard method, I can honestly say that travelling along the Obsidian Islands is a royal pain in the rear.  Between regions is usually 6 or more hours, and between the island chains?  11 to 20-some. 

Definitely takes some massive time pools to travel around. >.<
Beluaterra / Re: the conflict looming
June 11, 2011, 12:35:12 PM
Quote from: Fleugs on June 11, 2011, 11:44:56 AMand as far as I know, none have managed to control a state yet (which is a huge requirement for a religion, in my opinion).
Excluding the theocracy of Sint, right? :P
Beluaterra / Re: the conflict looming
June 08, 2011, 01:01:15 PM
Quote from: Nosferatus on June 07, 2011, 05:31:25 PM
Allthough Talmarkin is a colony of OG, Melhed was there only and true ally during the invasion and it's aftermath, helping them considerably.
If it really comes to it and the odds are somewhat even, Talmarkin will probably choose for Melhed above OG.
Colony of OG and Rio, if I remember correctly.

Melhed was not their only "and true" ally during the Invasion or its aftermath.  Because if that was the case, Thalmarkin would have no regions right now.  They'd have all long since starved and gone rogue.  It was Grehkian food that kept them alive.

Pomatim would also again be flying the OG banner above it rather than the Thalmarkin one.  OG had plenty of chance to seize it but held off because Thalmarkin needed a more constant food source.
Development / Re: Donations and Titles
June 01, 2011, 10:40:21 PM
Unfortunately, at least one Advy player (the one who I noticed this with) has said his character has been attacked by nobles for "impersonating a noble" because of the Sir tag.

I agree completely that they should have something to signify that they're donors, but that Sir is inappropriate for an adventurer.  As to what...  That's one of the reasons I put this here, so that it can be discussed some.  I'll confess I don't exactly know what sort of titles, if any, would have been appropriate for Freemen.
Development / Donations and Titles
June 01, 2011, 02:42:07 PM
So, an adventurer contacted one of my nobles and I couldn't help but notice his signature.


Obviously such an honorific is inappropriate for a commoner, but what could it be replaced with to signify donor without being immersion breaking?
Helpline / Re: Question about ranks
May 30, 2011, 03:33:52 AM
Earl and Count are technically the same feudal rank, just Earl tends to be the Anglo-Saxon/British version of it.  A female Earl is a Countess. 
You're also not paying them to stand around fiddling with their robes while in the camp next to yours, allied soldiers who may have very well saved your life, and will if there's a second battle, are dying.
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
May 26, 2011, 08:58:20 AM
Quote from: Nosferatus on May 26, 2011, 07:35:57 AM
why did he came alone then?
I don't understand.  Could you reword that so it makes sense?  Does a missionary need armies to convert people?
Quote from: Nosferatus on May 26, 2011, 07:35:57 AMWill be hard to start a religion on your own.
Perhaps, but the character has already found people interested in the faith.  In Madina.

Quote from: Nosferatus on May 26, 2011, 07:35:57 AMWhen you start it just make sure it is not called church of 'humanity', or any other ridiculous name.
How is "Church of Humanity" ridiculous when our characters are based in worlds plagued by marauding bands of Undead, Monsters, and Daimons/Demons (not to mention the occasional elf on EC)?  If anything, based on the surroundings, it makes perfect sense.  Especially when there ARE daimon worshiping cults out there.

While I understand Dwilight is the "Serious Medieval Atmosphere" island/continent, it's still a medieval fantasy environment, so long as there are undead, monsters, and daimons lurking about.  Not to mention the wizards that Adventurers can find and the scrolls that enable us to cast magic.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love for a BM island based on Europe/the Mediterranean region with bandits instead of undead and rogue mercenary companies instead of monsters...  But I don't see that happening any time soon.
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
May 26, 2011, 04:04:50 AM
It is, but the Church isn't like how it was when it was founded.  One day I need to pick up the initiative to start tweaking the wiki pages. 
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
May 25, 2011, 10:42:36 PM
You are correct on both parts, Nosferatus. =P

Honestly, that message only encourages my character to stay.  Not because he's dishonorable, but because he went there as a missionary to spread his family's traditional Church to Dwilight.

Yes, I made him a missionary.
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
May 25, 2011, 09:19:47 PM
QuoteGreetings Sir Solarus. If'n ya be a young man of honour I suggest you find another realm, there is no future for men of honour in Madina. The best and the brightest of Madina don't stay in Madina for long if they hope to move forward in life.
An IC message yes, but it certainly helps reveal why they have so few nobles when their own royal council starts to scare people away!
Feature Requests / Re: title in message.
May 21, 2011, 10:36:04 PM
And has it ever occurred to you that a priest wouldn't care if others thought his religion was "important" or not, but some would rather it be clear when they're speaking from a position of spiritual authority rather than temporal?
 Rank 2 SHOULD have similar mechanics to rank 1 then, including but not limited to changing the name of its own title.  So some religions (Like Ibladesh's faith) aren't stuck with "Guildmaster" or whatever it is, which makes little sense.
Not to mention that while Jesus is the prophetic figure in Christianity, He's NOT the founder of the Roman Catholic Church.  That was Saint Peter, the first Pope.  Jesus considered Himself a Jew first and foremost. 
In favor of the general idea.  Religions shouldn't be semi-crippled just because a leader disappears.  Just because the Pope dies doesn't mean the Roman Catholic Church can't suddenly appoint a new one.

This also shouldn't consider paused/inactive characters either as "above in rank".